I love putting makeup on in the morning, I shop for makeup for fun (sometimes just to wander around and look! Thank you for your support! 🙁  I’m so sorry you had to go through that. The love for this hobby is the key requirement. My mom remembers me having a strong interest in all things fashion & beauty related from the time I was two years old, and some of the earliest gifts I remember receiving were actual children’s cosmetic kits. I wrapped you in fine linen and covered you with silk.  I suspect it is a temporary addiction and obsession. I wouldn't go so far as taking a true anatomy class for your particular goals, although many artists do take such a class, or an easier and more limited "anatomy for artists" class. Find the top recommendations as voted by our Editor and community members here! I have friends and family who continously compliment me on my makeup and ask me to do theirs for special occasions, but I have to decline because I am uncomfortable with the idea of putting makeup on others so it could never be more than a hobby for me! Oct 21, 2019 - Explore Cham'yon Duncan's board "Makeup Is My Hobby" on Pinterest. Just the other night I was trying to explain to my husband why I enjoy watching YouTube makeup videos, reading makeup blogs, and buying makeup. Duplicate a high-end product or never buy the same shade twice. Frustrates me sometimes when I can’t get enough of it! In its proper place, makeup can be a beautiful and faith-filled form of self-expression, and a distinctly feminine pastime akin to wearing our best clothes and jewelry. Looking for the best makeup and beauty products? As an added bonus, my husband often noticed and commented on my efforts, similar to the way Solomon complimented the beauty of his bride-to-be (Song 1:10). I buy to use for need. Xxx, No, it’s not a hobby. Looking for the perfect color? I’d say that for me, it’s on its way to becoming a hobby. I would say it used to be a hobby – now it’s a little more than that–and not in a bad way–I just think I live, sleep, and breathe beauty, which goes a little above and beyond a hobby! True beauty is not found in outward adornment, but in our conduct, which is an extension of our heart (Matthew 15:18): Do not let your adorning be external — the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear — but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. It started out as a hobby, but it’s definitely more than that now. 16 talking about this.  I kept thinking it would pass, but it hasn’t. How do you apply cream or liquid highlighter. Read my 5-day devotional and discover how an identity rooted in Jesus can defeat your shame and fear of failing to live up to extra-biblical expectations. Â. I’m obsessed with it 😀 it’s sad that I can’t buy stuff i obsess about though 🙁 I like to put together looks.  I enjoy wearing it and creating a variety of looks with my favorite products, even though I am too lazy to do so everyday. I’ve always had a weakness for makeup and lipsticks, but I do suspect that the current phase of daily following or collecting will eventually recede back into the mists. A few months ago, I wrote an article for Legacy about friendship. Please keep discussion on-topic, and if you have general feedback, a product review request, an To struggle with our physical appearance is fundamentally human. Make up is definitely a hobby for me. I love to play with testers and get new things as I run out. If you see it as a hobby, then for you, it's a hobby. Pink and red are amazing together!  Rock on! 🙂. removed. I consider it as hobby but I’d love to make a career on it.   I think I also do research on more products then I buy, but researching lets you know what products aren’t worth the money and which ones may be.Â, Interesting take on it, and yes absolutely! Tell us your current shade match, and we'll help you find a match in your next foundation or concealer! Free foundation sponge applicator with $55+, ends 3/06. How do you feel about product pre-orders? ).Â, Make up is definitely my favorite hobby! for more basic information like pricing, availability, and so on to make sure your question wasn't  @NatashaP My situation was similar with my mother being a dental assistant, divorced from my father when I was five, and taking care of two small children..almost unheard of at that time. For the Christian woman, makeup is a hobby, not a necessity. 29 November 2016 29 November 2016 anggitaddwi. I love colours, textures, luxury products. Submit yours here. However, if you supply items or services to a business as part of your hobby, that business has to ask for an ABN when they pay you and may need to … I don’t collect any other beauty items. I don’t know if it’s a hobby – I think of it more as just part of my routine to look good and at my best, sort of like any other health/hygiene part of my routine.  🙂,  @wwendalynne My mom was also divorced and was the only woman in her department.  It was a tough time.  Thank goodness times have changed!Â. A portion of the population still sees the use of cosmetics as a vain attempt to change who you are and what features you were born with. Weeks passed. We hope you'll consider supporting Temptalia by shopping through our links below. Both Teens and Adults can take part in this hobby, however you need two Sims to complete this hobby. For some, finding a hobby is a natural and easy process. It might not seem as productive as reading, writing or gardening. i have 15 lipsticks…I have my coral, my dark red, my vibrant red, my nude, my sheer pink, my glam pink, my “everyday lips but better”, etc. As I watched YouTube videos, bought new products, and practiced my skills, I quickly realized that, among my sisters in Christ, a zest for makeup might be ridiculed as insecurity or vanity. Real women of God don’t need concealer to leave the house feeling their best; their confidence is rooted in Christ alone and not in beauty hacks. Makeup is such a big part of my life, at first it was a hobby but now its become a passion and I want to pursue a career in the beauty industry! On the surface, my amazement and passion for the world of makeup is a hobby. It was getting to the point where I didnt even know what I had so I had to get something with a drawer for every item (lips, face, eyes etc).  It is a hobby that I have definitely have gotten good at over time. I enjoy watching cosmetic looks, and I keep a running notebook of all the MAC collections. I actually just bought a plastic drawer set to store my whole collection. answered already. Whether we’re pregnant, wrestling with our weight, warring against acne, or just watching ourselves age, we all know what it’s like to see our faces in the mirror and wish we could change something. off-topic question, or need technical support, please is “makeup” a hobby?   will typically be removed after errors are fixed (unless a response is needed). A hobby of mine is the creation of beautiful fine art photographic prints. And I had more than one friend reach out to me and ask me if we were okay. I should be laying in a hotel bed binging Parks and Rec with my husband. A lot of people think women wear makeup to get a man or because they’re insecure or vain, but I see makeup as fun, creative, and as a form of self-expression. It was a tangible way for me to begin my day looking my very best, accentuating the features the Lord had given me, and trying to downplay effects of the fall — like fatigue. For me, it’s a hobby AND a passion :’)) !!!!!!!!! ), and read blogs like this regularly in my downtime. YIKES! If your hobby is making you cash but it isn’t fun, then it isn’t a hobby, it’s work. Reviews of the newest releases from best to worst! Is it more? Find a product dupe or compare two palettes. The Proverbs 31 woman’s fear of the Lord was to be praised over charm or beauty (Proverbs 31:30). She and her husband Phillip have one son, and they reside in small town Mississippi. I’ve been in Atlanta all week with my husband. This article originally appeared at Desiring God. As women, our outward appearances often have a huge impact on how we’re perceived in our society — and on how we perceive ourselves. What began as a hobby, (pun intended) more than 10 years ago, has now turned into a full time career. I think that I have pretty decent make-up skills, and hope that my blog will help others learn to appreciate make-up and to improve their skills. What I was going through is something that so many women experience on a day-to-day basis. Jahura Hobby is a self taught makeup artist in Michigan. If your boyfriend had to do his own makeup, apparently he'd see it as a chore. I actually used the word hobby at one point, and as soon as I did he said, “OK, that makes sense.” Makeup is simply another form of art.  Even though I have tons, I continue to shop for other makeup products that I am curious to try. So reading beauty blogs is my hobby, makeup itself is not.Â. In its proper place, makeup can be a beautiful and faith-filled form of self-expression, and a distinctly feminine pastime akin to wearing our best clothes and jewelry. A couple of months. They apply makeup and prosthetics on others for a variety of purposes such as television, theatre, film, fashion, modelling, photo shoot, magazines and many more. Who’s to say your passion won’t inspire others to trade tedium for … Jasmine has written for CBMW, RAANetwork, The Gospel Coalition, and more. Is it just something you’re really interested in? You could be laid back with mascara and a little liner, or you could play it up with a hard crease and some bold lipstick. i think it’s more of an obsession than a hobby for me. By the way, it’s more than okay to carry that little-girl-in-awe-starry-eyed-smiling-face with you into adulthood, especially in regards to makeup! I am so curious about the beauty universe, I love to read everything and try what could be better for my skin. Ruth and Rahab are both female Gentiles mentioned in the lineage of Christ, and the former’s loyalty and the latter’s faith bore mention in the Scriptures where their features did not. (1 Peter 3:3–4). The wife who Jacob prized as the most beautiful didn’t end up bearing the son who would lead to Christ; the plainer girl did (Genesis 29:35). Luckily, we’ve got tons of fun hobbies that also bring in bank. the ability to create an amazing, completely over the top makeup look to match it.  Could be addicted to much worse. Whether we were blessed with perfectly symmetrical faces and bodies that just won’t quit, or acne scars and postpartum lumpiness, we are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26) and are therefore precious in his sight. God’s word makes it clear that we … Beauty is for everyone and makeup is definitely an … comment policy may be Are you new to the world of foundation or have you never felt like you've found an ideal shade match? I know all too well the fear of making an idol of self. A hobby, a passion, and an art! All rights reserved. And I put a ring on your nose and earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head. Yes, I’d say a hobby is a good description.  It’s not a vocation (don’t earn money off it) and while I enjoy it, it doesn’t define me.  I spend time researching it, allocate a budget towards new purchases, practice new looks, etc.  Similar to my other hobbies such as rowing with regular practices or woodworking where I’m often reading reading books on perfecting technique or researching new tool purchases. … 5 Unique Rules That Help Me Fund My Makeup Hobby Without Going Broke By Kristina Marie King Wednesday, February 28, 2018 Living in New York, it’s easy to get caught up in the drive for more, more, more — but then get slammed with the bills, bills, bills and suddenly find yourself regretting all … But I do spend a good part of my week thinking/blogging/playing with it 🙂 Comments that do not adhere to our http://nineteenoone.blogspot.ca/. We live in a culture where our personalities are seen as the compass of our calling. I dont put many thing everyday, I should do more, but I really like to know about everything and choose what is better for me!  Some days when I know I’ll be home all day, I’ll even practice new looks for a special event that is coming up so I can actually see if I like the look before the big day! If makeup provides you pleasure then surely makeup is your hobby. We earn commission from affiliate links/codes.