7 Core Exercises Every Tennis Player Should Do 1. Champions find a way, losers find excuses! Core exercises for tennis players will help you to improve your core strength. Strengthen your core with functional movements, 8. If you have interest in other workouts to benefit your tennis game check out our other article here: Strength Training Workouts for Tennis. All you'll need is a resistance band and something to loop it through, like the net or a chain link fence. You have to start this exercise with a normal plank on your hand and toes with a straight body line keeping your hand straight under your shoulder. Gradually increase the time once you’ve built strength. Take our advice. Core Workouts for Tennis Players | 9 Things To Learn. A strong core helps tennis players concentrate on hitting the ball by making their movements fluid and fast. Do the same on the left side. Lie down on the left side of your body and keep your right leg on your left leg. Get step-by-step instructions here. then common tennis injuries are your daily partner. The Top Exercises for Tennis Players 1. Drop lunge. Strength training and conditioning are becoming necessities in today's tennis game as play continues to get faster and players hit the ball with more power from everywhere on the court. Staying consistent with your exercises is the key to long lasting results. This completes one set; you should do 3-4 sets. If their core strength is weak, they will have a hard time adding power to the swing and may be more prone to injury. Slowly raise your body, taking care to keep your spine and legs completely straight. do the same with your right side. Repeat this on your left side and see how long you can hold it with proper form. No extra equipment is needed. Here’s a site with an illustration on the exercise: Wood Chop | Illustrated Exercise Guide. These exercises will help you stay fierce on the court. Shorter formats are being trialed: ATP Next Generation in Milan (2017/18/19) – ‘Fast4 format’ and there have been various Tie-Break Tens…, A quality racquet comes with quality string. Do about 3 sessions a week and you will see and feel immediate results in your fitness and performance. Watch any professional and you will see that the power from their swing starts all the way at the bottom—their feet. Use a mirror to make sure your form is correct. With a set of dumbbells you can perform exercises to help build the leg strength necessary for the rigors of tennis. In a tennis swing, it transfers the power from your lower body to your upper body. Your core houses the most important bodily elements like your spine, organs, and center of your nervous system. The extra conditioning can give you an added boost in terms of strength and stamina. Slowly lunge downward, allowing your left knee to dip close to the ground. Three sets of 15 reps of each exercise with each arm is a good place to start. Justin has put together 5 exercises that can be carried out on-court, at home, in a hotel or anywhere where is convenient for you. And to a lesser extent the core includes your hips, glutes, shoulders, and neck. Then raise up your left leg. In a tennis swing it transfers the power from your lower body to your upper body. You wouldn’t be able to build those in isolation exercises. Having a strong core is one of the most effective ways to make sure your form is on point and your shots are strong. Everything tennis wrapped up in one weekly email: Your email address will not be published. Well I can tell you that it takes a lot of hard work and determination. For doing this lie straight down on the ground then spread your arms like T position then pull your legs up to 90 degrees. This workout will test your core stability, and you should be able to hold this pose for at least 45 seconds. Perform 15 repetitions, and then rotate to the opposite side to work the other half of your body. Follow these tips and you’ll be on the road to a rock-solid core in no time! Keep your hand straight to your shoulder and keep your belly and legs in a straight line. Plank with arm and leg lift:. In this case, a stringing…, The tennis net height and tension are an essential part of tennis that everyone knows, but the maturity part or people are don’t know the actual height and tension of the tennis net. Your entire core should be engaged and working to power your swing through. There are a couple ways to assess how strong your core is by performing functional movements. Those muscles are tasked with protecting the center of the body. Essential shoulder exercises for tennis players. because for tennis players especially for new tennis players tennis injuries are a very common problem. Required fields are marked *. Improving your core strength can have a huge impact on your tennis game. This core exercises for tennis players are followed by professionals. But you have to continue this exercise every day for getting a great result. repeat this exercise daily then you can see the core development on your game. Here I am telling you about 7 most important and easy core exercises for tennis players so If you are interested in tennis then you have to learn about core exercise. Start on all fours, with your … For example, running to return a short ball involves getting low, reaching out in front of you, and bringing the ball up and across. When you play tennis, you might frequently need to fix your string as they get loose or unplayable. 1. Core exercises help muscles from getting injured and also improve your tennis performance. 7 Core Exercises Every Tennis Player Should Do. This exercise will hit your obliques, abs, and hip and it also stretches your lower back and chest. If you are new to yoga then you can find a training center nearby for having practice. When warming up for a game of tennis, in addition to your usual steady cardio, such as a light jog, and... #2 Overhead Med Ball Slams. Strength provides the power necessary to hit shots with pace and spin as well as the explosive power for sprints and quick direction changes. Keep your knees straight. Here are five core exercises that will help you maintain a good posture and core stability while you play tennis but also help you increase power through good rotational power. This will help you to make your leg strong and prevent your back from getting injured. And keep your body weight on your left hand. Then return back to the center, and finally return to the starting position. While doing this exercise your movement should be slow and controlled. It’s crucial to prevent injury and improve your performance. Exercise One The Plank – One of the best exercises that anyone can do for their core, this will help you improve the stability in your spine, glutes and abdominal muscles. When you hear the word lunge the first thing that usually comes to mind is legs. The core is the center of any functional movement. Whether its forehand, backhand, or volleys it all begins with the feet. 10 Training Exercises for Tennis Players # 1 Warm Up. Thirty30 Tennis: A new alternative shorter scoring format to Fast4 – Have You Tried It Yet? Repeat this process for at least 20 times. Tennis athletes should instead focus on developing lower body strength, core power and shoulder stability—three components that are integral to increasing serve speed. Your core is not just your abdominals, but also your obliques, and lower and middle back. If you have difficulty holding this position for at least 45 seconds, you likely have weak glutes, hips, and lower back. It’s not only important for winning game it’s also important for preventing yourself from getting injured. And then reverse to the first position. Have your elbows... 2. Now the first thing that comes to your mind is what is core exercise? Don't fret. Many players today, however, want to increase their conditioning by working out in the gym or doing additional training off the court. Research also shows that a strong core can decrease the risk of shoulder pain in tennis players. There are so many ways to access your core strength. The plank is a full-body exercise that targets your core. When it comes to core exercises, too much focus is placed on the abs and not enough on the back, pelvic and diaphragm muscles, which are essential for strength and stability. Push backward off of your right leg bringing it back in line, returning to starting position. For doing this core exercise you have to lie down on your back and bend your legs and bring your knees to your chest. If you can hold this position for 1 minute without falling then it will be a sign of your strong core. Article by ACTIVE. Keep your shoulders, back and hips in a straight line. Here is a quick video demonstrating the exercise: Another great exercise that will get you feeling the burn is woodchoppers. Then lift up your butt with the support of your back and leg and spread your right leg and keep this position for a few seconds. Watch any professional and you will see that the power from their swing starts all the way at the bottom—their feet. Keeping your feet closer together will help you build balance and stability. 1. Your knees should be together at a 90 degree angle, and your upper back and shoulders supporting your body weight. If you are trying to get better in your tennis and prevent injuries then you have to be serious about your core exercise. But you have to take a healthy diet, a 30-minute workout and plenty of water every day with these exercises. 15 Best Tennis Stringing Machines Along With A Top-Notch Buying Guide. Such a movement could easily injure someone who’s core is not prepared for asymmetric functions like this. The most common error in form while planking is the tendency to raise your hips upward, so make sure you keep your hips down and in line with your spine. However, it’s a dual-sport where Your Team consists of two people (Doubles). Doing regular core workouts every week will maximize your play on the tennis court. Tennis players who find themselves plateauing in developing their game should consider giving their personal fitness a quick assessment. You can maximize the core strengthening and balancing capability of the lunge movement. Keeping your arms stiff and locked on the cable or band, slowly turn away from the cable or band’s point of origin, all the way to the opposite side. Why are core workouts important for tennis players? Tennis Arm Tennis Elbow Sport Tennis Tennis Dress Tennis Games Tennis Tips Play Tennis Golf Tips Tennis … There are tons of core exercises to build strength, but the ones we’ve covered here are the simplest, most effective, and foolproof ways to strengthen your core and build stability. The forehand stroke relies specifically on the rotator cuff muscles of the shoulder, the pectorals, biceps, deltoids and the forearm, as the hip and core muscles help to generate internal shoulder rotation. Grab a medicine ball and hold it close to your body under your chest with one hand on either side of the ball. While exercising how long you can hold your position and how long you are able to perform in a good form will be count as a measurement of your core strength. The two workouts mentioned above are not only a great way to assess your core strength, but also to build it up for tennis. This is extremely important and essential to assessing your core strength. Especially if you have pre-existing injuries or conditions that may be irritated by difficult exercise. Is Tennis a team sport? This is one of the great and easy exercises for core strength. You can move into a side plank from a regular plank, or you can start on one side, resting on your hip and hand. Why are core workouts important for tennis players? Building a strong core will ensure that you are less likely to be injured, and able to continue playing tennis safely in the long term. Slowly raise your hips off the ground, holding in place for about 5 seconds before slowly coming back down. Olympic athletes, MMA fighters, gymnasts and all serious athletes use some form of plyometrics in their training routines. Maintaining a strong core isn’t just important for winning matches. Here I am telling you about 7 most important core exercises which will help you to improve your tennis. The outdated model of fitness only focuses on the front portion of your abdominal muscles. Stand perpendicular to where your cable or band is located, grasping it with arms straight out in front of you. Check out this quick video on how to perform the glute bridge exercise. Core strength can be built by doing crunches and sit-ups, as well as back extension exercises. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Bring your feet in halfway towards your glutes and straighten out one leg keeping your thighs parallel so that one foot is in the air. How To Plan A Tennis Vacation in Australia, The Best Way To Record Yourself Playing Tennis, Learn Tennis In Your 40s (Expectations, Fitness, Benefits), Attending A Non-Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Guide, My Tennis Vacation In Costa Rica (AirBnB, Courts, Tourney). This is an easy core workout every tennis player should do. Learn More. I have some great tips and tricks that will help you to make your dream comes true. For example, hold a dumbbell in each hand and perform forward and backward lunges. If you’re using a cable machine, set it at a light to moderate weight at chest height. Either place your right elbow or hand on the mat directly underneath your shoulder. The first exercise to assess your core strength is a side plank. 4 While lying face down, lift your body up on your toes and forearms. You should feel resistance slowly increase the more you turn, and lessen as you return to the start position. But you have to take a healthy diet, a 30-minute workout and plenty of water every day with these exercises. Have your elbows directly below your shoulders and hands in line with the elbows. We are delighted to bring you 5 essential core exercises for tennis players put together by IMG's strength & conditioning coach Justin Russ. Then read this blog this will help you to read and see how to do core exercises for tennis players. Here’s why a strong core is important for tennis, and the workouts you can do to maintain one. Step out in front with your right leg far enough that your knee does not extend past your foot. Repeat at least 20 times. This is certainly one of the easiest core workouts for tennis players to implement into a weekly routine. Hold the rope handle with both hands from … Alternate sides performing the same movement now with your left leg forward. This means that when you are performing a tennis swing it is not just your arms alone working, or even just your shoulders or chest. Lift your hips off of the ground, rounding the back. When performed right these core workouts will help you have more stamina in tennis. Either place your right elbow or hand on the mat directly underneath your shoulder. Hello, are you a tennis lover? Core exercises are one of the most important parts of tennis. For transferring the energy from lower body to upper body you core strength has to be in a position. As coaches, players and parents realize this they want to get their players involved in a strength and conditioning program, often at younger and younger ages. This core exercise is good for your lower abs. Core exercises include some exercises that will support your muscles which will help to lower the risk of lower back pain and injury. Practicing alone for the first time sometimes can be a reason for injury. Without doing warm-up exercise any kind of exercise can be harmful to your body. The Best Exercise for a Strong Core While the appearance of lean abs is appealing to the eye, for a tennis player, the strength and functionality of the core is more important. Return to the center, then rotate left, performing the same movement to complete the repetition. Hold for 30 seconds, repeat three times. Squeeze the glutes on the top of the movement. Place your feet on a platform 4-10 inches high, the higher you go the more difficult it’ll be. Then do the same process for the left leg. So this side plank is the best to core exercise for tennis players. A tennis player should be… “FAST in the feet, EXPLOSIVE in the legs, POWERFUL in the core, LOOSE in the arms & mentally STRONG in the head.” —Allistair McCaw, McCaw Method Sports Performance Training Lateral movement with medicine ball catch: This exercise simulates the lateral movement that tennis players are required to make during points (backhand sequence for a right-handed player-Figure 6). Here’s a site with an illustration on the exercise: Your email address will not be published. If you are new to yoga then you can find a training center nearby for having practice. I chose these specific exercises because they train all the muscles required for a great tennis game. 4.1k. These six low-impact pool exercises can help you tone and strengthen your core muscles. A strength program in the beginning stages will likely involve no weights. Slowly lift your torso and hips off the ground with your body’s weight distributed evenly between your feet and your hand/elbow. If you have difficulty holding this position for at least 45 seconds, you likely have weak glutes, hips, and lower back. Another test of your core strength is a unilateral glute bridge. Do not tuck your chin under, but keep your neck relaxed and head in line with your spine. Dumbbell Torso Rotation: Holding a dumbbell in the right hand, coil and touch the weight to the ground in front of the left foot. Start in a half-kneeling position—outside knee down, inside foot on floor—with hips perpendicular to machine. Take care not to place any weight on your neck, and to make sure it is your upper back and shoulders supporting you. Playing tennis is in and of itself a great workout. Do at least 15 repetitions with 3 sets for a solid core workout that will improve your tennis performance. Core exercises for tennis players will help you to know this. The Answer Is Sometimes Yes Sometimes No Yea it’s a highly debated question around the world is…, Global attention spans are narrowing and many if not all sports, including tennis, are looking at shorter formats that are both participants and fan-friendly. This workout will test your core stability, and you should be able to hold this pose for at least 45 seconds. Content crafter at Tennis Conditioning. If you have ever watched a game of tennis, seeing Rodger … L. ay on your right side with your left foot resting straight on top of your right. 6. Get down on the ground on your elbows and toes, with your body completely straight. To increase the difficulty, lift one leg off the ground and use just one leg for 15 to 20 repetitions, then switch sides. The tennis net height is the most important and critical structure in…, 5.Reverse crunch for back strength Exercise, 6.Side plank for core exercise for obliques. This exercise is also a plank. Start with both legs first to focus on strength. This completes one set; you should do 3-4 sets. Tennis is a full body workout no matter what level you’re playing at. The first stepping stone on the journey to a strong core is awareness of all your core muscles and how they impact your movement. 6 Common Tennis Injuries And How To Prevent Them! Forearm Plank:. If you found side planks to be very difficult for you, start off with a regular front plank. Sometimes we think just playing tennis is enough, but even the pros know that maintaining overall health and fitness is integral to their game. BOSU Elite Sprinter Squats , for example, will give you an agility training session that is both safe, and effective at building strength from the ground, to … Join our newsletter! I would like to receive the weekly tennis scoop from Tennis Gems! Then explode from low to high, finishing … Drop lunges improve lateral mobility and quickness, which are crucial in tennis. Then perform the unilateral version described in the assessment, also holding for about 5 seconds each. Lay on your right side with your left foot resting straight on top of your right. It can be a reason of muscles pull. The legs, core, back and shoulders are important areas to strengthen in your workouts. Few of us have the flat stomach of our dreams. Lateral lunge. Do this core exercise at least 10 sets. Keeping your shoulders on the ground and chin up, slowly raise your hips off the ground until your torso is straight. Dan Riser and I show you how simple exercises can get your core ready to perform your best on the court. To develop that initial first step burst of speed, tennis players can use speed training techniques on the BOSU Elite . For the warm-up, you have to lay down on the ground and pull your body up on your hand and toes. The quadriceps, hip, and calf muscles work with the core muscles to generate power and movement. These are large muscle groups that all work in conjunction to perform dynamic movements. You can find me on the ITF/WTA/ATP tour coaching tennis players or online writing about tennis, strength & conditioning, exercise science or health-related issues. Try doing 10-20 repetitions with 3 sets each and you’ll see quick improvements. This is important to warm up your body before doing any kind of exercise. A strong core allows all the major joints, such as hips, knees, and shoulders, to load and work in harmony, and as a result, you will become a more powerful tennis player. Hold this for at least 45 seconds, and repeat 3 times. Here's a quick shoulder exercise routine you can do before or after tennis. All movements in tennis are largely dynamic, meaning that your body is using joints and muscles to perform a function that transcends multiple planes of direction. Planks are a great exercise for building core strength and stability in a variety of muscle groups. That’s why keeping your core at peak performance is essential for a sport like tennis. Perform about 10-20 repetitions with 3 sets. SAMPLE EXERCISE FOR TENNIS-SPECIFIC LATERAL TRAINING. Planks are one of the best ways to strengthen the muscles around your spine, lowering your risk for lower back pain and injury. As with any core exercise, engage your core by squeezing your abdominal muscles as you maintain proper posture. Ever wonder what it takes to be successful tennis player? With these few exercises you could strengthen your core dramatically in about 30 minutes per session. Woodchoppers will strengthen your core. For this exercise you’ll need a cable machine or resistance band fixed to a solid structure. Guide Of Practice Tennis At Home-Tennis Drills. Don’t forget to follow up every workout with a high protein whole-foods meal within 30 minutes of exercise and plenty of water. Get the competitive edge with the following training insight and sample 8-week training program. Lunges are actually a great way to build core stability through functional movement, however. Some core strength exercises may be a perfect fit for tennis players.