Nothing like adding a dimension of risk to social interactions to quickly determine who is worth giving a fuck about and who is not. Hundreds of readers chimed in with the tried and true advice to always save for a rainy day: Of course, there were many readers on the other side of this equation: It’s often trendy in my line of work to tell people that money doesn’t bring happiness. If you’re a bad friend and not generous with your time or energy, there’s no more hiding behind working long hours or endless business trips. But that Zoom meeting could have led to another business deal which you now did not get. With all public places closed, her fabric mills stopped production. Challenging. We will remember this year for the rest of our lives. We all wanted to be healthy and boost our immunity. I used to take the basics for granted: clean water, a job, a bed, these are the things we are entitled to have. Just click the pretty, pretty button below to get started. I found this true in my own life. The paranoid became more paranoid. In spite of all the doom and gloom that the pundits and press have been saying about the boringness of staying home with my husband, I’ve advanced my cooking, read and really enjoyed the boring times. It can override our sense of altruism and soon enough it is like rats fleeing a sinking ship, panicked and harming each other. Five Lessons Learned in 2020. One way I like to think about pandemic life is that it’s kind of like a science experiment. The replies hailed from dozens of different countries, from men and women as young as 15 and as old as 84, from people who had one of the greatest years of their lives and people who had one of the worst. This is especially true in the age of social media, where the slightest amount of hurt, offense, or setback is perceived as some great oppression. This is the part of the website where I put a big toothy grin on my face and scream “BUT WAIT! Naver. That there’s little point saying, ‘When I’m rich I’m gonna…’ or ‘When I retire I’m gonna…’ Because you won’t. So, I’m going to share the 10 life lessons that life has taught me in 2020 and how you can learn the insights and make your coming days better… 1. For the first time in my life, I developed routines around writing, exercise, and sleep. Read also: 13 normal things we take for granted THERE’S MORE!” at you in hopes to hold your attention for more than 30 milliseconds. Early on, they discovered a lot of stuff they had been covering up for years. And as horrified as I am by my newfound predictability, I will probably be keeping many of these routines post-pandemic. What Will Happen In 2021? A health worker prays as a Catholic priest blesses the COVID-19 swab test area of a hospital in Manila, Philippines, on Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020. Here are three that stuck with me...Related: What Will Happen In 2021? I had a mental breakdown in March, lost my job in June, moved twice in the past four months, slept on sofas and in moldy rooms, was disappointed by friends and lovers. It showed them who really loved them for who they were and who didn’t. Become a subscriber to the site and get all that extra cool stuff. Lessons Learned from 2020 Bulletin Roundtable . “Adversity seems to bring out not necessarily the worst in people, but the essence of people. A number of readers commented on the fear that pervaded public discourse this year and how we reacted to it as a culture. For example, I never realized how awful I felt for days after drinking alcohol, even if I only drank a little. This comfort will then eliminate or at least drastically reduce the emotional reaction to many of your fears. But sitting at home all week, doing nothing, sleeping as much as I wanted, it soon became apparent that just a couple glasses of whiskey go a long way to wrecking my energy. Many also shared the joyous realization that they loved their partners even more after spending all-day, every day with them for nine months. Some even discovered they didn’t miss many of their friends and family. Those new clothes can wait. LINE. Feedzai became a fully remote company, albeit temporarily, with less than 24 hour’s notice. In many cases, removing the time constraints exposed people them to this issue—that they were the problem all along. It simply means you must be willing to take responsibility for adapting to the circumstances. We will have to endure the adversity, live through it, breathe it every day, as long as it lasts. Some of these realizations will be positive and joyous. Twitter. shares his thoughts. You are tired and cranky so you skip the Zoom meeting you were scheduled for. It reaffirmed to many that they chose who to be with well. Hundreds of people said that they didn’t miss their work, hobbies, or favorite events. As obnoxious as I find schedules and routines, these saved my ass this year.