Most cobras grow about 6 feet long, but the king cobra, the world’s largest poisonous snake, can grow 18 feet long! 2. Some cobras can spray venom at the eyes of an attacker to cause blindness. King cobras lay their eggs in nests. There are too many amazing facts about these non-cobra snakes, but all facts about king cobras arenât necessary to know to prepare for an encounter. There are 12 species of cobras and they all live in Asia, Africa and India. In Mandarin Chinese, the snake is known as ZhÅnghuá yÇnjìngshé (ä¸è¯ç¼é¡è, lit. King Cobra. King cobra lives in Southeast Asia. Cobraâs venom is a neurotoxin that stops the victimâs breathing and heartbeat. Most of those species are in the family Elapidae, and most of them can spread their neck ribs to form a flattened, widened hood. The Egyptian cobra was first described by Swedish zoologist Carl Linnaeus in 1758. Funny! Interesting Spitting Cobra Facts: 11-20. The specific name the Egyptian cobra "haje" is the translation from the Arabic word hayya (ØÙØ©) which literally means "snake". Most so-called, and all "true", species of cobras belong to the family Elapidae. 1. There are several species, or types, of cobra. Retrieved from, Copyright © 2021 All Rights Reserved |. Fun Facts for Kids. They usually also have yellowish or white crossbars or chevrons. Top 20 Facts About King CobraKing Cobra is the longest, strongest, deadliest and largest venomous snake in the world. In English it is the common name for various venomous snakes.Most of those species are in the family Elapidae, and most of them can spread their neck ribs to form a flattened, widened hood.. This page was last modified on 23 December 2020, at 02:10. The longest known individual measured 5.85 m (19.2 ft). Most of those species are in the family Elapidae, and most of them can spread their neck ribs to form a flattened, widened hood. Easy Science for Kids Website all about Cobras, Take the FREE & fun all about Cobras quiz, A king cobra doesn’t have the most venomous poison, but it injects a lot in its victims. Learning Colors! Cobra is a name of a snake and a girl cobra is called 'cobra Kai.' 5. They eat other snakes, eggs and small mammals, such as rats. ⦠They can be green, brown, dark brown in color. They fiercely protect their babies. ⦠King cobras eat other snakes, including venomous ones. Cobras are Elapids, a type of poisonous snake with hollow fangs fixed to the top jaw at the front of the mouth. 8 Interesting Facts About The King Cobra. And just to make them a little scarier, they hiss loudly to scare off potential predators. < >. The King Cobra is the world's longest venomous snake. The head is black with two crossbars near the snout and two behind the eyes. This is called a dry bite. The king cobra, the world’s largest poisonous snake, can grow 18 feet long! Their venom is not the most potent among venomous snakes, but the amount of neurotoxin they can deliver in a single... # 3. 7 FUN FACTS ABOUT COBRAS! Question: What are the markings on a cobra’s back? The monocled cobra (N. kaouthia) has a single eye on the hood, while the Chinese cobra (N. atra) has only the U-shaped loop. Cobra Fun Facts for Kids ." They strike their prey at lightening speed. Answer: These markings look like eyes, but they’re just skin patterns. Suddenly, a rat scampers past. Question: How many eggs does a cobra usually lay? When feeling threatened, cobras can tilt back and flatten their heads into their warning posture. King cobras mostly eat other snakes, lizards, and small mammals. Cobras are famous for the threatening hood at their neck. Cobras can’t hear sounds in the air, but they feel vibrations on the ground. Cobras are carnivores. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. A full-grown king cobra is yellow, green, brown or black. The venom is strong enough to affect the eyes. 3. King cobras are fantastic swimmers and excellent climbers. King Cobra Facts For Kids ⦠The King Cobra is the worlds largest venomous snake and can reach lengths as long as 18 feet! The king cobra’s bite is powerful enough to kill 20 men or an. Adult king cobras are 3.18 to 4 m (10.4 to 13.1 ft) long on average. In English it is the common name for various venomous snakes. 2. This hood is actually a âscareâ tactic that the Cobra uses to scare its prey. 06 Mar 2021. 4. Cobra Fun Facts for Kids. King cobra, as the name suggests, is regarded as the king of all snakes. Cobras are famous for raising the front part of their body and spreading their hood when threatened. Some species, including the Indian cobra, incubate the eggs. The markings on cobra’s back look like eyes, but they’re just skin patterns. It is swift, strong, deadly and largest and longest venomous snake in the world. Fun Facts for Kids. They spread the hood out when they feel threatened or angry. 11. The specific epithet atracomes from the Latin term ater, which means "dark", "black", or "gloomy". The Indian cobra is greatly respected and feared and even has its own place in Hindu mythology as a powerful deity. web browser that The king cobraâs bite is... Snake charmers hypnotize Indian or Egyptian cobras with the motion of their flutes. Snake charmers in Asia often charm king cobras. It is a neurotoxin, which means that it causes paralysis and the... # 3. They make the cobra look more intimidating. Spitting cobras donât really spit, but they can project their venom, shooting at their victims. It is the world's longest venomous snake. Snake charmers hypnotize Indian or Egyptian cobras with the motion of their flutes. They have an excellent sense of smell and night vision. Cobras can live up to 30 years, depending on the species. The king cobra is regarded as a fierce and aggressive snake and its length and size give it an aw⦠Cobras are poisonous snakes that flatten their necks into the shape of a hood when they sense danger. They live to around 20 years old. King cobras generally grow to around 13 feet in length. Adult king cobras are 3.18 to 4 m (10.4 to 13.1 ft) long. Learn Cobra facts for kids. Cobra is a name of a snake and a girl cobra is called 'cobra Kai.' Easy Science for Kids, Mar 2021. When the venom falls on eyes, it causes temporary blindness through chemical conjunctivitis. Web. Easy Science for Kids. Cobra Fun Facts for Kids # 1. 12. In English it is the common name for various venomous snakes. The king cobraâone of the most venomous snakes on the planetâcan literally "stand up" and look a full-grown person in the eye. Cobra Fun Facts for Kids # 1. A dry bite is more often used is cases of self defense where as a venomous bite is used to catch prey. A king cobracan inject enough venomin one bitetokill 20 people âorone elephant. Cobras are worshipped in many Indian religions â known to be one of the Avataars of Gods. If you get laid off next year, you might not get a COBRA premium reduction. Looking for food, it raises its head and flicks its tongue. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a The King cobra is the longest poisonous snake in the world. The female will guard the eggs until they hatch. ⦠Although their venom is not the most potent, they can administer a lot of it in one bite. You may cut-and-paste the below MLA and APA citation examples: Declan, Tobin. " The throat is light yellow or cream-colored. The king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is a large elapid endemic to forests from India through Southeast Asia.It is the world's longest venomous snake. A King cobra is so long that when it âstand upâ it can look a full grown man directly in the eye! Cobras usually live in tropical and desert regions of Asia and Africa. They are known for their threatening hood at their ⦠Sometimes a cobra will bite without injecting venom. In Africa, the most widespread Naja species is the Egyptian cobra (N. haje). Cobras are one of the most feared snakes in India. A king cobra the length of a stretch limo slides through a field. Cobra is a name of a snake and a girl cobra is called 'cobra Kai.' This website uses cookies to improve your experience. They are the only snake that builds nests for its eggs. King Cobra Facts For Kids October 12, 2020 1. Because the venom can affect only the eyes and not the skin, these cobras never ⦠The King Cobra is one of the 270 types of Cobras. (2021). Chinese cobra), ZhÅushÄn yÇnjìngshé (èå±±ç¼é¡è, lit. COBRA FACTS FOR KIDS! They usually do... # 2. These snakes cannot hold their fangs down on prey so they inject venom through their fangs, according to the San Diego Zoo. Asian Naja cobras lay an average of 20 eggs in a clutch, often in animal burrows. Their hood is made up of flaps of skin attached to long ribs. King Cobra Facts For Kids Interesting Facts About King Cobras Wow, I have had such an amazing time researching and learning about king cobras so that I could share it with you! supports HTML5 video. There are six species of cobras: the Naja, the south African ringhal (Hemachatus), king cobra (Ophiophagus), water cobra (Boulengerina), tree cobra (Pseudohaje), and shield-nose cobra (Aspidelaps). # 2. Watch this intriguing documentary about the King Cobra: A video of a cobra vs. another cobra fighting for territory. Luckily enough the king cobra is shy and will try and avoid contact with humans. Tobin, Declan. Cobra is famous for its hood, which is a flap of skin that can be spread when snake feels angry or threatened. King cobras mainly live in dense highland forests, preferring areas dotted with lakes and streams. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'easyscienceforkids_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_15',801,'0','0'])); Enjoyed the Easy Science for Kids Website all about Cobras info? They are also able to lift their heads high up off the ground, which is not only kinda scary, but helps them to search for food. Know these seven facts about COBRA coverage before you enroll: 1. 15 Interesting Facts About King Cobra Deep within the Jungles of Southern India and Southeast Asia, there lives a legendary King, respected and feared by all. The name "cobra" is short for cobra de capelo or cobra-de-capelo, which is Portuguese for "snake with hood", or "hood-snake". They are the only snake to build nests. Fun Facts about Cobras for Kids A king cobra doesnât have the most venomous poison, but it injects a lot in its victims. The juveniles are jet-black, with yellow or white crossbars on the body and tail and four similar crossbars on the head. Answer: Cobras can lay as many as 50 eggs at one time. The skin of king cobra is dark olive or brown with black bands and white or yellow crossbands. With a bite that can kill an elephant and its impressive appearance, the king cobra is revered and feared throughout its range. Cobras are easily distinguished from other snakes because of the hood that flairs around its neck. There are numerous myths about cobras in India. Zhoushan cobr⦠Iâm excited to share with you all the interesting facts about king cobras. The generic name naja is a Latinisation of the Sanskrit word nÄgá (नाà¤) meaning "cobra". "Zhoushan spectacled snake", i.e. navajocodetalkersadmin on December 11, 2014 - 10:00 am in Fun Facts for Kids. King Cobras actually wrestle with other males if they enter the territory of a male trying to mate with a female. The male tries to submit and pummel the others head into the ground. It weighs around 13 pounds and has 18 feet in length. The longest known individual measured 5.85 m (19.2 ft). Cobras are carnivorous snakes and feed on other snakes, lizards, small mammals, birds and bird eggs. King cobras (Ophiophagus hannah) are the longest venomous snakes in the world. A cobra has few enemies but one fierce predator that will attack and eat a cobra without fear is the. In addition to their trademark hoods, cobras have round pupils and smooth scales.Colors vary widely from species to species. Rudyard Kipling's short story "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" features a pair of Indian cobras named Nag and Nagaina, the Hindi words for a male and female snake, respectively. Belonging to the family Elapidae, the name Cobra is popularly applied to African and Asian snakes that are capable of spreading long ribs in their necks into a hood when threatened. These king cobra facts for kids are pretty interesting. Interesting Cobra Facts: Smallest species of cobra, Mozambique spitting cobra, is 4 feet long. Conclusion. "Chinese spectacled snake", i.e. A cobra can eat almost any type of snake, including other venomous snakes. The rest of the time their heads are symmetrical and they look much like any other snakes. They live in South and Southeast Asia, particularly India, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and the Philippines. Snakes! The head of a mature snake can be quite massive and bulky in appeara⦠Its belly is cream or pale yellow. For lengthy info click here. Cobra venom causes multiple problems in the body. Naja atra was first described by Danish physician, zoologist, and botanist Theodore Edward Cantor in 1842. Largest species is King Cobra. They make the cobra look more intimidating. The belly may be uniform in color or ornamented with bars. Take the FREE & fun all about Cobras quiz and download FREE Cobras worksheet for kids. Not all of them are closely related.