But the extent of the devastation went far beyond the walls and towers. Community See All. “We all shall answer when called, blades sharp, minds ready.”, With a deep breath, Erath put his disappointment out of his mind. Erath looked between the huntresses and Riven, waiting for either of them to make the first move, for the traitor's blade to magically manifest in her hand and furious combat to begin. Now the empire commands that we find her, and bring her back to them. “Have they said where the fighting will be, yet?” asked Erath, letting his excitement get the better of him. Kill them until they’re family, his father had once told him, when he showed Erath the dull purple trails of his old campaign scars. “I don't believe a single blossom can contain her spirit. “What is this, runesmith?” said Teneff. Riven ladled soup into bowls, placing one in front of each of the huntresses before filling one for herself. Erath nodded. The Ionian stepped back, dipping his head in understanding. “I find it hard to believe you would just happen to be passing through.”, “Hail,” said Tifalenji, dipping her head in greeting. “I thought you all were dead.” The words were genuine, until this day they had been fact to her, now she couldn't tell if she was uttering them to convince the huntresses, or herself. “For the empire.”, Yhavi returned the salute, and dipped his head in approval. Dessert Shop in The Colony, Texas. He would see you this day and feel pride, I know it.” Erath glanced down for a moment, and Yhavi handed him a small scroll, sealed and tightly rolled. Erath nodded, and she signaled for them to move. “What a shithole.”. The runesmith handed Marit a scroll. Lady Henrietta chapter 7 . She remembered how she had felt then—the fear and the panic, allowing it to wash over her and ebb away. A wasting disease. “Where is your mount?”, Her face darkens. Talz grunted. He had lived around soldiers long enough to know not to prod. “Here,” Arrel answered, barely above a whisper. Our responsibility rests upon our own actions, the choices made by our hearts.” She looked at him. “But we are all Noxian soldiers, on an imperial ship. Henrietta spat at them. “What proof do you have of any of this?” demanded Marit. “How hard did you look?”, “It all happened so quickly,” said Riven, lost in the memory. When the call for land had gone out from the scouts at the ship's bow, Erath hurried above decks to see. For the first time, seeing what had befallen Fae’lor with his own eyes, he felt doubt creep into his heart. The smell of a campfire welled in Riven's nose, the words of the mender they had met upon the road echoing sharply in her mind. Grab it !! He stopped beside the death shrine that had been recently built, studying the graceful architecture of the small structure. They followed the sound of ringing steel, sharper than the rhythm coming from the forges’ hammers, leading them to where the warriors on the island trained. “A fallen hero. LADY HENRIETTA: Added: Dec 23, 2017: Captured: December 22, 2017: IMO: 9604380: Hits: 281: Location: Sydney, Australia: Photo Category: Chemical and Product Tankers: Description: Under Sydney Harbour Bridge, heading for Gore Cove terminal. Erath detected no rage in it, no fear, only pain. Her eyes widened in confusion. “We’re getting him squared away,” replied the quartermaster. To make him stronger. Her grip on her sword slackened. Squatting down, he took hold of the cellar door and swung it up and open. Holding the sword, even broken, Riven seemed stronger. “Hold him.”. “I sense it, not in one place but in many. “We’ll be traveling with mostly laborers and stonemasons,” said Tifalenji. A child's scream slices open the early night. 2. Marit slain in a duel with Riven, and Tifalenji run through by Erath when she gets a little power mad. We mostly just finished off those too wounded to save, and dug graves.”. The weight in Erath's chest vanished, the stone melting away beneath warmth. It seemed to Erath as though the area had served some other purpose, maybe as a park or public garden, but now had been requisitioned and was being used as part of the greater mobilization. She stopped, her long neck swiveling to regard Erath. No mercy for deserters and traitors. Resourceful,” it spoke the word in another voice, the voice of Tifalenji's teacher, “and those who are resourceful can be of great use.”. Erath looked, seeing two tiny figures as they crested the top of a hill. Before midday, they were ready to board. She was tall, her dusky skin speaking of a home far from the chill northern reaches Erath hailed from. Where could an ambush lie? The woman's eyes narrowed. Riven's had fallen apart once more, the pieces scattered over the ground. Denied from fighting for his tribe, enduring the hardships to find his place in another. He was outside of their conversation but still he felt a part of it, especially Marit's barb about deserters. “Do you plan on giving us any trouble, sister?” Teneff allowed the barbed chain in his hand to slacken, the heavy iron hook striking the ground with a thud. I can still lift it.”, Marit's gruesome visage twisted in a smile as she sank into a fighting stance. “This thing I carry is mine. My masters heard it, and they saw who was responsible, as clearly as if they were standing in the room with her. “We have come for you.”. The top deck was crowded with Noxians eager for their own view. Please consider donating if you would like to see more regular releases. “You think you can stop this now?” Tifalenji roared. Erath found the docks there to be just as bustling as any other, mired in the same organized chaos of armed mobilization that seemed to be taking place over the entire eastern coast of Noxus. Riven had been distant from her adoptive father since they had returned from the market, wanting to give him his privacy to think, to feel. 41. “For Darkwill.”, “For Darkwill,” I return the salute. he thought. Marit sidestepped, throwing out the haft of her glaive against Riven's sword to knock it aside, and lunged for her throat. A huddle of figures stood ahead. “Father, face me!”, “Peace!” An elder emerged from the crowd. A rough dirt road led to the farm. Her hair was a stunning, crimson red, bound at the top of her head and flowing like a crest down her back. Erath opened his mouth to reply, but Henrietta hissed again, and he bit down on his anger. What occurred within those walls was between the four sisters, and nobody else. Their accordances are great, they are beyond our influence.”, “Our responsibility rests upon our own actions, the choices made by our hearts.” Asa offered Riven the skin of water. Wielding the spears were monsters of blackened iron plate, capes the hue of fresh blood billowing from their shoulders, glowering down at him from the impassive masks of spiked war helms. “Fourth,” Arrel called. “Wherever you go, whatever you do, you will always be my dyeda. Within seconds, Erath heard the soft, echoing slaps of sandaled feet approaching. “That is surprising. “Ensure she does not flee,” commanded Tifalenji. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Riven smiled, looking up at Asa but finding the joy had vanished from his face. Erath maintained his calm, carefully studying Riven. “Rune-witch,” said Marit. 5. Arrel walked away, and Erath looked back at the fathomless expanse of gently crashing waves. Other funny Videos :Light a bbq without firelighters : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6aUWHfehP0How to Build an Igloo with plastic cups DIY - … He avoided staring directly at the symbols, as even out of the corner of his eye they made his teeth itch. “I am Tifalenji, and from this moment, my word is law to you. “Until we meet again, sister.”. Erath drew his falchion, clashing it against his armor. Lady Henrietta is a mare born in 2010 November 15 by Marwina out of Henry's Girl. 21 talking about this. He could not fathom that he had just watched her fall. Erath went below decks, trying to put the shock of the island from his mind as he went about getting Talz and Henrietta off the Atoniad. Erath turned, seeing more figures appear behind them, and then to either side. Erath turned, his hand immediately on the grip of his knife. I would wish it on no one else. He saw new tension in the runesmith's companions as he approached, a tightness in their postures that hadn't been there before. The silence stretched, untenable, and finally broke. “What do you want?”, “You, Riven,” said Marit, leaning down from the saddle. “Cute,” she said with a grin. She considers me for a second. “What are they looking for, mistress?” he asked Tifalenji. Erath laid a hand on the Ionian's shoulder, his falchion in his other fist. We must cross into the heart of the First Lands, and we must do so now.”, Tifalenji looked to Erath now for the first time. “Take your time,” Marit sneered, snatching Henrietta's reins from Erath. If you truly see yourself as broken, home is where you will find the last piece to make you whole again.”, Marit gave a crooked grin. Before long, Erath began to pick up strong scents on the air. The sergeant grunted, smiling at his beaten tin cup as it was filled with stew and a hunk of hard brown bread. “Like missing teeth, that city. Agony, pressure, fingers clawing at her boots, begging her to save them. Erath had gathered with the tribe around a fire as the shamans relayed how a cowardly band of Ionians had assaulted the Noxian fortress there. “I have seen you wield it with skill, but time can so often make a gift into a burden. “Did you read this?” she asked, holding up the scroll Erath realized was no longer in his hand. “Is that part of the sword? “But it is done, and I serve Noxus better on my own.”, Teneff slowly extended a hand. Marit glared at Arrel, her dark eyes slits of intensity, but she relented. Erath followed the robed woman as they crossed over another canal and wound deeper into the bustling city. The cyclone caging them shuddered. “And even headless they can still gut you.”, “So it is war, then?” asked Erath. Erath watched the magic, entranced by the elegant dance of the runes as they burned themselves into the blade of the sword and vanished one by one. “You do look quite unscathed,” said Marit. “We would welcome Jobin's son here. Submission loomed heavy in her heart. “What happened to you, Marit?”, “I survived.” Marit's ruined visage twisted in a cruel lipless grin. “What's the matter, sister?” Marit leaned forward. Pups have grown.”, “So she does remember the life she cast aside,” Marit exclaimed, looking to the other huntresses, then back at Riven. “If you’re all coming from Valoran, then you’ve been eating ship’s slop for days. “She failed, and the magic that infused it cried out at the desecration. Erath watched Riven appear from inside the farmhouse, flanked by the huntresses. The heaving, rolling motion of their warship had stolen many meals from his stomach, offered to the ocean in the queasy tribute of abrupt sickness. "A snafu during a legislative debate where a microphone was turned on captured banter between two Iowa GOP leaders, who also joked about a “give … The Atoniad.”. Peering into the dark, Erath wished he had his own runeblade, for no other reason than to light the way. Always.”, “You will always be here, fair.” Riven's hand fell to her heart. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Lady of Secrets (Ladies of the Civil War) at Amazon.com. “And you, boy,” said Teneff, her attention shifting to the blade squire. Erath straightened, hammering a fist proudly against his chest. He noticed she was fully armored now, with her rune-etched sword on her back and a canvas rucksack at her feet. Straw, cut grass, dung, smells that were familiar to any shepherd or beast herder. At first, Erath said nothing. “Just the two of us, then,” said Erath, watching Arrel disappear. “She needs exercise, you want to be it? Erath's own tribe was in the midst of disembarking from the riverboat that had ferried them from the plains of Dalamor down south to the capital. The dust began to settle, and Erath summoned his courage. Finally she held her blade over it, whispering a sharp string of syllables that boiled the chaff away, revealing a flat piece of metal, about the size of Erath's fist. As they progressed, Erath noticed Riven's defensive guise begin to slip. I swallow, closing my eyes for a moment to block the memory. Erath exhaled like a drowning man finally reaching the water's surface, able to understand the words. Teneff took a slow breath. “Fragments, here and there. A keening wail split the air. Tifalenji uttered a verse and the three were suspended in mid-air, sealed inside capsules of runic energy. this EVIL LADY isnt as DEAD hahaha the details are awesome !! The masked woman unfurled it, her dark eyes flicking up to regard Tifalenji several times as she read it. You have me in suspense. “It is my responsibility, and no other's. “Hey!” The blade squire started to pursue her, before looking back at Talz. The challenge repeated, thundering from one of the legionaries, somehow deepened and projected to an inhuman degree by his mask. “We need you in the line, Cestus.”, The swordsman barked out a swear and stood, trudging up out of the pit. Every few paces there would be a gap, the light flooding in to highlight a patch that had been harvested in stark relief, the prize portions of the crop that had already been taken to market. “We don’t send the nobility to Tokogol.”, “The western frontier,” said Erath. Riven stood, and the huntresses followed suit, their postures growing taut. He barely heard the sharp note of a horn, as they descended the hills toward them. “Let’s make it second blood. Riven watched her stoop down, and retrieve both runeblades. “Dyeda, no…” Asa pleaded, shocked to hear those words coming from Riven's mouth. You have been so strong through all this. “What?”, “I have someone you want,” said the runesmith, indicating Asa. Silence held for a handful of heartbeats, radiating with tension. How could something of such power be broken?”, “She did it.” A tear streaked down Tifalenji's face as her fingers closed over the shard. It was a lesson that would do him credit when the day came that Noxus would call upon him to serve. Where they would stand, angles and landmarks, who would do what if the need for bloodletting arose, all discussed in a bored, almost horrifically calm manner. Character Death: Of the 5, 3 make it out of the stories alive. “That sword always should have been mine, you never possessed the strength to do what needed to be done with it. “Your first passage?”, The blade squire nodded. “I came,” Erath's voice shook, “to hear why he betrayed me and my companions to the Brotherhood.”, “Betray?” Sadness flooded the elder's features. Arrel finally gave voice to the question in all their heads. “I never thought there could be this much water.”, “You were in the war before,” Erath said, uneasy with the subject. You are nothing but a parasite, clutching for its radiance to give meaning to a broken, worthless existence.”, “So, this was never about me.” Riven shot an accusing glare at the huntresses. League of Legends Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The elder led Erath to Jobin's hut, and the two entered. It felt as though he had no more than blinked before he heard the voice, sharp and cold as the edge of the knife he felt against his neck. Arrel's hounds howled. “I was a shepherd there.”, She offered him a thin smile, and Erath could swear he could hear something snarling behind him, just within earshot. A jagged portion of the blade was still attached to it, like a chipped tooth, inscribed with the same runic script Erath had seen on the fragments they had collected. I forget that I lead my warriors now, that she and I are equals, but it feels false. Together they worked quickly, striking Marit's camp and loading it onto Talz. Erath stared down the soldiers and watched them disperse, only registering after a time that the runesmith was calling for him. Scars crisscrossed any flesh not covered in leather and iron armor, tales of blood and honor etched into her over a lifetime of battle. Are you ready?”, Riven exhaled, sparing one last look at Asa and the home she would never see again, and gave a nod. “Perhaps the war truly did break her,” said Tifalenji. It was scarred, bruised, and discolored. “And how many of those big farm boys did you make the soil red with, eh?”, “I was rearguard,” Erath shrugged. “Honor is all that we have. He saw the same green light from the runes flicker once in her eyes, as she glanced at him. Laden Sie kostenlose Schriftarten für Windows und Mac herunter. Tifalenji glared at Marit. “Was it?”. Her runeblade made a sizzling thrum as it chopped and slashed against Marit's defenses. Riven released a shuddering breath. Lady Lol ist eines dieser Labels, das wir nicht an jeder Ecke finden. 55,000 Schriftarten in 26,000 Familien. Arrel was right. Her thoughts turned to water. But first, to get rid of her V-card. A nimble and energetic beast, Marit's steed was clearly unhappy with the confines of the ship. “Marit?”, “Scars and all,” the rider sneered. Photos of LADY HENRIETTA (MMSI: 229049000) Browse and rate photos uploaded by our community. Log In. “Proceed to the ninth gate of the Bastion, across the canal just ahead of us. Weaving above her, the broken segments came together, bound by crackling runic energy into an immense, fractured union. I refer to that.”. As though the eyes of our empire watch her every move. With a quick squeeze he crushed the seal in his fist, and the scroll unspooled in a small shower of broken bits of red wax. Teneff gave a wry smile. or. Emerging from between the stalks, she found Asa, his eyes kind as he waited for her with a skin in his hands. “And you have something I need.” She showed Riven the broken fragments in her other hand. Email: Dear Lady Somerset, I’m intrigued by your announcement of the study of neglect. “My orders.”. They took his life.”. I forgot.”, Riven's eyes darted to the shrine they had built for Shava Konte, the closest thing she had ever had to a mother. A dark silence hung over the gathering. They stepped into the daylight, finding him and Tifalenji standing there, their weapons drawn, with the Ionian man Erath had discovered kneeling between them. Riven looked away. She walked between the rows of the crop, sunlight peeking in golden bars through broad leaves and stalks. “Leave him in peace, and I will go with you.”. He’s still a baby so you’ll be fine with ’im. i dont think people realise that it can be traumatising to be on the other end of not getting in if you dont have a plan b or have been working ha “Ask it.”, “Who is it?” asked Erath. “Well this all seems to be in order. “There’s more.”. Ein Label, das in keinem Kleiderschrank fehlen sollte. Cool, moist air wafted up toward him, revealing a set of rough stone steps leading down into the gloom. League of Legends Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. “Everything in order?” Tifalenji appeared behind Erath. Erath stayed a pace behind with Talz, peering between the women to see what was happening. After they had been over every inch of the Atoniad, a contingent of the soldiery remained aboard while the others returned to their frigate, and the ship was cleared to advance to the next ring of the blockade. “Such a malleable term. Art UK is the online home for every public collection in the UK. The sting brought her out of the memory, and back to the calm of the field. If not Erath, then who? “Who is this man?”, “Be silent,” snapped Tifalenji. Página oficial do Bar Henrietta em Ribeirão Preto. The open air was cold, and sharp with salt spray. In her name we continued on, and succeeded in her task, bringing a fugitive to justice.”. “Do you have any idea what you have done?”, “This sword was entrusted to me,” said Riven, her slender fingers slowly closing around its leather-bound grip. Shirtkleider und Tunikakleider lassen nur so schwärmen und bieten uns jede Menge Abwechslung. “I said leave it alone,” the runesmith growled. You are alone?”, Arrel's eyes narrowed. Together, we'll make it better.” She rises, and presses a fist to her chest. 3805 Main Street #107 (1,158.19 mi) The Colony, TX, TX 75056. When do we leave?”, “Fair enough,” Marit eyed Erath. After a few moments' silence, the barrier peeled apart wide enough to admit him. The dust had cleared now, revealing the dead raiders around them in various states of dismemberment. He studied the scroll, brightly bleached paper compared to the rough vellum of his brethren's mandate. Play now for free. Erath exhaled, walking carefully around Arrel and her hounds to exit the tent. Come.”. “It is a place of beauty, and of death.”, “All of Ionia is just one giant jungle raptor with its head cut off,” Marit appeared from behind them, strutting forward to lounge against the railing. “Don't worry, Riven. I meet her gaze, and she chuckles softly. Dort angekommen lernt er schnell den ehemaligen Strafgefangen und heutigen Plantagenbesitzer Sam Flusky (Joseph Cotten) kennen, der ihm ein Darlehen anbietet, um einen Landkauf zu tätigen. Featuring 250,000 artworks by over 45,000 artists. Thank you for your time, Diana Montague. After the hardships of the journey to find Riven on foot, the speed of covering ground with Lady Henrietta was exhilarating. The Atoniad was a troop carrier of unmistakably Noxian design, from its strong lines and dark iron plating to the tightly bound red sails, eager to be unleashed and carry the ship forward onto the waves. See what Henrietta (LadyAnarietta) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. “No,” Marit hissed, the contempt in the word costing her what life she had remaining to her as she slumped into the dirt. “You have deserted, soldiers. The raiders were in full view now, lightly armored with billowing cloaks and teal banners streaming from the tips of barbed lances. The four women jolted at the voice from outside the farmhouse. “Marit? “Yet I do not grieve my beloved Shava, because she is not lost to us. You were there, after all.”, Riven's eyes stung. Softly humming he approached, reached out, and gently ran a hand over her scaly hide. After everything we've been through, everything questioned and twisted, all that is constant is honor. He could make out a portion of a rune, etched into the dark material, cut off by the edge of the fragment where it appeared to have been shattered from the whole. “And this is my glorious steed, the Lady Henrietta Eliza Vaspaysian IV of Orogonthis.” She looked at Erath, narrowing her eyes. Because an enemy of the empire was never more than a ceremony away from being a wayward brother or sister, brought forth with honor and purpose into the arms of Noxus to stand beside Erath in the line. “She passed, now it's only me.” Her eyes grew hard. Yet Erath could not help but wonder how long it would stay that way. “Do as I say, in silence, or I will cut your throat.”. “Tell me why you abandoned everything you had pledged your life to. “That is Riven.”, He looked closer. Her strength fading, Marit used the last of it to seize the collar of Riven's shirt, hauling her down close to look her in the eye. “Where we all work as one to bring the same freedom and meaning to everywhere the sun touches.”, Riven considered her words. “Well, I suppose we can use the idiot’s tears to season the meat when we have to eat it on the trail.”. “What about them?”, “Aren’t you concerned they’ll simply go back to raiding in your absence?”. All the latest horse racing form, betting odds, news, breeding, jockey and trainer information for Lady Henrietta. He had never considered there could be so many peoples, so many languages. Erath heard something rip, and leapt back as a jet of dark blood burst from the wall of dust, coating his face and chest with hot crimson. “It was a shallow expansion through a fertile valley,” he continued. “I’m to be your blade squire.” Erath had won the honor in a blood trial before the tribe departed home. Marit cocked her head to one side. The air was thick, humid, and dusty. “Here,” said Marit. “I'm sure a poet could do something with that.”, “Remember,” grumbled Arrel, reaching down to scratch First's scalp. “Oh joy,” replied Marit. “I grow weary of these games,” snarled Tifalenji, pressing her blade hard enough for Erath to see a trickle of blood from Asa's throat. Lady Henrietta chapter 3 . Thin strands of saliva descended from its bony mask, pebbled with froth from a growling throat. The tip of Tifalenji's sword stopped abruptly over a heap of straw. Erath looked to the huntresses, to Riven. Arrel ignored the awkwardness. From the corner of my eye I see the markings of rank. “That is our ship. “If you had displeased me, blade squire,” said Arrel, “this hound would have made it known to you. Like a gargantuan snake of red banners and dark iron they marched, traversing flat plains that reminded Erath of his home, back in Dalamor. The light granted shape and texture wherever Erath brought it. You won’t be coming with us.”. A giant saurian, the basilisk's green flesh was hard as iron, and bulging with bands of dense muscle from its tree-trunk limbs to its long, thick tail. They kept to side streets, avoiding the larger boulevards packed with troop movements and hemmed by rows of barrack tents arrayed on either side. Few from the tribe were learned in Noxian, but Erath knew a passable amount of Va-Noxian, the unified spoken tongue, and a paltry understanding of the empire's formal written language. The Ionian stood shakily, a look from Riven leaving him to hang his head as he stumbled toward the farmhouse. I know it's still within you, Riven. Juli 1961 in Sandringham, Norfolk, England; 31. She knew when to accept that something was beyond her understanding. The punishment for which is death.”, Tifalenji met Teneff's withering gaze. Inside the tent the air was cold, and thick with the spicy tang of incense that made Erath's eyes water. One of the drakehounds snapped forward from Arrel's side, placing itself between her and Erath. Now able to see, he descended the cellar steps. Erath hurried after her, looking back over his shoulder to watch the legionary plod back to his place beside his fellow guard. She has the night booked at a discreet club exclusively for women but things get complicated when she finds a man tied up in her carriage. She rode confidently upon a lithe, bipedal creature, all sleek muscle and lashing tail, somewhere between a lizard and a bird. “But the soul of Noxus has not. Not Now. Cool. The only light came from a kneeling figure at the center of the tent, her arms weaving a strand of glowing green runes around a sword that hung suspended in the air above her. He took advantage of Henrietta's diverted attention and grabbed hold of her reins, wrapping the leather around his forearm. We have shed blood together here, and that act makes us sisters.”. Broken images flashed across her mind, her ears swelling with fire and screams. “Whoa,” he called to the roving saurian as she stalked between a line of billet tents. He wrinkled his nose as he stood at the entrance, squinting to try to study the interior. Fearing her brother may have a hand in it, she heads towards her destination. The Noxians advanced upon the farm. If Arrel's hound was still alive. Arrel gestured to First, and the drakehound loped around behind the farmhouse, while the other two guarded the front corners of the structure. Ewan Marquess of Peterborough had lost his wife and the son she was carring in child birth, it had only been about a year and his parents the Duke & Duchess of Peterborough decieded he needed to get remarried. Arrel paused, and Erath patted Talz's flank to bring him to a halt as he watched the tracker. Go with us along this path, attend and serve, and you will be rewarded.”, “I am a loyal warrior of Noxus,” Erath proclaimed. Their weapons occupied the space between them, the edges flicking and making tiny circles but never touching…. He heard the low snarling of hounds as they approached, the silhouettes materializing into Arrel and Marit with the kneeling figure of the runesmith between them. Erath rode through the night. “I know your heart, dyeda. They left the organized chaos of the capital behind. Erath heard the huntresses mutter amongst themselves, the subdued talk of tactics on the march to war. Marit slain in a duel with Riven, and Tifalenji run through by Erath when she gets a little power mad. Erath could see it was newly made. “Answers,” she repeated. There were concentric circles of vessels ringing the island, defense pickets that were constantly shifting. “How would you have me address you, then?”. Teneff wound her chain around her forearm, looking up to find Erath and the party staring down at her. Erath hesitated. What would he choose? Email: Dear Lady Somerset, I’m intrigued by your announcement of the study of neglect. He advanced on Erath with heavy, pounding bootsteps, stopping just a pace away from the boy. “My search is over—but not yours.” She nodded to Lady Henrietta. Talz grumbled, making a deep choking sound. Erath's breath caught in his throat. He laid a reassuring hand on the pendant for a moment before touching his orders, inscribed on the tightly rolled sheet of bleached paper.