The JAG. DOPS can be completed online and you have the opportunity to feed back on your trainer. JAG strongly recommends that all endoscopy trainers meet appropriate key performance indicators, complete a trainer the trainer course, receive regular feedback and are supported in their role by existing trainers and their training lead. Standard 18. The aim of NED is to support and enable improved quality assurance in endoscopy, to enhance JETS (JAG Endoscopy Training System), removing the need for double data-entry for trainees and to offer potential for research by providing a central store of key endoscopy data. KPIs were studied over 10 procedures using the moving average method. The course includes a series of small group and one-to-one teaching sessions, videos, hands-on model work and supervised endoscopy. Our wide range of courses equips learners with the skills, knowledge and confidence that is required for today’s and the future workforce. This is an intensive, interactive, practical course covering the theoretical basis of performing a safe gastroscopy and safe effective peri-endoscopy management. HEE is proud to have worked with the Joint Advisory Committee on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (JAG) to develop a Clinical Endoscopist Training Programme to support workforce capacity and capability in response to increasing demand for endoscopy services. Can an endoscopy unit be used as an inpatients' facility? JAG was established in 1994 in response to the expanding multidisciplinary nature of endoscopy. JAG accreditation is awarded to high-quality gastrointestinal endoscopy services. Use of endoscopy as an inpatient area Updates will be published on and cascaded to stakeholders and endoscopy services. Efficiency is a much narrower concept, usually referring to the throughput (numbers) in a given time for a given resource allocation. JAG also spearheads quality improvement (QI) initiatives to drive up standards of care for patients. GMC) This course is mandatory for those applying for JAG certification in colonoscopy. Each endoscopy service with trainees should have a training lead(s). The e-portfolio module is a log book for trainees to document their endoscopic experience and demonstrate their performance and competencies. The courses available at each centre are listed along with in depth feedback of each course directly from previous attendees. This will include a certification process for those training in capsule endoscopy to complete to demonstrate their competence to work independently. The criteria and process for certification and JAGs work on training is clinically led. endoscopy certification is proposed as a desirable, not essential, capability. ... Further background information about the training programme can be found in our publication on the British Society of Gastroenterology's web education platform. Delivered by the Royal College of Physicians, Please read carefully and take any action requested - this message will not be shown the next time you log in, Paediatric diagnostic upper GI endoscopy (OGD). This is an intensive, interactive, practical course covering the theoretical basis of performing a safe colonoscopy and safe and effective peri-endoscopy management. Discuss problems with endoscopy training in your ARCP. ... endoscopy training programme for all groups of staff. The Joint Advisory Group (JAG) for gastrointestinal endoscopy training was set up in 1994 to define standards for the training of all endoscopists. The aim of NED is to support and enable improved quality assurance in endoscopy, to enhance JETS (JAG Endoscopy Training System), removing the need for double data-entry for trainees and to offer potential for research by providing a central store of key endoscopy data. JAG now works across three main areas: endoscopy training, accreditation of endoscopy services and accreditation of screening endoscopists. Developed by the Joint Advisory Group on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (JAG) and e-Learning for Healthcare, e-Endoscopy is a web-based interactive resource available to all NHS users. © JAG 2021. Endoscopy training. Leadership and strategy for training is overseen by the Quality Assurance of Training Working Group. Factors associated with achieving 300 procedures were analysed by logistic regression. JETS (JAG Endoscopy Training System) comprises an e-portfolio and a booking system for JAG endoscopy courses. Some of the data logged into trainee e-portfolios populates a trainer portfolio. This one-day event has been designed to provide practical advice and support to endoscopy services wishing to achieve JAG accreditation. The Endoscopy e-learning programme is a free e-learning resource for health and care professionals working in endoscopy. Factors associated with achieving 300 procedures were analysed by logistic regression. • It is proposed that this more intensive (and Zhands on [) training will take place over a year. JETS (JAG Endoscopy Training System) supports endoscopists in the UK to deliver high quality and standardised training. Core curriculum for capsule endoscopy training JAG Certification Standards have been developed on the principle that outcomes of training … JAG Training is one of the UK’s leading Training Provider in Apprenticeships, Vocational, Bespoke and Employability Courses throughout England. Training Centres. Programme overview. Find out why your service should become accredited. JETS is the JAG Endoscopy Training System and is for all UK-based NHS endoscopists. To be JAG accredited, a service must meet the requirements set-out in the GRS. Letter of support from Educational Supervisor stating that the course is appropriate for you and that you are committed to endoscopy training with the opportunity to practice endoscopy for at least 6 months post course. JAG certification is managed by JETS, this is awarded to trainees who can evidence that they are working at a standard that is appropriate for them to work independently. JAG views this person as being responsible for training and training forms part of the unit’s JAG Global Rating Scale. We are close to releasing a standardised training pathway for capsule endoscopy. programme, achieve JAG (Joint Advisory Group on Gastrointestinal endoscopy) accreditation of units and to enable delivery of the single cancer pathway. Download the PDF version of this guidance.. Background. The JETS (JAG endoscopy training system) e-portfolio is an online tool for recording endoscopic procedures and accumulating evidence of your training. JETS provides an online log book, facilitates trainees to demonstrate their competence and is used to advertise and quality assure JAG approved training courses and centres. Trainees must have written support from their educational supervisor or endoscopy trainer to guarantee 6 months supervised training on completion of the course. Trainees should be registered with the Joint Advisory Group on GI Endoscopy (JAG) at the commencement of their training and will be issued with a certificate acknowledging completion of training. It is responsible for agreeing and setting policy/ JETS – JAG Endoscopy Training System The ethos of the JETS e-portfolio is to support trainees in their endoscopic training, to facilitate the formative and summative assessment processes and ensure that trainees receive appropriate quantity and quality of training. Can we use our non-negative endoscopy rooms for bronchoscopy of potential TB during the COVID-19 pandemic? JETS provides an online log book, facilitates trainees to demonstrate their competence and is used to advertise and quality assure JAG approved training courses and centres. It is essential that trainees have at least one training list per week available to them at their base hospital following this course. A copy of certificate of professional body (GMC/NMC), Evidence of current contract with your Trust. Applicants must have an existing affiliation with a professional body (e.g. JAG is an executive board which assumes an active and broad role in the quality assurance of endoscopy training and services across the UK. It has been developed by Joint Advisory Group on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (JAG) working in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH). GMC) This course is mandatory for those applying for JAG certification in colonoscopy. This should be included within the endoscopy service governance. Research The content is designed to support all aspects of endoscopy skills training and practice from the novice to the independent endoscopist and sub-specialty training. Listed below is a summary guide to the expected training commitment required for Radiology trainees to gain JAG certification for endoscopic practice. For more information on JETS, please see the JETS website. The training lead’s summary screen also supports dedicated training list allocation meetings, monitoring the training received by trainees and several items on the training GRS. Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals Endoscopy Training Centre - As above, Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals Endoscopy Training Centre. Ongoing-no change to deadline If required, complete training and appointment of two additional Published on 30 April 2020. There is no set timeframe for these being available. Each trainee will undertake a number of colonoscopies under the supervision of expert trainers, which will be transmitted to other delegates using the latest A/V resources, including magnetic 3D imnager to facilitate training. The course is open to anyone whose future job role will involve regular lower gastrointestincal endoscopy. There is no set timeframe for these being available. The course is open to anyone whose future job role will involve regular lower gastrointestincal endoscopy. There is currently work in developing a certification process for ERCP, EUS and GI bleeds. They have further functionality, including being able to review the performance of independently practicing endoscopists to ensure that they are achieving key performance indicators. Does the gas in the recovery area need to be piped, or will portable gas suffice? JAG approved Regional Training Centres and JAG accreditation This guidance sets out what is expected of regional training centres to ensure local patient care is optimised whilst providing JAG approved endoscopy courses. This is largely due to the Joint Advisory Group on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (JAG), an accreditation scheme for UK endoscopy services established in 2005 and hosted by the Royal College of Physicians. Trainers can utilise the system to monitor the anonymous feedback left by trainees, review a summary of the training they have provided and the outputs from DOTS (Direct Observation of Training Skills) peer reviews, all of which can be used for appraisals. Can JAG review proposed building layouts and designs for endoscopy services, or provide consultancy? This is in recognition that the environments in which endoscopy is undertaken varies widely, as do the complexity of procedures undertaken and the acuity of patients seen. Endoscopy training and certification is one of the key remits of the JAG and this site reflects the JAG's guidelines and quality assurance framework. Updates will be published on and cascaded to stakeholders and endoscopy services. Training and standards of practice for endoscopists have greatly improved in the last decade. Upper GI endoscopy training and JAG certified accreditation is a prerequisite for training in more advanced endoscopic skills such as ERCP and Endoscopic Ultrasound. This list was cross-referenced with procedure counts from the Joint Advisory Group on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (JAG) Endoscopy Training System database to determine the number of colonoscopies and polypectomies performed during training. The JAG quality assurance of training working group, in collaboration with appropriate specialty leads, are developing training pathways. Background | Activity | COVID-19 testing | Infection control, the environment and PPE | Workforce & training | JAG accreditation . JAG do not mandate the skill mix and number of staff that they would expect to see in an endoscopy service. These will include certification. The one-to-one teaching focuses on the development of individualised learning outcomes and plans to progress skills. Each training centre that offers courses on the JETS website has its own set of pages with full details of the centre and it's resident faculty. The JETS programme certifies trainees to undertake common endoscopic procedures and hosts approved training courses The NED extracts data from endoscopy reporting systems to provide insight into endoscopist's performance The Joint Advisory Group (JAG) on gastrointestinal endoscopy is holding a JAG accreditation training day for services on Tuesday 17 September 2019 in London. This is a 3-day course for Higher Trainees wishing to gain/ improve their skills in Colonoscopy. Output in healthcare is a product of numbers of episodes and outcome of patient care in terms of quality, safety and their experience. This person can help plan access to endoscopy lists for you and needs to know if you’re having any problems. This list was cross‐referenced with procedure counts from the Joint Advisory Group on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (JAG) Endoscopy Training System database to determine the number of colonoscopies and polypectomies performed during training. Applicants must have an existing affiliation with a professional body (e.g. These will include certification. JETS (JAG Endoscopy Training System) supports endoscopists in the UK to deliver high quality and standardised training. The e-Portfolio allows trainers to review trainees’ portfolios and tailor their training to focus on specific learning objectives thereby increasing the efficiency of endoscopy training. To be certified, an individual will need to satisfactorily complete: formative and summative DOPS JETS is a web-based e-portfolio which allows trainees and trainers to record their endoscopic experience and demonstrate their performance, progression and competence. JAG provide accreditation for endoscopy services and support training and development of the endoscopist workforce. A UK-wide observational study of JAG Endoscopy Training System (JETS) e-Portfolio colonoscopy entries (N=257,800) from trainees awarded PCC between July 2011 to July 2016 was undertaken. This is a 3-day Joint Advisory Group (JAG) approved course for endoscopy trainees wishing to gain/ improve their skills in GI Endoscopy. Productivity refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs. There is currently no JAG certification for this specialty however JAG is developing training pathways in collaboration with appropriate specialty leads. For further information about the QATWG, please click here. Details of the Curriculum for training in endoscopy and exact requirements for JAG certification in specific endoscopic modalities can be obtained from the JAG and JETS websites: Transnasal endoscopy (for upper GI investigation only) Also included in JAG accreditation if undertaken by endoscopists and staff outside of the endoscopy unit (for example, outpatients).