Ready to master directions in French? (Use a headset mic for best results.) China is Tesla's largest market after the US and the electric carmaker sold 120,000 units there in 2020. All rights reserved. a new translation. Problems? Tous les décès depuis 1970, évolution de l'espérance de vie en France, par département, commune, prénom et nom de famille ! Vous trouverez dans ici le détail sur les médicaments remboursés en France entre 2012 et 2019 (quand des données plus récentes seront publiées, elles seront mises à jour) And if you know a conjugation but not the verb it belongs to, try this: French Verb Deconjugator. Today’s free audio lesson will give you the essential travel French you need to navigate your way around a French-speaking country.. ), Enregistrer – to record, save; to register, book; to show (profit/loss); to notice, Entamer – to start, broach, cut, dip into; to wear down, weaken; to damage, harm, Enterrer – to bury, inter; to set aside, forget about; to hush up, Enthousiasmer – to fill with enthusiasm, get s.o. French Lesson 24 – FOOD VOCABULARY – LES REPAS de la journée (Meals of t… French Lesson 25 – FOOD VOCABULARY – LES LÉGUMES Vocabulaire (Vegetables… French Lesson 26 – FOOD VOCABULARY – LES BOISSONS (Drinks) Lecciones de … French Lesson 28 – FOOD VOCABULARY – NOURRITURE / ALIMENTS (Food in gene… French lesson : to do s.t. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Reinforce your learning from this lesson with the Rocket Reinforcement activities! Excuse me please! A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | C1   Find your level. La réponse est peut-être ici ! You might want to ask whether it is far or notâ¦. (Level 3), Find out how to pronounce French words properly, The best French software: what you need to know. We love porn and our goal is to provide the best service to find your favourite sex videos, save them for future access or share your own homemade stuff. Click here! This free website is created with love and a great deal of work. Excuse me please! Même si l’on entend ces derniers jours des propos qui rejette cette pratique prophétique, il y a unanimité des quatre écoles sur l’obligation de l’observation lunaire. Another more complete way of asking for directions is by sayingâ¦. Lolita Moda - Tu tienda para comprar ropa de marca online. Est-ce que vous savez comment aller à la gare ? On this page, you’ll find links to more than 1,500 French verbs conjugated into all the simple and compound tenses and moods. Read our latest stories including opinions here. ; to top, cover (a mountain); to head up, be responsible for; (informal) to nose s.o. - toute l'actu auto. Job étudiant, stages et offre d'emploi en alternance, dépôt d'offre avec L'Etudiant - L'Etudiant (Level 2), Rocket French out, win by a hair, Coincer – to wedge, jam, get stuck; (informal) to nab, Coller – to glue, paste, stick; to press; (inf) to put, shove, dump; to give, Combiner – to combine; to devise, think up, Commettre – to commit (a crime), make (a mistake); (formal) to appoint, nominate, Compatir – to sympathize, share in someone’s grief, Composer – to compose, arrange, put together; to dial, Composter – to date stamp, punch (a ticket); to compost, Compter – to count, to charge for, to reckon, Concerner – to concern, be of concern to, affect, Concevoir – to imagine, conceive (of), design; to see, view, consider; to understand, Confiner – to confine, put into confinement, Confire – to preserve, pickle, candy; to slow-cook, Confluer – to join, flow together; (literary) to converge, Confronter – to confront; to compare (text), Connaître – to know, to be familiar with, Consacrer – to devote, dedicate, consecrate, Consentir – to consent, agree (to); to grant, Conserver – to keep, maintain, retain; to can, preserve, Consumer – to consume, devour; to burn; (literary) to expend, squander, Contaminer – to contaminate, infect; to corrupt, Convoquer – to convene, convoke; to summon, invite, Corrompre – to corrupt, bribe; to contaminate, Côtoyer – to be next to, rub shoulders with; to run alongside; to border/verge on, Coudoyer – to rub shoulders with, come into contact with, Couler – to run, flow; to sink, go under; to pour, Crapoter (informal) – to puff, smoke without inhaling, Craquer – to creak, squeak; to crack, crackle, crunch; to be falling apart, collapse; (inf) to be fed up, go crazy, Crever – to burst, puncture; (inf) to wear out; (fam) to be starving, to kill, Crisper – to tense, clench, flex; to shrivel; (informal) to annoy, Critiquer – to criticize; to examine, assess, Croquer – to crunch, bite into; to sketch, outline; (informal) to squander, Cuiter (se) (familiar) – to get plastered, sloshed, Déballer – to unpack, to let out, to display, Débarquer – to unload; to disembark; (informal) to fire, sack; to turn up, arrive, Débarrasser – to clear, release, get rid of, get out of the way, Débiter – to debit; to sell, retail; to produce, output; to cut, saw up; to utter, spout, spiel, Déblayer – to remove, clear (away); to tidy up, Débloquer – to release, free, unjam, unblock; (fam) to talk nonsense; to be crazy, Déboîter – to dislocate, dislodge, disconnect; (car) to pull out, change lanes, Déborder – to overflow, boil over; to extend beyond, outflank; to untuck (covers), Déboulonner – to remove the bolts from; (informal) to discredit, debunk, oust, Débrancher – to unplug, disconnect; (inf) to switch off, stop paying attention, Débrider – to unbridle; to untruss; to lance, incise, Débrouiller – to untangle, sort out; to get by, manage, Débuter – to begin, start (out), make one’s début, Déclencher – to set off, activate, release, start, Décliner – to decline, to offer a variety of, Décoiffer – to muss s.o.’s hair, take off s.o.’s hat; (informal) to take one’s breath away, Décoller – (plane) to take off; to unstick; (inf) to move, budge; to lose weight, Déconnecter – to disconnect, log out, log off, Déconner (familiar) – to joke, kid; to talk nonsense; to fool around, Décortiquer – to shell, hull, husk; to dissect (a document), Découdre – to take out stitches, unpick, remove (a button), Décrocher – to unhook, take down; to pick up the phone, Dédaigner – to despise, look down on; to spurn, disregard, Dédicacer – to autograph; to dedicate (to), Dédire (se) – to retract, recant, go back on one’s word, Défausser (se) – to discard, throw away (a playing card), Déferler – to unfurl; (waves) to break; (figurative) to sweep through, flood into, Défouler – to help someone relax, unwind, get it out of their system, Dégager – to free, disengage; to clear; to emit, Dégénérer – to degenerate, deteriorate, Déglinguer (informal) – to bust, break into pieces, Dégoiser (informal) – to speak, spout, go on and on, Dégommer (familiar) – to demote; to unseat, fire, sack; to hit, down, knock out of the way, Dégoter (informal) – to find, dig up, unearth, Dégotter (informal) – to find, dig up, unearth, Dégringoler – to fall, tumble down; to collapse; (informal impersonal) – to be pouring (rain), Dégriser – to sober up; to bring back down to earth, Déguerpir (inf) – to leave, clear off, scarper, Déguster – to taste, sample; to enjoy, savor; (informal) to suffer, Délaisser – to abandon, give up, neglect, Délecter (se) – to delight in, thoroughly enjoy, Délester – to remove ballast; to cut off power; to eliminate a problem, Délirer – to be delirious; (informal) to jabber, ramble, Démêler – to untangle, unravel, sort out, Démener (se) – to struggle, thrash about; to exert oneself, Démissionner – to resign; to give up; (informal) to fire, force to resign, Démolir – to demolish, wreck, destroy; to crush, shatter, Démonter – to dismantle, take down, take apart; to disconcert, Dépasser – to pass, go past, overshoot; to overhang, jut over/above; to exceed, Dépister – (medecine) to screen, detect; to trace, unearth, track down, Déplorer – to lament, be concerned about, Déployer – to unfurl, open, spread out; to display; to deploy, Dépouiller – to go through, peruse; to skin, denude, divest, deprive, Dépoussiérer – to dust, clear away the cobwebs (literal and figurative), Déprimer – to depress; to debilitate; (informal) to be depressed, Déraper – to slip, skid; (anchor) to drag; to get out of hand, make a faux pas, Dériver – to divert; to drift, wander; to derive, Dérouler – to unwind, unroll, roll out; (sports) to be easy, Dérouter – to divert, reroute; to disconcert, throw off the scent, Désapprouver – to disapprove of, disagree with, Déséquilibrer – to unbalance, throw off balance, create an imbalance, Déshabiller (se) – to undress, take off one’s clothes, Dessaisir (se) – to give up, part with, relinquish, Desservir – to clear away; to do a disservice to; to lead to; (transportation) to service, Destiner – to intend, mean for, devote; to destine, Détaler (informal) – to bolt, take off, skedaddle, Déteindre – to run (dye); to fade, lose color, take color out of, Détonner – to clash, be out of place; to sing out of tune, Détourner – to divert, reroute; to hijack; to misappropriate; to deflect, distract; to turn away, Détraquer – to put out of order; to unsettle; (informal) to upset, shake up, Devancer – to be/get ahead of, to arrive before; to anticipate, Développer – to develop, expand, elaborate upon; to unfold, unroll, Déverrouiller – to unlock, unbolt; to release, Déverser – to pour (out); to unload, discharge, Dévorer – to devour, consume; (formal) to hide, choke back, Diffuser – to diffuse, spread, disseminate, broadcast, Digérer – to digest; (informal) to put up with, accept, stomach, Diminuer – to reduce, decrease; to lessen, diminish; to weaken; to belittle, Disjoindre – to disconnect, separate, take/break apart, Disperser – to scatter; to break up (a collection); to dissipate (a group), Disposer – to arrange, set, lay; to incline, dispose to do / towards; (formal) to leave, Disputer – to fight; to play (a match); (informal) to tell off, Disséminer – to disseminate, scatter, spread, Distraire – to distract, divert; to entertain, Domicilier – to domicile at, set s.o.’s address as; to pay by banker’s order, Doucher (se) – to shower, to take a shower, Draguer – to dredge, drag; (informal) to flirt, chat up, try to pick up, Dresser – to draw up, create; to erect, set up, raise, Ãbaucher – to sketch, draft; to start up, Ãbranler – to shake (literally and figuratively), Ãcarter – to spread, move apart/away; to dismiss, remove, Ãclairer – to light, brighten (up); to clarify, shed light on; to scout, reconnoiter, Ãclater – to burst, explode; (war) to break out, Ãclipser – to eclipse, overshadow, outshine, Ãclore – to hatch; to appear, take form; (flower) to open; (literary, figurative) to be born, Ãconduire – to dismiss, reject, turn away, Ãcouler (s’) – to flow, leak, seep; (time) to go by; (money) to disappear; to sell, Ãcourter – to shorten, cut short, cut down, Ãcrouler (s’) – to fall (down), collapse, crumble, Ãdifier – to build, construct, erect; to edify, enlighten, Efforcer (s’) – to try hard, strive, endeavor, Ãgaliser – to equalize, make equal, level out; (sports) to tie, Ãlaborer – to elaborate, work out (a system), draw up (a document), Ãlaguer – to prune (literally and figuratively), Ãlever – to raise, bring up, rear; to erect, lift, elevate, Ãloigner – to move/take something away, remove; to banish, dismiss; to add space, space out, Emballer – to wrap, pack; (fam) to arrest, nick, Embarquer – to embark, load; (inf) to involve someone in; (fam) to carry off, to steal, Embarrasser – to hinder, clutter; to embarrass, Emboîter – to fit together, fit into; to follow, Embrouiller – to tangle up, confuse, muddle, mix up, Ãmerger – to emerge; to stand out; (informal) to wake up, Ãmerveiller – to fill with wonder, cause to marvel at, Ãmouvoir – to move, stir; to disturb, rouse, upset, Empiler – to pile, stack (up); familiar – to steal, rook, Empirer – to worsen, get worse, deteriorate, Empreindre – to imprint; to stamp, mark, tinge, Empresser (s’) – to bustle around, fuss about; to hasten to, Emprisonner – to imprison; to confine, trap, Encastrer – to embed, recess, build in; to fit flush, Encenser – to heap, shower praise upon; (religion) to incense, Enclencher – to engage, get under way, set in motion, Endosser – to put on (clothing); to take on (responsibility); to endorse (a check), Enduire – to coat, smear, cover (a surface), Ãnerver – to irritate, annoy; to overexcite, Enfiler – to thread, string; to take (a road); (informal) to slip on, to stick/shove into; (vulgar) to have sex, Enflammer – to set on fire; to inflame, kindle, Enfler – to fill, inflate; (familiar) to steal, Enfoncer – to drive into, penetrate; to break down/through/in, Enfreindre (formal) – to infringe, to break, Engloutir – to engulf, swallow; to gobble up; to squander, Enjoindre (formal) – to enjoin, charge (s.o. Combien de temps vous reste-t-il ? Well done, you have just finished todayâs lesson. I wish it were as simple as learning the word for where in French and a few French road signs, but thereâs a little more to it than that! Début de ramadan 2021. © 2021 Lawless French. After you are done with learning directions try these French vocab lessons on going out in French and around the airport in French, both great lessons that complement this one! blow their nose; (informal) to put someone in their place, Mouiller – to dampen; to water down; (fam) to drag into, mix up in, Mouler – to mold, cast, make a cast of; to hug, shape, fit, Moyenner – to calculate the mean; (archaic) to obtain, Muer – to molt, slough, shed its skin / hair; (voice) to change, break; (formal) to transform, Multiplier – to multiply; to increase, repeat, do more, Muter – to transfer (job / location); to mutate, Naviguer – to navigate, sail, fly; to surf (the internet), Nécessiter – to necessitate, require, call for, Négliger – to neglect, be careless; to ignore, disregard, miss, Niquer (slang) – to have sex (screw, f***); to screw up, f*** up, Nommer – to nominate, appoint; to call, name, give a name to, Nouer – to tie, knot; to hatch (a plot); to make (an alliance), Obséder – to obsess, haunt; (literary) to pester, Observer – to observe, watch, examine; to be mindful of; to notice; to remark, Obstiner (s’) – to insist, dig one’s heels in; to persist, Obvier (literary) – to take precautions, overcome, obviate, Opérer – to operate; to carry out, implement; to take effect, work, Opposer – to object, to contrast, to put into competition, Ouater – to quilt; to blanket (with snow), Outrer – to outrage, (literary) to exaggerate, Pallier – to overcome, get around, compensate for, Paniquer (informal) – to panic, give someone a scare, Panser – to bandage, dress, put a dressing on, Papillonner – to flit around, flutter; to switch back and forth; (informal) to play the field, Parcourir – to cover (some distance); to browse, skim through, Parer – to stave/fend off; to deal with, remedy; to adorn, Passionner – to fascinate; (debate) to inflame, Patienter – to wait, hold; to fill in / pass the time, Peaufiner – to polish (up), put the finishing touches on, Pédaler – to pedal; (informal) – to hurry, Peinturer (informal) – to slap paint on, paint badly, Percuter – to strike, crash into; (familiar) to catch on, twig, Personnaliser – to personalize, customize, Péter (informal) – to burst; (familiar) – to fart, pass gas, Piauler – to cheep, peep; (informal) to whine, whimper, Piger (familiar) – to understand, get it, twig, Pincer – to pinch, grip; (informal) – to catch, arrest, Piquer – to sting, bite; to stick, stab, give a shot/jab, Pisser (fam) – to pee, go pee; to gush (out); to pour rain, Plaider – to plead; to go to court, litigate, Plaindre – to pity, (informal) to begrudge, Planer – to glide, hang, hover; (inf) to have one’s head in the clouds; to be high, Planter – to plant, stick in, put; (familiar) to stab, Plébisciter – to elect by an overwhelming majority; to make into a tremendous success, Pointer – to check/tick off; to clock in/out; to point, aim; to stick into; (literary) to soar up, Postuler – to apply for (job); to postulate, Potasser (inf) – to cram, swot (up on / for a test), Pouvoir (can, to be able to) – Verb Tables, Précipiter – to throw, push; to speed up, hasten; to precipitate, Prélever – to take (a sample); to deduct, withdraw, debit; to levy, impose (tax), Prescrire – to prescribe; to recommend; to stipulate, order, command, Préserver – to preserve, protect, safeguard, Préssentir – to sense, have a premonition of; to approach, sound out (someone), Presser – to press, squeeze; to urge, push; to hasten, speed up, Procrastiner (literary) – to procrastinate, Profiter – to take advantage, make the most of, Progresser – to progress, make progress; to increase, rise, Prôner – to advocate, recommend; to laud, extol, Proscrire – to ban, prohibit, proscribe; to banish, exile, Quereller (se) – to quarrel with each other, Rabioter (informal) – to get, wangle, grab; to swindle, Raccrocher – to rehang; to hang up the phone, Raffiner – to refine, polish; to be meticulous, Rajeunir – to rejuvenate, look/feel younger, Râler – to groan, moan; (informal) to complain, Ramasser – to gather, collect, pick up; (informal) to catch, get, receive, Ramer – to row (a boat), (inf) to work hard, struggle, slog, Rapporter – to bring back; to bring in, yield; to add; to report, mention, Rassembler – to assemble, gather, collect, Raturer – to make alterations, correct; to cross out, delete, Rayer – to draw a line (on/through), to cross out, Rayonner – to be radiant, shine forth; to extend, exert influence, make felt, Réaliser – to achieve, fulfil; to make, build; to direct, produce (movie); (inf) to realize, Rebondir – to bounce; to be revived, get going/moving again, take off again, Réchauffer – to reheat; to heat, warm (up), Réclamer – to ask / beg / call for; to claim, lay claim to, demand; to complain, Recommencer – to restart, start again, start over; to resume, go on with, Reconduire – to escort, accompany, take back (home, to the station…); to renew, Recouvrir – to recover, to completely cover, Rectifier – to correct, rectify, amend; (familiar) to kill, Récupérer – to get back, recover, regain; to pick up, collect; to rehabilitate, Recycler – to recycle, to retrain, to reinvest, Redescendre – to go back down, go down again; to take back down, take down again, Redire – to say / tell again, repeat; to find fault with, Refaire – to redo, do again, remake, make again, Refroidir – to cool down, get cold; (familiar) to bump off, Régaler – to treat to a delicious meal; to regale (with stories), Rejoindre – to join, rejoin; to return to, catch up with, reunite, Relancer – to throw back, to restart; to pester, harass, Relativiser – to relativize, put into perspective, Relaxer – to relax (a muscle); to acquit, to release, Relever – to stand up; to lift, raise; to rebuild, restore; to season, enhance; to relieve, take over from; to find, pick out; to react, Relier – to connect, join together, link up / together; to bind (a book), Reluquer – to ogle, eye, have one’s eye on, Remanier – to rework, revise, modify; to reorganize, reshuffle, Rembourser – to reimburse, refund; to pay off, pay back, settle, Remonter – to climb, go up again, to go back up, Remporter – to take back, take away again; to win, Remuer – to move, twitch, flick; to shake, stir, Renaître – to be reborn, to revive, to recover; to spring up again, Renchérir – to add to, go further, go one better; to get more expensive; to raise one’s bid, Renforcer – to reinforce, strengthen, consolidate, Renifler – to sniff; to snort; (informal) to sniff out, sense, Renouer – to tie again, re-tie; to renew, resume, revive, Rénover – to renovate, restore, refurbish; to reform, Renverser – to knock over / down, spill; to run over; to tip, tilt, lean; to reverse, invert, Reparaître – to reappear; to be republished, back in print, Répercuter – to echo, reflect; to send / throw back; to pass on / along (a tax), Reporter – to take back; to postpone, put off, defer; to transfer, Repousser – to push away / back, repel, repulse; to reject, turn down; to grow again, Représenter – to represent, mean; to show, depict, portray; to perform, put on, play, Reproduire – to reproduce, copy, duplicate, Requérir – to require, call for; to request, Résister – to resist, stand up to; to overcome, conquer, Respecter – to respect, abide by, keep to, Respirer – to breathe, inhale; to exude, emanate, radiate, Ressortir – to come / go out (again), to stand out, to result from, Retarder – to delay, make late, hinder, hold up, set back, Retirer – to remove, take off/out, withdraw, Retomber – to fall again; to collapse; to land, Rétrécir – to shrink, contract, narrow, tighten, Revêtir – to take on, assume; (formal) to don, adorn; to endow, invest, Réviser – to revise, overhaul; to review, study, audit, Revoir – to see again, meet again; to review, revise, reconsider, Rigoler (informal) – to laugh, have fun, joke, Rôder – to roam, wander; to loiter; to prowl, Ronfler – to snore; to hum, purr; (informal) to sleep, Rouspéter (inf) – to moan, groan, grumble, Ruer (se) – to pounce on, rush up / down / toward, Sacrer – to crown, consecrate; (archaic) to swear, Saillir – to project, protrude, jut / stick out; to be prominent, Salir – to make dirty; to soil, sully, tarnish, Sauvegarder – to save (a file); to protect, safeguard; to uphold, maintain, Scier – to saw; (informal) to stagger, stupefy; to bore stiff, Secourir – to help, assist, rescue, succor, Sécuriser – to secure, increase security; to make s.o.