In this section, we’ll go over everything you need to know about Twitter character counts and how to make your Tweets the ideal length. Limits are usually automated to help prevent spam on the network but Twitter staff can also activate them. I only ignored the new hourly limits , during a week end in which the account was getting more follower than usual. But if you are being spammy or are in a violation of their terms your Twitter suspension can last longer. Don’t leave room for possible typos, which will make your Tweet undiscoverable. Ideal Length of a Tweet: 71-100 Characters From my 2 experiences of a Twitter suspension, it was 48 hours to the minute each time. 1. In addition, if you “aggressively” unfollow people in order to follow more people, Twitter will restrict your account. Honestly, I did not reach the limit of 7.500 people that one may follow. It is not a news account – opend in February. Click the new "Add another Tweet" button and a 2nd Tweet window will pop up. 2. How to publish a Tweet thread. Write the first Tweet of your thread. Click the "Tweet" button to compose a new Tweet. Just How Long Does Twitter Suspension Last? For years, Twitter has had a 140 character limit. Restricted Twitter account: "Restricted" is often used to describe limited Twitter accounts, but there's no real difference between the two. A Twitter direct message (DM) is a private message sent to one or more specific Twitter users. A common way to do that is to post replies to one’s own Tweet, creating a thread that people can read in the order the Tweets were posted. No I’m losing hundred of followers without a moivation. Twitter Character Limits. Be realistic. With this in mind, here are some key tips to consider before you Tweet. However, in 2017, the network increased the limit to 280 characters. If you use up your 100 API calls in the hour then you will see the “rate limit exceeded” message in TweetDeck and Twitter will not provide any updates until the hour is up. Twitter has launched a new way of censoring offensive behaviour by temporarily restricting abusive users' accounts. Make it easy to remember — and spell. 3. Like tweets, DMs can only be 280 characters long. Generally, you can only send DMs to people who follow you on Twitter. You can publish the entire thread at the same time with the "Tweet all" button. When used correctly, hashtags can be an effective way to grow your reach, encourage engagement, and get discovered on Twitter. Twitter is finally, at long last, relaxing its 140 character limit with a move it should have made years ago. Suspended Twitter account: This is the equivalent of being banned on Twitter. Twitter has finally and officially removed the 140-character limit on direct messages, allowing people to send huge, long private messages to one another. Even though the character limit on a single Tweet was recently increased from 140 to 280, users continue to find themselves posting followup Tweets to further elaborate on their points of view. I don’ t use spamming. “Aggressively” is an abstract term, so as long as you are doing periodic follows and unfollows I assume you will not have any issues here. Also, updates to the search, groups, twitscoop and 12seconds columns do not count towards the rate limit since the data does not (directly) come via the Twitter API. Do.