He has a smaller hand size but can more easily increase it in both forms, and also boost his card-drawing ability beyond the value of She-Hulk’s ability while simultaneously removing threat. Now let’s look at these cards purely as threat removers. Primarily, I think some sort of way to put a card aside and retrieve it later, like a Bruno Carrelli but for other heroes, or even just bring it back from the discard pile would make Gamma Slam more viable. She-Hulk dies. Comment. Combining with Squirrel Girl, Hawkeye, or even something like Tac Team would be helpful. Sure, there may come a time when the last Thor comic is written, and that point will serve as the character's end in a technical sense. (spoiled from upcoming Hulk pack), Big Hands, Sneak By, Helicarrier and Avengers Mansion. But still, the God of Thunder, like other superheroes, will never die. I have tried to group these based on the function they fulfill in the deck as best I can. without the bonus. Originally posted by olympian She is currently stronger than him at Marvel. 1 Schöpfung 2 Kurzbio 3 Kräfte und Fähigkeiten 3.1 Kräfte 3.2 Fähigkeiten 3.3 Schwächen She-Hulk wurde von Stan Lee und John Buscema 1980 erfunden und in Savage She-Hulk #1 vorgestellt. Who will win in a fight between Thor & She-Hulk and Thor & Hulk? Let’s get into it, starting with the hero’s basic stats. Diana Prince vs Jennifer Walters. The cousin of Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk, Jennifer was a district defense attorney who upon getting injured in an accident was given a blood transfusion by Bruce. Star crossed lovers, ever since Avengers (2018) #11. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. By Nigel Mitchell Published Apr 15, 2017. Having both in play and converting all that damage into a big Gamma Slam is just not an experience I’ve ever been able to make happen, however-. Thor and the Hulk have been trading blows since the 1960s, and CBR is here to give you a run down their greatest battles. Share Share Tweet Email. The antagonists may have their fans, but who deserves their own movie? Related: Marvel Confirms Hulk and Thor Are Officially in a Relationship. at least 3 times to get approximately the same value. To remove that minion requirement, the card would probably have to cost 4. I’m going to call this one a push. 0. , her body initially didn't survive a deadly attack by Thanos, yet she still managed to return to the land of the living. Plus, knowing how many times Banner has survived experiences that should have ended with his death, Walters probably feels even more sure that she’ll live forever. By David Harth Published Jun 24, 2020. just for fun. 39 Stories. I’ll give my thoughts in a “tale of the tape” style, meaning we’ll look at each hero’s stats, printed abilities, signature cards, and any other miscellaneous considerations and decide which hero has the advantage in each category. That makes this card either appropriately-costed or under-costed as a threat-removal hero card depending on what you get and how you’re set up. As she recaps in this issue, she got her powers when Banner gave her a blood transfusion after a gunshot wound nearly killed her. There needs to be at least 3 minions on the table for Ground Stomp to be worth its 2-cost. To compare the two, we’ll have to make some assumptions and try to convert damage and threat to resources/cards. One thing in Focused Rage’s favor is that you could theoretically get both in play and draw 2 cards per turn in hero mode. Superheroes in comic books, like most literary characters, do have forever. That possible additional cost of playing the tutor card first is still worth it because Asgard works for Hero and Alter-Ego forms while Focused Rage is Hero-only and requires you to take a damage. Walters has been killed a few times, but each time she does, she comes back. It’s hard to keep playing a 3-cost ally repeatably and I’d probably rather have the ally block anyway. This is just a personal choice for each individual but it is nice that a character that hasn’t yet received attention in the MCU was available straight out of the Core Set. In She-Hulk's eyes, she's immortal because she has died and come back to life multiple times. Thor’s Helmet puts his hit points beyond She-Hulk’s, but Superhuman Strength gives her a way to boost her attack and deal out Stun in a way that Thor can’t replicate. Reviews for Hulk Vs have generally been positive, often seen as one of the better direct-to-video movies. So the two cards have very similar to damage-to-cost ratios but Hammer Throw has a little more flexible use against minions. Thor tells her that, ultimately, immortality is a lie. The transfusion also gave Jennifer incredible powers, transforming her into She-Hulk. I’ve met people at conventions playing this game, not to mention he son of a good friend of mine, that count She-Hulk as one of their favorite characters and that’s going to go a lot farther than any of the points I’ve brought up. as a second copy since that’s probably the first card you’d use it for anyway. Downplaying Thor (speed, strength, and durability), ignoring refutes, saying he doesn't use his hax, removing powers from him, and then starting to troll and meme. She began working as a lawyer in Los Angeles.Jen was the also the cousin of Bruce Banner, whose house Jen used to visit during the summers … I do think that She-Hulk has the more manageable nemesis set. The only problem for She-Hulk, though, is that in every case where she has an advantage over Thor in stats and abilities, his cards make up for it and then go beyond. She was the daughter of Sheriff Morris Walters and Elaine Banner-Walters. Overall, Thor has the stronger set of hero cards. God of Thunder sticks out as the kind of card that She-Hulk could have really used. But a cheaper ally is hard to ignore in these resource-constrained heroes, These are both 3-cost cards that make up for the small printed hand sizes of their heroes. no research. When Walters seeks Thor's advice, he describes his battle with Galactus, someone who was thought to be an immortal being. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Jen later attended UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) where she gained her law degree. I don’t think anything can be done for Legal Practice and Superhuman Law Division. As she recaps in this issue, she got her powers when Banner gave her a blood transfusion after a gunshot wound nearly killed her. and I Object! Jennifer Banner is the neice of Bruce Banner who had cared for her till the age of 10 (When the other guy arrived) then left her with a friend of his. There are some other cards which don’t really have a good comparison in the other hero’s set. Now that we’ve examined the Identity cards in every possible way (save judging the art, which I’d call a “Push”), let’s move on to putting their signature cards side-by-side. Natural (Avengers Fanfic) by Gingersnapped97. While his words might seem to seem true within the Marvel Universe, the true nature of immortal characters like Thor and She-Hulk is far more complex than it initially seems. She-Hulk may not have forever to deal with this problem; this story will run its course, and before long, another writer will be writing a series about her. But for most of them, the status quo remains consistent. He starts with one less attack but can always get a weapon that makes up the difference and opens some lines of play that save you additional resources. Jennifer Walters was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Directed by Nicholas Corea, Bill Bixby. Loki is incredibly frustrating, Frost Giants are no joke (especially as a boost), and the rest of the threat increases really hit Thor where he’s weakest. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The villain now controls the Green Door, and he hints that he won't let her come back to life if she dies again. Though the Eater of Worlds lived through the birth and death of multiverses, Thor brought his existence to a violent end. Ground Stomp just does what it does while Lightning Strike takes a little bit of building around but I appreciate the flexibility and therefore-. Agree? The 1-cost of One-Two Punch is much easier to get in play while I sometimes struggle fitting Hammer Throw into my plans. She-Hulk just needs to output a lot of damage which is what she’s good at. A Cotati Possessed She-Hulk nearly killed the Thing with her bare hands and punched through the Invisible Woman's force field,without even noticing Susan Richards' efforts to protect her teammate. See: She-Hulk for the main version of the subject. Hopefully on the verge of curing his Hulk condition, Banner meets his colleague, Don Blake, who is mystically linked to a Viking warrior, Thor. So I think against an “average” scenario, if such a thing even exists, drawing at least 3 minions over the course of 10 turns should be expected. That means 4 extra damage and 4 extra cards, or let’s just call it 7 extra cards using that same fuzzy math. Gamma Slam is a very fun card whose damage output can’t be matched by Thor but is very tricky to play. Then, in. By Colin Tessier Published Oct 12, 2020. July 28, 2020 July 28, 2020 jbailey86. The meaninglessness of death in comics is a popular point of conversation, but superheroes are immortal because readers keep them alive. And that threat removal card is more efficient than She-Hulk’s. However, several critics said that it lacked some of the fun that Wolverinehad and required more knowledge of the Thor mythos. KEEP READING: She-Hulk Reveals What Makes Her Angry & It's Pretty Surprising. Wonder Woman vs. She-Hulk would be an epic battle, but in the end, only one would be able to come out of it victorious. Jedoch war Thor selbst überrascht von der Stärke und Red Hulk bagann die Oberhand zu gewinnen und ließ Thor geschlagen auf dem Mond zurück. Split Personality gets you one extra identity flip each time through your deck, and can either net you two additional cards or cost you two cards depending on if you used it in hero form or alter-ego form, respectively. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Going through our deck twice with three copies of the card each time, this is very doable and probably beatable. Walters has survived a bullet wound, an attack from Thanos, and a lethal infection from a Cotati organism. Then, in Civil War II, her body initially didn't survive a deadly attack by Thanos, yet she still managed to return to the land of the living. However, in these decks I’m probably going to want both of them to be thwarting and that gives Hellcat the edge. Yes, that damage fuels Gamma Slam, but that doesn’t totally negate the downside. For this comparison, I’m looking at these cards as ways of further leveraging the heroes’ printed abilities. If you’re going to have to finish off a damaged minion with a hero attack anyway and that point of damage didn’t change the outcome, then it was wasted. Thor just told She-Hulk the most ironic lie, which is quite surprising considering that the two are the Avengers newest power couple. she-hulk hulk marvel captainamerica thor avengers hawkeye loki ironman blackwidow action romance love. "There are none who have forever," he urges her to remember. Thank you for reading. Titania can hit hard and you don’t want to see something that triggers extra attacks while she’s out. The big difference for She-Hulk though is Gamma Slam. It probably will just come down to play-style preference but, looking at only basic use of the abilities, I’m going with-, Advantage: She-Hulk (I’m a higher floor > higher ceiling kind of person. One-Two Punch is usually 1-cost for 3 damage, while Hammer Throw can be 4-cost for 8 damage if you consider the cost of putting Mjolnir back into play. The number of minions in the encounter deck can obviously vary widely depending on scenario and included modulars, but Standard Rhino and Klaw with their recommended modulars have 1/10 and 3/10 minions/encounter card, respectively. See: She-Hulk for all the variations of the subject on the site. Laut dem Filmmagazin Deadline soll nun für die neue Serie She-Hulk mit Kat Coiro eine Regisseurin gefunden worden sein.. Legal Practice and Superhuman Law Division, on the other hand, both usually come out to about 1 threat removed per resource spent, which is what you’d expect from a Basic card not a hero card. Finally, if there were just more ways to thwart out of Protection I think She-Hulk would be great, because her hit points make defending attractive and the healing makes it easier to ride the line for Gamma Slam. Walters has her work cut out for her, as she must continue her attempt to return to normal after her latest trip to the Below-Place. Obviously this is scenario dependent and maybe you shouldn’t just use it without considering what’s in the discard pile and left in the deck but that’s kinda how Thor has to be played. In She-Hulk's eyes, she's immortal because she has died and come back to life multiple times. Hot New # 1. The obvious difference here is that Ground Stomp has a fixed output while Lightning Strike is adjustable. Sort by: Hot. Who will win in a fight between Hercules & She-Hulk and Thor & Sif? In one corner, a green giant who gets stronger the angrier he gets. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Immortal She-Hulk #1 by Al Ewing, Jon Davis-Hunt, Marcio Menyz, and VC's Corey Petit, on sale now. A one-stop shop for all things video games. due to Defender of the Nine Realms, we’d only have to play it 4 times to outpace Split Personality. I’ll have more to say about Defender of the Nine Realms as a pure threat remover next. She-Hulk has 15 hit points with a REC of 5, slightly edging Thor’s 14 hit points and REC 4. Looking at just costs vs raw stats, I’d say these two are pretty much even. Thor god-blasts her. ), because She-Hulk can make better use out of that flip than most heroes. Probably. Winner is determined by incapacitation or death. Round 2: Hulk gets Captain America with his Vibranium gauntlets for backup. Nach seiner Rückkehr auf die Erde verursachte er ein Erdbeben, welches schnell von Hulk, She-Hulk, A-Bomb, den Avengers, den Fantastic Four, sowie den X-Men bemerkt wurde. The Amazonian princess has spent her entire life proving that she was the best fighter from an island of amazing fighters and then … ( Log Out /  This is probably to be expected given that his pure stats are a little weaker and so they have to balance that with his cards. Als die Anwältin Jennifer Walters von Mafiosi angeschossen wird, spendet ihr … Can you defeat the minion you gained with 4 resources or less? abilities deal damage and prevent threat respectively. She-Hulk (real name Jennifer Walters) is a superheroine from Marvel Comics. Superhuman Law Division gets better the more times you use it, but you’d have to use it 3 times before you’d get the same return as For Justice! This article is about the character. The widespread single point of damage from Ground Stomp probably needs to be combined with other sources of small damage to maximize its effectiveness. For series of the same name, see She-Hulk (TV series). Knowing that this cycle is bound to repeat itself, Walters seeks the advice of Wolverine and Thor, two of her peers who know a thing or two about death and resurrection. Round 1: Hulk is armed with his axe and hammer, and Jen gets a mace. Related: She-Hulk Finally Sees the Ominous Light of Marvel's Immortal Hulk. ( Log Out /  Listen people, unless you qualify it with something like, "hand-to-hand only" or "no BFR" or "no godblasts or anti-force" or, "no throwing into space to suffocate", there's no way a brick like She-Hulk can beat someone with the sheer number of powers as Thor. Which one of these super strong super heroines will come out on top. Here's what we learned from the panel at the D23 convention. She-Hulk (616) vs Hulk (MCU) Battle. He probably thinks he's telling the truth, but Thor just lied to Walters on a foundational level. Then determine an overall winner. This one is tough to call because they are very close, with She-Hulk being more reliable if you can flip every turn but Thor having the higher ceiling while being more scenario-dependent. Colin is a Features Writer for CBR and a contributor for Wrestlezone. Some have also complained that Thor seems too weak as he is easily defeated by Hulk. The Guardians of the Galaxy will be featured in the film, with ... She-Hulk revolves around Bruce Banner's cousin, who gains superpowers after receiving a blood transfusion from him. There are few superheroes who are as tough as Wonder Woman. Superhero battle match: Hulk & Red She-Hulk versus Thor & Sif. There’s also the possibility of a scenario putting pressure on your identity and causing you to need to go back to Alter-Ego more often (Kang? Finally, there is just the thematic choice of playing as She-Hulk or Thor. Change ), Rankings – Miniboss Modulars Battle Royale, #HydraRising, Issue #1 – Hawkeye vs Spider-Woman. Written by Josh Bailey Introduction. Speaking with a fallen, seemingly good Celestial named Eson, he told her that humanity had been created by a fallen Celestial to provide a cure against their enemies, the horde. Growing up she was meek and mousy and had little confidence. As a freelance journalist with a writing major from Ithaca College, Colin has turned his lifelong enthusiasm for writing into a career. ( Log Out /  Comment. Das Marvel Cinematic Universe ist noch lange nicht an seinem Ende angekommen. In some ways, She-Hulk is right to feel invincible. She-Hulk’s Do You Even Lift? Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. To do your own fuzzy math, look at the costs and effects of Haymaker, To The Rescue! A She-Hulk TV series is in the works at Disney+ from the folks at Marvel Studios. Critics noted how the movie had a grander and more stylized feel, also enjoying stronger side characters and more focus on Bruce Banner. Completed. I think these two heroes occupy similar spaces in the current catalog of Marvel Champions heroes, and so it should be interesting to compare and contrast them to find out if one is better than the other or, more likely, identify the situations in which each should be favored. Walters died again during the Avengers' conflict with the Cotati during Empyre, but has subsequently been revived. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Thor's input is more meaningful, though. There will practically always be another Thor comic to look forward to. In Immortal She-Hulk #1, Jennifer Walters grapples with the knowledge that, like her cousin, Bruce Banner, she can't truly die. Superhero battle match: Thor & She-Hulk versus Thor & Hulk. Thor states that just like Galactus, he and Walters will die, too. With She-Hulk rejoining the Avengers to stand against an invasion from the Dark Celestials, Jennifer received an incredible power upgrade. During his time as a writer for The Ithacan, Ithaca College's award-winning newspaper, Colin regularly reviewed comic book movies and TV shows. Looking at just the card draw generated by Have At Thee! The fight takes place in the arena on Sakaar. Cosmic Cube . and Worthy abilities are both forms of card draw. But, the conceit of the article must be addressed and therefore-. 0. She-Hulk has a THW/ATK/DEF stat line of 1/3/2, while Thor has a 1/2/2, though Thor’s nearly-omnipresent Mjolnir gives him an effective 1/3/2 stat line at the cost of a card. Each and every time someone reads a Thor comic from the past, he is just as alive as the character currently on the pages of Marvel's comics. YMMV). They’re just not good enough to be hero cards in comparison to what other heroes have. But no matter what happens, contrary to Thor's advice, Walters will live forever. 1 Doesn't Take Advantage of its Colorful Cast, Nocterra #1 Is a High-Octane Debut for Scott Snyder and Tony Daniel, The Swamp Thing Leans Hard Into Horror With Its New Protagonist, The Suicide Squad #1 Is Infinite Frontier's Bloodiest Launch, Sonic the Hedgehog's Heroes Just Got an AMAZING New Secret Base, Avengers: Enter The Phoenix Sets Up a Duel Between the MCU's Best Fighters, Joe Madureira Announces the Return of Battle Chasers Comic, Black Panther DESTROYED Marvel's Most Powerful Wolverine With a DIRTY Move, Marvel's Voices: Legacy #1 Brings Deserved Stories to the Spotlight, Star Wars: How Marvel Brought a New Kind of Symbiote Into the Galaxy, The Last Ronin: TMNT Reveals How Casey Jones Lives On, When the United States Government Asked Stan Lee to Ignore the Comics Code, San Diego Comic-Con Goes Virtual in July, Announces In-Person November Event, The Last Ronin Just Revealed the Ninja Turtles' Next Mutation. The God of Thunder uses this experience to demonstrate that, even for beings who live for millennia, their end always approaches. Through reboots and events that restart the universe, these heroes live in a constant state of flux. Over 10 turns, and assuming you change form every single turn, She-Hulk will deal 10 damage and prevent 5 threat. Round 3: Hulk gets Iron Man in the Mark 46 as backup. I do appreciate that She-Hulk focuses on flipping your identity as often as you can. She-Hulk: Thor Just Told the Avenger an Ironic Lie. Even if the cost is justified, Lady Sif is a little too expensive to reliably play in a Thor deck unless you are really maximizing Have At Thee!. She-Hulk vs Thor. Share Share Tweet Email. Lightning Strike can almost have the same effect for the same cost as Ground Stomp, except that all the minions have to be engaged with you.