This is historical material “frozen in time”. Content may be subject to copyright. The document can be viewed by clicking here. In February 2011, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, based upon an investigation by the DEA, announced the identification of the Lebanese Canadian Bank (LCB) as a financial institution of primary money laun- dering concern under Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act. Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime. Europol’s role is to facilitate information exchanges between Member States, as well as carrying our criminal analysis and assessing threats. The assessment concluded that TOC networks are proliferating, striking new and powerful alliances, and engaging in a range of illicit activities as never before. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. These criminal networks bribe government officials and take advantage of weak border security and ill-equipped law enforcement to facilitate their operations. Protect the Financial System and Strategic Markets against Transnational Organized Crime; 4. 2. Human smuggling and trafficking-in-person networks are growing more violent and lucrative, and exploiting the most vulnerable, especially women and children. Help partner countries strengthen governance and transparency, break the corruptive power of transnational criminal networks, and sever state-crime alliances. Protect Americans and our partners from the harm, violence, and exploitation of transnational criminal networks. In addition, host nation personnel and U.S. law enforcement exchange information on priority investigatory targets. The IDEC brings the top drug law enforcement leaders and senior investigators from over 100 nations to a single venue where yearly agendas are set for cooperation, intelligence sharing, and case prioritization. Work with international partners to shut down emerging drug transit routes and associated cor- ruption in West Africa. The Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) is an independent component of the U.S. Department of Justice. Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime In the U.S. National Security Strategy, the President committed his Administration to the pursuit of four enduring national interests: security, prosperity, respect for universal values, and the shaping of an international order that can meet the challenges of the 21st century. Strengthen Interdiction, Investigations, and Prosecutions; For over 20 years, the National Security Strategy (NSS) has identified the risk of transnational threats to the nation’s security. We will continue ongoing efforts to enhance collaboration among domestic law enforcement agencies and our foreign counterparts in order to strengthen our ability to coordinate investigations and share intelligence to combat drug trafficking and TOC. TOC networks are increasingly involved in cybercrime, which costs consumers billions of dollars annually, threatens corporate and government computer networks, and undermines worldwide confidence in the global financial system. Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime. This network moved illegal drugs from South America to Europe and the Middle East via West Africa and laundered hundreds of mil- lions of dollars monthly through accounts held at LCB, as well as through trade-based money laundering involving consumer goods throughout the world, including through used car dealerships in the United States. During the conferences, DEA and partner nations jointly develop plans to build greater law enforcement and investigatory capacity. As a result, many DTOs have developed into versatile, loose networks that cooperate intermittently but maintain their independence. 4. Table of Contents ... TOC Transnational Organized Crime . The Department of the Treasury found there was reason to believe LCB managers were complicit in facilitating the money-laundering activities of an international narcotics trafficking and money laundering network controlled by Ayman Joumaa who was designated as a drug Kingpin on January 26, 2011 pursuant to the Kingpin Act. We will build new partnerships—with industry, finance, academia, civil society and non-governmental organizations—to combat TOC networks that operate in … The U.S. Government also found reason to believe there were links between the international narcotics trafficking and money laundering network, LCB, and the terrorist organization Hizballah. In 2011, President Obama signed the Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime. The United States will continue its longstanding cooperation with the international community in our joint efforts to disrupt the world drug trade through support for drug crop reduction, promotion of alternative livelihoods, and partner nation capacity building. Along emerging trafficking routes, such as the transit route through West Africa to Europe, criminal networks are spreading corruption and undermining fledgling democratic institutions. Start at Home: Taking Shared Responsibility for Transnational Organized Crime; 24 Hitting Them Where It Hurts In recent years, new developments in technology and communications equipment have enabled TOC networks involved in drug trafficking and other illicit activities to plan, coordinate, and perpetrate their schemes with increased mobility and anonymity. Read the latest blog posts from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Check out the most popular infographics and videos, View the photo of the day and other galleries, Tune in to White House events and statements as they happen, See the lineup of artists and performers at the White House, Eisenhower Executive Office Building Tour, Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime, Enhance Intelligence and Information Sharing, Strengthen Interdiction, Investigations, and Prosecutions, Build International Capacity, Cooperation, and Partnerships. 3. The website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. In July 2011, the Obama administration announced its new Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime, which applies all elements of national power to protect citizens and U.S. national security interests from the convergence of 21st century transnational criminal threats. Transnational Organized Crime Threatens U.S. and International Security. INL works to keep Americans safe by countering crime, illegal drugs, and instability abroad. The President’s strategy will build and integrate the tools of American power to combat transnational organized crime—while also recognizing that we cannot do it alone. The Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime. The annual DEA-led International Drug Enforcement Conference (IDEC), which has been held annually for the past 28 years, is a major contributor to international cooperation and capacity building. Security Studies (ISS), INTERPOL and the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) ENACT undertakes in-depth research at continental, regional and national levels, publishes studies, policy briefs and short observers to monitor organised-crime trends, and … Tap to unmute. Transnational organized crime is considered to be a changing and flexible phenomenon. TOC networks are stealing U.S. intellectual property. A new rewards program will supplement the success of existing narcotics rewards programs in obtaining information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the leaders of transnational criminal organizations that pose the greatest threats to national security. Between FY 2003 and FY 2010, the yearly domestic value of customs seizures at U.S. port and mail facilities related to intellectual property right violations leaped from $94 million to $188 million. By disrupting and dismantling the world’s major TOC networks involved in drug trafficking, we will be able to reduce the availability of illicit drugs, inhibit terrorist funding, improve national and international security, and bring TOC networks to justice. Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime: Disrupt Drug Trafficking and Its Facilitation of Other Transnational Threats. July 25, 2011. TOC threatens U.S. economic interests and can cause significant damage to world financial system by subverting legitimate markets. A White House Fact Sheet on the Strategy. 3. Develop a comprehensive approach to dismantle DTOs with connections to terrorist organizations. In recent years, new developments in technology and communications equipment have enabled TOC networks involved in drug trafficking and other illicit activities to plan, coordinate, and perpetrate their schemes with increased mobility and anonymity. These are career criminals who band… 1. 18 Social Media Intelligence By Tudoriu Constantin-Sorin Using Facebook, Twitter and other sites to combat organized crime. Alongside its judicial sector counterpart, Eurojust (created in 2002 and also based in The Hague), it is a keystone in Europe’s arsenal to combat transnational organized crime. The new whole-of-govern… Due to the enormous profits associated with drug trafficking, the illegal trade is also a way to finance other transnational criminal and terrorist activities. This is historical material “frozen in time”. This Strategy is organized around a single unifying principle: to build, balance, and integrate the 1. A new Executive Order will establish a sanctions program to block the property of significant transnational criminal organizations that threaten the national security, foreign policy, or economy of the United States. By targeting the human, technology, travel, and communications aspects of these networks, we will be able to monitor and gather intelligence to identify the full scope of the TOC networks, their members, financial assets, and criminal activities. Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime In the U.S. National Security Strategy, the President committed his Administration to the pursuit of four enduring national interests: security, prosperity, respect for universal values, and the shaping of an international … Info. Fully implement an intelligence-driven approach to illegal firearms trafficking and violent gun crime. Continued use of economic sanctions under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (Kingpin Act) to pursue transnational drug organizations will enhance our ability to disrupt and dismantle TOC networks. Work with international partners to reduce the global supply of and demand for illegal drugs and thereby deny funding to TOC networks. Collectively, the Administration’s proposals reinvigorate the statutory landscape to be more responsive to extraterritorial threats and the increasingly global reach of criminal syndicates. While many terrorist links to TOC are opportunistic, this nexus is dangerous, especially if it leads a TOC network to facilitate the transfer of weapons of mass destruction material to terrorists. TOC networks insinuate themselves into the political process through bribery and in some cases have become alternate providers of governance, security, and livelihoods to win popular support. ... measures to combat organized crime. Over the past two decades, as the world economy has globalized, so has its illicit counterpart. The Executive Order Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations To combat the rise of organized crime in Africa, INTERPOL is part of Project ENACT, a three-year project (2017-2019) which works to mitigate the impact of transnational organized crime on development, governance, security and the rule of law in Africa. Coordinate with international partners to prevent synthetic drug production, trafficking, and pre- cursor chemical diversion. Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime In the U.S. National Security Strategy, the President committed his Administration to the pursuit of four enduring national interests: security, prosperity, respect for universal values, and the shaping of an international … The result has been an unparalleled scale of international crime. Break the economic power of transnational criminal networks and protect strategic markets and the U.S. financial system from TOC penetration and abuse. Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime. . The executive order calls on the law enforcement community to comprehensively combat transnational crime, including enhancing U.S. cooperation with foreign counterparts against transnational criminal organizations, dismantling those criminal groups within and beyond the United States, and pursuing and supporting efforts to prevent the operational success of those organizations. 1. As many as fifty-two activities fall under the umbrella of transnational crime, from arms smuggling to human trafficking to en… Build International Capacity, Cooperation, and Partnerships. The days when transnational organized crime was a … As the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and on behalf of partners across the federal government, I am pleased to present theNational Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking (National Strategy). National Drug Control Strategy (2019) March 2019 . Intellectual Property Theft. Often connecting these transnational threats are “facilitators,” who operate in both the licit and illicit worlds and provide services to criminals and terrorists. President Barack Obama signed the newly released 2011 Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime on July 19th. Protect the Financial System and Strategic Markets against Transnational Organized Crime; Transnational Organized Crime—a Threat to US and International Security—Manifests Itself in Various Regions in Different Ways. Enhance victim identification and the provision of relief and services for all victims of trafficking. Strengthen Interdiction, Investigations, and Prosecutions; 5. Strategically, this plan appears appropriate considering the … Build international consensus, multilateral cooperation, and public-private partnerships to defeat transnational organized crime. The website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. The Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) is an independent component of the U.S. Department of Justice. 2. The nexus in some states among TOC groups and elements of government – including intelligence services personnel – and big business figures threatens the rule of law. It called on states to strengthen border management to prevent the movement of terrorists and terrorist groups. IDEC— the world’s largest international drug law enforcement conference—has produced concrete results year after year. Sustain pressure to disrupt Consolidated Priority Organization Targets, as they often have a particu- larly corrupting influence or provide support to terrorism. Build international consensus, multilateral cooperation, and public-private partnerships to defeat transnational organized crime. . In January 2010, the United States completed a comprehensive assessment of transnational organized crime – the first such assessment since 1995. 3. White House Announcement, July 25, 2011. Start at Home: Taking Shared Responsibility for Transnational Organized Crime; 2. On July 25, the White House hosted an event to launch the Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime .This strategy seeks to build, balance, and integrate the tools of American power to combat transnational organized crime threats to national and international security. The expanding size, scope, and influence of transnational organized crime (TOC) and its impact on U.S. and international security and governance represent one of the most significant of those challenges. Maximize use of the Kingpin Act to pursue transnational drug organizations. Share. … Established in 1982, OCDETF is the keystone of the Attorney General’s strategy to reduce the availability of illicit narcotics throughout the United States using a prosecutor-led, multi-agency approach to combat transnational organized crime. As outlined in the National Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime, TOC networks have now evolved to form a crime-terror-insurgency nexus, with illicit activities that span drug trafficking, terrorism, human smuggling, trafficking in persons, trafficking in weapons, piracy, environmental crime, intellectual property theft, and cybercrime. Copy link. A series of legislative proposals to enhance the authorities available to investigate, interdict, and prosecute the activities of top transnational criminal networks. An Assessment of the Threat to U.S. National Security Posed by … The United States will continue to aggressively target the nexus among TOC networks involved in drug trafficking, terrorist groups, piracy on the high seas, and arms traffickers. ... Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against and a Strategy To Combat It: “ ” Co-opting some governments and weakening governance in others. The Threat of Transnational Organized Crime. Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime - YouTube. supply in … Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime. A Presidential Proclamation: Suspension of Entry of Aliens Subject to United Nations Travel Bans and International Emergency Economic Powers Act Sanctions. The roots of Eurasian organized crime in the United States lie with the Vory V Zakone, or thieves in law. Established in 1982, OCDETF is the keystone of the Attorney General’s strategy to reduce the availability of illicit narcotics throughout the United States using a prosecutor-led, multi-agency approach to combat transnational organized crime. Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime: Addressing Converging Threats to National Security [open pdf - 818 KB] "The Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime applies all elements of national power to protect citizens and U.S. national security interests from the convergence of 21st century transnational criminal threats. This five-yearNational Strategywill strengthen Canada’s response to human trafficking and support broader Government of Canada commitments, including preventing and addressing gender-based violence, and supporting the safety and security of Indigenous peoples. TOC groups, through their state relationships, could gain influence over strategic markets. 4. The Strategy has five strategic objectives: There are 56 priority actions in the Strategy under the following chapters: By prioritizing existing resources, the Strategy also introduces the following new and innovative capabilities and tools: The Interagency Policy Committee on Illicit Drugs and Transnational Criminal Threats, led by the National Security Staff and the Office of National Drug Control Policy, will oversee implementation of the Strategy. The Administration clearly identified transnational crime as a threat to public safety and national security, and committed through the National Security Strategy to pursue transnational threats to their source. Terrorists and insurgents increasingly are turning to crime and criminal networks for funding and logistics. The Proclamation also provides additional legal authority for barring admission to the United States of persons subject to United Nations Security Council travel bans. As its name suggests, OCDETF attacks the highest levels of organized crime, including the. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Start at Home: Taking Shared Responsibility for Transnational Organized Crime; Enhance Intelligence and Information Sharing; Protect the Financial System and Strategic Markets against Transnational Organized Crime; Strengthen Interdiction, Investigations, and Prosecutions Enhance Intelligence and Information Sharing; 3. There are 56 priority actions in the Strategy under the following chapters: 1. Traditional organized crime, ranging from the Italian-American mafia to street gangs, has long been a target of American law enforcement efforts. 2. Sever the links between the international illicit drug and arms trades, especially in strategic regions that are at risk of being destabilized by these interconnected threats. The United States will utilize its bilateral maritime counterdrug agree- ments and operational procedures to facilitate cooperation in counterdrug operations. TOC networks are engaged in the theft of critical U.S. intellectual property, including through intrusions into corporate and proprietary computer networks. “Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime” (July 19, 2011),7 National Security Presidential Directive-59/Homeland Security Presidential Directive-24, “Biometrics for Identification and Screening to Enhance National Security” (June 5, 2008),8 and Executive Order 13863 (March 15, 2019).9 “This Strategy is organized around a single, unifying principle: to build, balance, and integrate the tools of American power to combat transnational organized crime and related threats to our national security—and to urge our partners to do the same… While this Strategy is intended to assist the United States Government in combating transnational crime, it also serves as an invitation for enhanced international cooperation. The result is a convergence of threats that have evolved to become more complex, volatile, and destabilizing. Unlike purely domestic organized crime, transnational organized crime, defined by the Justice Department as groups that pursue criminal activities across geographic boundaries, has profound national security implications. In FY 2010, 29 of the 63 top drug trafficking organizations identified by the Department of Justice had links to terrorist organizations. We must attack these organizations as close to the source as we can by forward deploying our law enforcement and intelligence assets. Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime; Priority Actions. The Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime applies all elements of national power to protect citizens and U.S. national security interests from the increasing dangers of 21st century transnational crime. The Kingpin Act also may be used to prosecute persons involved in illegal activities linked to drug traffick- ing, such as arms trafficking, bulk cash smuggling, or gang activity. By Joseph Wheatley, trial attorney, Organized Crime and Gang Section, U.S. Department of Justice An informal group of financial sleuths is critical to fighting transnational crime. Transnational criminal organizations represent a true national security threat to our countries. Home / News & Events / Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime: Disrupt Drug Trafficking and Its Facilitation of Other Transnational Threats In recent years, new developments in technology and communications equipment have enabled TOC networks involved in drug trafficking and other illicit activities to plan, coordinate, and perpetrate their schemes with increased mobility and … ... 2019 . INCSR 2019 Volume 1 Table of Contents i . While on one hand globalization has triggered easier and faster communication, movement of finances and international travel, it has also created opportunities for criminal … The World Bank estimates that about $1 trillion is spent each year to bribe public officials. To diminish these threats, we will continue ongoing efforts to identify and disrupt the leadership, production, intelligence gathering, transportation, and financial infrastructure of major TOC networks. Enhance Intelligence and Information Sharing; transnational, national, and regional criminal organizations most responsible for the illegal drug. In the Addis Agenda, Governments:. The Strategy to Control Transnational Organized Crime at the National and International Levels. STRATEGY TO COMBAT TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME. Watch later. These efforts will include complementary and comprehensive assistance programs across the preven- tion, intervention, and enforcement spectrum. 38 pages. Disrupt Drug Trafficking and its Facilitation of Other Transnational Threats; and The global impact of transnational crime has risen to unprecedented levels. Enhanced intelligence sharing and coordination among law enforcement and intelligence agencies, the military, and our diplomatic com- munity will enable the interagency community to develop aggressive, multi-jurisdictional approaches to dismantle TOC networks involved in drug trafficking. Shopping. OCDETF’s efforts are not limited to drug enforcement, however. The White House on July 25, 2011 released the following: “Posted by Eric H. Holder, Jr. Today, I am proud to stand with my colleagues from across the Administration as we unveil a comprehensive, cutting-edge strategy – the Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime – that will take our nation’s fight against transnational organized crime to the next level. The United States must continue to play a strong leadership role, together with committed partners, in mobilizing international resources to address emerging threats. Security Studies (ISS), INTERPOL and the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) ENACT undertakes in-depth research at continental, regional and national levels, publishes studies, policy briefs and short observers to monitor organised-crime trends, and … REPORTS Transnational Organized Crime in the Pacific: A Threat Assessment - English, 2016 The Afghan Opiate Trade and Africa - A Baseline Assessment - English, Русский, 2016 Drug Money: the illicit proceeds of opiates trafficked on the Balkan route - English - Русский, Executive summary, 2015 Afghan opiate trafficking through the southern route - Full report 2015 5. Maximize partnerships with other Federal, State, Tribal, and local law enforcement agencies to identify and arrest armed offenders. Defeat transnational criminal networks that pose the greatest threat to national security by targeting their infrastructures, depriving them of their enabling means, and preventing the criminal facilitation of terrorist activities. In FY 2002, the DEA formally established the Counter-Narco-Terrorism Operations Center (CNTOC) within SOD, which coordinates all DEA investigations and intelligence linked to narco-terrorism and is central to U.S. efforts to disrupt these crime-terror relationships. 5. Resolution 2195, stressing the need to work collectively to prevent and combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including terrorism benefiting from transnational organised crime, was adopted during the debate. All-source intelligence is used by U.S. Coast Guard assets in the transit zone to extend our borders by interdicting and apprehending traffickers. Some well-established organized criminal groups that have not previously been involved in producing narcotics are now seeking to develop their own distribution and trafficking networks. Our counternarcotics efforts will apply all available tools to ensure that improvements are permanent and sustainable by international allies. Forging alliances with government elements including security services and big business figures. Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime. Criminal groups have appropriated new technologies, adapted horizontal network structures that are difficult to trace and stop, and diversified their activities. In the U.S. National Security Strategy, the President committed his Administration to the pursuit of four enduring national interests: security, prosperity, respect for universal values, and the shaping of an international order that can meet the challenges of the 21st century. A new Presidential Proclamation under the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act will bar admission to the United States of persons designated under the Executive Order and other comparable sanctions programs. TOC penetration of states is deepening, leading to co-option in some states and weakening of governance in many others. And the following state crimes: Eurasian TOC groups often engage in a myriad of criminal activity including healthcare fraud, securities and investment fraud, money laundering, drug trafficking, extortion, auto theft, interstate transportation of stolen property, robbery, attempted murder, and murder. The Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime applies all elements of national power to protect citizens and U.S. national security interests from the increasing dangers of 21st century transnational crime. They operate worldwide and employ sophisticated technology and financial savvy. 6. The Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime applies all elements of national power to protect citizens and U.S. national security interests from the convergence of 21 st century transnational criminal threats. 4. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda commits to prevent all forms of violence, combat terrorism and crime, and end human trafficking and exploitation of persons, in particular women and children, in accordance with international human rights law.. In 2000, the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, were adopted by the General Assembly and entered into force at the end of 2003. We encourage our partners and allies to echo the commitment we have made here and join in building a new framework for international cooperation to protect all our citizens from the violence, harm, and exploitation wrought by transnational organized crime.”, — President Barack Obama