Share. Starmen.Net Mother 3 Walkthrough. "Blundering, chubby soldiers who began showing up in Tazmily one day." Watch later. Wuartz requested this battle since he has problems with it himself. Head back to Osohe Castle. A Clayman. Tap to unmute. Starmen.Net Mother 3 Walkthrough. Lucas first visits the factory while in pursuit of the malfunctioning Clayman carrying the Egg of Light.He is mistaken for the commander of the Pigmask Army, and he and his party recieve Pigmask uniforms.They then continue through the western exit and onto the Highway, where they see a dump truck drive off with the Clayman.. An English translation patch of MOTHER 3 can be found here. In Mother 3 In Chapter 5. Claymen are a blend of clay with a metal rod stuck in at the top. Contents. The Claymen appear in Mother 3, and only appear every once in a while. Copy link. Keep going. Info. 1.1 Egg Hunting; 1.2 Up the Tower; 2 ... they find a path in one of the holes, leading to an old and weathered Clayman. Chapter 5 is the fifth numbered chapter in Mother 3, out of the 8 chapters in the game. NOTE: This walkthrough is currently a work-in-progress. Keep following the path in. The Clayman Lab is the area in Mother 3 where you go to work part-time so that you can get into Club Titiboo and find Lucky/Duster.Anybody who works here will be given a free pass so that you can go to the Club that night. Shopping. A clayman also appears as a boss in Chapter 2. They do have a few big roles in the game though. When Duster loses his memory, he hid the egg of light or hummingbird egg in a long abandoned clayman. In both Mother 3 and Mother 3.5, the Claymen serve as the workforce of the Pig Army. They are the primary soldiers of the Pigmask Army, and are the first class of Pigmask Army soldier encountered in the game, when they are found by Duster and Wess to be invading Osohe Castle. EarthBound 64 (Japanese: MOTHER3:豚王の最期 Mother 3: Fall of the Pig King), is a cancelled Nintendo 64 game that was planned as the third game in the Mother series.The game began development for the Nintendo 64DD with a projected release in 1999, but was switched to a normal Nintendo 64 Game Pak when the Nintendo 64DD proved to be unsuccessful; however, due to the … In one chapter, you will play as Lucas while Boney goes off to exercise, and you will have to find Tired Claymen and take them back to the beginning of the building. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. — Battle Memory Pigmasks are a group of enemies in Mother 3. 1 Synopsis. Location []. When the rod is charged with a powerful shock of electricity, the Clayman will take shape and be filled with energy. After working for a while, they loose energy and sink down slowly until recharged. Claymen are lumps of clay in Mother 3 animated by the Pigmasks to do their dirty work, like breaking doors and digging tunnels. Fight the Clayman. In Chapter 7 She can use PSI. She'll soon get over it and learn new PSI. Duster recognizes the Clayman as being the one that he buried the Egg in, and examines it closer. Go back to the room you found the fancy jar in. Wess will open the path (:D) Kumatora (pink haired girl) will join you. You also have to fight them every once in a while. -- HELP US WITH THE MOTHER 3 WALKTHROUGH! You're signed out. Kumatora will start sweating once and a while and make it so you can't run.