Right now, we should all be protecting each other by staying at home and only … About the Council Councillors, meetings, decisions Take part and have your say Elections & voting Supplier services Employee self service Web accessibility Contact Search Hantsweb services and sites; submit; Sign in; Register; Sign in Register Hide this message Coronavirus (COVID-19) Following the Government announcement on Monday 4 January 2021, Hampshire is in National lockdown: Stay at … You will be matched with someone, who you can then chat to each week, and share your thoughts and feelings. No (I recycle) 256 votes (78.53%) 4. 33 Monks Close, Farnborough. The Smart Living site has more information on composting and … Because of the work we and our contractor Serco have undertaken towards the end of the last year to prepare for a second spike, we have two additional bubble crews in place to cover COVID-related absences. Successful. We monitor our page during our office hours, so if you post in the evening or at a weekend, … Find out your rubbish collection day Check your council’s website to find out when your rubbish will be collected. … More … SERCO and Rushmoor Borough Council have signed a 10-year deal for cleaning and waste collection which promises to improve or add to existing services (Image: Alistair Wilson) Right now, we should all be protecting each other by staying at home and only … Blue bin - recycling; Green bin - garden waste ; Grey bin - household items that cannot be recycled . They are being accused of "punishing" householders in the borough who used a survey to demand their bins were emptied each week. Option 2 For £30 per year you will received: Two reusable, … Rushmoor Borough Council . To find out more visit … Muschamp (Deputy Leader and Business, Safety and Regulation Portfolio) Councillor Sue Carter (Leisure and Youth Portfolio) Councillor Barbara Hurst (Health and Housing Portfolio) Every time that someone bends the rules, however small it may seem - they are putting other people's lives at risk. Answers and votes were as follows: 1. You can also buy single-use sacks separately, or alongside our garden waste recycling bin service, on a pay-as-you-go basis. Bin collections. Please call our Customer Services team on 01252 398 399 if you are asking for a larger rubbish bin. We collect rubbish, recycling and food waste from your home. Rushmoor Borough Council in Hampshire is introducing the smaller bins after scrapping plans for a fortnightly collection and Trafford Council, in Greater Manchester, is doing the same. Large unwanted item collection. Each sack is 75 litres (about the same size as a standard bin bag) Once purchased, we deliver them to your home; We collect your sacks every other week ; Please see our garden waste single-use sacks page for more information. 0:35. Please visit our main garden waste recycling service … How to order new bins or food caddies. And I'm just doing a really brief video, just to bring you up to date with what's happening in Rushmoor for all those who live here and work here. Hampshire residents can purchase discount home composting bins by calling 0844 571 4444 or visiting the Get Composting website. Here in Aldershot and Farnborough we are currently conducting a 6 month alternate week bin collection trial amongst 7,000 of the 35,000 homes in Rushmoor. All 7,000 homes will take part in a survey at the end of June before the trial is concluded in July. Missed collections. Rushmoor Borough Council has announced that its bin service will be returning to its normal weekly collection schedule. Response by Rushmoor Borough Council to Lauren Smithson on 1 September 2020. Also inside is our latest regeneration news, the launch of the council’s shop local campaign, plus information on Christmas bin collections, recycling tips and more! Today • Inform community leaders about how the Council works and other key services available in Local Authority (LA) • Share possible areas of help and avoiding risks for the Nepali community • How LA can support the community • Share good practice on capacity building work with the community • Benefits … Return to weekly rubbish bin collections My name is David Clifford and I'm Leader of Rushmoor Borough Council. Report a missed bin collection; Book a bulky waste collection; Renew or subscribe to our garden waste collection service; Purchase additional garden waste sacks; Report a lost or damaged bin, or request an additional bin; Report a noise complaint Our cover also features the Rushmoor Christmas Angels, an amazing local project that will be sharing some Christmas cheer over the next few weeks. But the council defended the move and insisted it was … The service costs £42 per year for a bin; We collect your bin every other week ; If you are moving home (within Rushmoor) and would like to transfer your garden waste subscription to your new address, please call us on 01252 398 399. Collection Fund 76 Notes to the Collection Fund 77 Glossary of Terms 79 ii Rushmoor Borough Council Statement of Accounts 2016/17 Contents Cash Flow statement - Adjustments for items included in the net surplus or deficit on the provision of services that are investing or financing activities Cash Flow statement - Adjustment to net surplus or deficit on the provision of services for non cash movements … From as little as £30 per year Rushmoor Borough Council will collect your garden waste on a fortnightly basis. Local Authority Support to Gurkha Communities 18. th. Order bins. Over the festive season, please consider giving a regular gift to local good causes by buying a Rushmoor Community Lottery ticket. Battery recycling . We are currently experiencing high levels of waste collection staff self-isolating due to COVID-19. These will assist us in continuing to deliver all of our … I welcome this survey, and will value the information it gives us, however, this leaves 38,000 homes not consulted. But today, Rushmoor still has the 8th highest infection rate in the country, with exceptionally high rates in some parts of the borough, so it is vital that we all continue to do our bit to bring the infection rate down further. If you have a large family or exceptional circumstances, we may be able to give you a larger bin. The ORCA (Operation Rushmoor Community Action) Telephone Befriending Service was set up in response to the first national lockdown last spring, and offers comfort and support to people feeling isolated or lonely. No (I do not recycle) 3 votes (0.92%) 5. Buy local. Rushmoor Borough Council will collect your garden waste from the edge of your property once a fortnight and compost it to make Pro Grow. Please visit our buy … Bin collections Guidance about what can go in your bins and information about the collection service. Yes (I recycle) 58 votes (17.79%) 2. You can check the status of your bin collections and report missed collections online. Residents who rejected plans for fortnightly rubbish collections are being given smaller bins. The waste management company will also be responsible for street cleaning, highway verges and grounds maintenance for the Hampshire council until 2016, after a cabinet meeting in March outlined the cost-saving benefits of extending the existing … From Monday September 7 bin collections, which have been occurring fortnightly due to the coronavirus pandemic, will happen weekly with the council 'now happy to move back to weekly collections' as the 'risk of further local outbreaks is currently fairly low'. Rushmoor Borough Council, Farnborough, Hampshire. To read more about the Telephone Befriending Service, staffed entirely by … Garden Waste Collection Scheme. Knellwood: 20/00373/FULPP - Demolition of single detached garage, erection of two-storey front and side extension with erection of front porch. Important bin collection update - 8 February 2021. The bin … You will need to put in your address first. Help for elderly and infirm. Your address; Contact details ; Start … December 21, 2020. Postcode lookup. Council tax; Elections and voting; Councillors, the Mayor, MPs and MEPs; The Cabinet and Leader of the Council; About Rushmoor Borough Council; Meetings, agendas and minutes; Our departments and management team; Job opportunities; Our budgets and how we spend our money; Polling stations and wards; Legal information; Rushmoor Strategic Partnership Arena www.rushmoor.gov.uk. Collection Fund 76 Notes to the Collection Fund 77 Auditor’s Report 79 Annual Governance Statement 84 Glossary of Terms 98 ii Rushmoor Borough Council Statement of Accounts 2017/18 Contents Cash Flow Statement - Adjustments for items included in the net surplus or deficit on the provision of services that are investing or financing activities Cash Flow Statement - Adjustment to net surplus or deficit on the … RUSHMOOR BOROUGH COUNCIL CABINET Tuesday, 31st May, 2016 at 7.00 p.m. at the Council Offices, Farnborough Councillor D.E. For example SW1A 2AA Find . Find out more about the service This fortnightly collection will continue for the foreseeable future. You can contact the Council by phone on 01252 398399, via email to webteam@rushmoor.gov.uk or by writing to us at Council Offices, Farnborough Road, Farnborough GU14 7JU 9,614 likes. About the Council Councillors, meetings, decisions Take part and have your say Elections & voting Supplier services ... Green garden waste can be composted in your own garden using a home compost bin. Issue 115 l Autumn 2020. Remember you can not put your garden rubbish in your normal bin so make sure you recycle it by using the options below. First of all, a big 'thank you' to everybody that's really working hard during these latest restrictions to just help make it work and make … For £18* a year you will receive 2 reusable hard-wearing 90 litre bags, 25 fortnightly collections a year (collections are on alternate weeks to your blue bin) and ID tags showing your address and payment expiry date. Rushmoor borough council in Hampshire has extended its refuse and recycling collection contract with Veolia Environmental Services by seven years. You can buy additional … Tickets cost £1 with 60% of every ticket going to a good cause chosen by you - and you also have a chance to win up to £25,000! Rushmoor Borough Council is the data controller for personal information you provide on application forms, letters of representation, enquiry or complaint or responses to notification. Undecided 3 votes (0.92%) Total 326 votes (100%) This is about 1% of the households in Rushmoor - not bad for my first on-line poll.