Cookies help us deliver our services. Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN … Translate fiero into English. Asturian-Leonese and Spanish: from fierro ‘iron’ (Latin ferrum) in Asturian-Leonese (alongside the variant fierru) and in a regional variant of Castilian. Sale. A fierro is a piece of scrap metal. Italian: Campanese variant of Ferro. Deluxe Armorial Framed - Black $79.95$69.95 Wishlist To Cart Details. fierro translation in Spanish-Bulgarian dictionary. “Fierro, pariente” (with a comma between those words, because it is a vocative case). Spanish Etymology . By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Fierro is a Spanish and Italian surname and middle name meaning "iron". Family Crest Image (JPG) Heritage Series - 600 DPI $14.50$8.70 Wishlist To Cart Details. Fierro cumplió tres años, y hasta sacó una colección de cuatro libros. √ Fast and Easy to use. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. Find words for fiero in English in this Spanish-English dictionary. Fierro has a lot of different meanings, but in this case it is being used to describe something that was broken off of the top of a city truck in an accident, when the truck passed under a bridge. Fierro is the Spanish version of "Ferro", the Italian last name. Fierro may stand for “gas pedal”. Pronunciation . Definition of fierro This can be a funny question for a mexican haha. (colloquial, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay) firearm (countable, Costa Rica) tool (implement) The literal translation of "Fierro" is "Iron". Fierro Name Meaning and History. Spanish De m s, tiene una fuerte proporci n en clorofila, y en fierro , lo que es esencial para la reconstituci n de los gl bulos rojos. The "fierro" extended above the top of the cab, and so it broke off. Could it be an antenna? 1. Sale. is not responsible for their content. But... in some places in the north of Mexico they use it as an expression. fierro m (plural fierros) (Latin America) branding iron El rancho marca su ganado con fierro. Uno de los vecinos sostenía un fierro incandescente que había mantenido dentro de una fogata. 2. It is used as an agreement to something. Ex: -Vamos por unas cervezas. Variant of hierro preserving the initial -f- in Old Spanish fierro, from Latin ferrum. Context sentences for "fierro" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Top Sellers. IPA : /ˈfjero/, [ˈ] Noun . They both derive from the Latin "Ferrum" which means Iron. √ 100% FREE. -¡Fierro! Traducir fiero de español a Inglés. Also, Fierro means "steel" in spanish. Se acercó a la salamandra y puso a calentar en el crisol el fierro del atizador. Meaning and examples for 'hierro' in Spanish-English dictionary. Fierro (Spanish) Sale. Lo golpeó con un fierro would instead mean he hit him with a piece of metal, could be iron, but it can as well not be. Notable people with the surname and the middle name include: Surnames. I can't find anything anywhere confirming that fierro can mean that.