The appointed Inspector, Mr Paul Selby BEng (Hons) MSc MRTPI, found that subject … The Local Development Scheme 2020 - 2022 was approved by … Email: It guides new developments to appropriate locations while protecting our natural environment and built heritage. It will be used to decide planning applications and to guide and promote development which is in the public interest. The Local Plan sets out policies for the development and protection of land. The policies map shows development plan designations and proposals for the allocation of land for specific types of development. Adopted policies map. Provides further detail on certain policies and proposal in the LDP. This is a pdf file and is 4mb in size. The Proposals Map (also referred to as the Policies Map) was adopted in February 2011 alongside the Core Strategy. Development Plan; Proposals Map. Alternatively, the Swansea LDP can be downloaded below. The policies and plans below make up the current Local Plan. Local Development Plan Manual – Edition 2 - August 2015 1. Print. The Core Strategy was adopted on the on the 15 November 2011. Introduction . The Maldon District Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out a description of the development plan documents (DPDs) being prepared by the Council and outlines the timetable for their production. Wind Turbine Mapping. The local plan Every local planning authority in England is required to have in place a clear, up to date local plan, which conforms to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Local Plan Stages Stage 1 (2017) – Initial Consultation (Regulation 18) Stage 2 (2018) – Issues & Options (Regulation 18) Stage 3 (2020) – Preferred Options (Regulation 18) SCI The map allows you to search for a location and see which policies within the Development Plan (as at November 2011) apply to your chosen location. 1.1.1 This Local Development Plan Manual is an online reference document for practitioners implementing or contributing to Local Development Plan (LDP) preparation and provides practical and technical advice on how to prepare or revise an LDP. Connect 24/7 - Service disruption. PLANS to build thousands of homes in Monmouthshire and Torfaen have been outlined. It shows how and where new development will take place over the next 15 years. Local Development Plan 2010 (Adopted) The adopted LDP and background process and documents. S2-Bishops-Castle.pdf in SAMDev maps Created on 23/10/2017 16:08:47. The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 set out a new system for land use plans in Wales. Local Development Plan. Shropshire.pdf in SAMDev maps Created on 23/10/2017 16:08:40. Search for planning applications; Weekly list of planning applications; Search for building regulations applications; Find out if you need planning permission; More in planning and development The adopted Policies Map includes the remaining "saved policies" of the Adopted Local Plan and the Adopted Core Strategy Policies. Local Development Plan The Local Development Plan (LDP) is the development plan for Newport and is the basis for land use planning within the council’s administrative area. Further work was needed to this list and this has been achieved by preparing an Addendum to The current Local Development Plan (LDP) was adopted on the 23 November 2010 and identifies where new developments such as housing, employment, community facilities, and roads, will go. Pendle Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy (Adopted 2015) View an interactive version of the Proposals Map; Pendle Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations and Development Policies (in preparation) Interactive adopted plan proposals map The Local Development Plan is a legal document which sets out the planning policies in the county borough up to 2021. Planning Aid Scotland PAS offers a free, impartial and confidential planning advice service, provided by specialist volunteers, all of whom are chartered planners.