Many of us do not discover passion until late in life, if ever. Synonyms for passionate about include keen, into, attracted, besotted, bewitched, captivated, enamored, enamoured, crazed and enticed. Without passion for your work, every extra minute you spend at work is something you silently considered a prolongation of your misery. When you arrive and sit on your desk, you keep thinking that this job does not suit you, that you should not be there in the first place. Keep trying new things. If this describes your current internal battle of whether you should stay or move on, here are some insights about what passion is, how, and why it is important to work with passion. Synonyms for passionate about include keen, into, attracted, besotted, bewitched, captivated, enamored, enamoured, crazed and enticed. But getting and keeping passion isn't always so easy. It’s more likely that you think in terms of work ethic, energy, and resourcefulness. You’re taking THIS job because you love something about it. Mitigating the Risks of Business Travels: An Insight from Lauren Crowley, Team Egencia Vice President, People at Expedia Group, Sharing Sessions: HR Forum Professionals Should Join. 3.8%. 43 synonyms of passionate from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 49 related words, definitions, and antonyms. As what Steve Jobs said, the key to have a great performance at work is to love what you do. Tell them what to do, when, how, why, where and with whom. 2. …, Employee engagement: Improving retention and performance, Employee Engagement: Driving a Return on Investment, Empowering them to make decisions; giving them more authority over budget, tactics, or even strategy, Put them on a project team where their knowledge, skills and personality can be used to influence others, Allow them to work in an allied area to see how the other half of an end-to-end process they know well works. When you are seeking your passion, you have to see it from the right perspective. When you enjoy every single effort you make to finish your job, it means that you should have passion in it. It is tempting to offer sympathy to this group. Does it Make Sense to Do an Internship after Graduation? In the end, it depends on what you think is better for your own life. The “five whys” technique in this context asks the first why question: “Why is it that you find yourself unwilling to execute this role to the best of your ability?” The second “why” question picks up on the object of their answer and asks; “Why is that …