The teachers' notes and the students' test results, which used to be the main sources of laboratory research, have begun to be taken as elements of triangulation and validation of data built up from video recordings. If the interviewee has a particularly heavy accent or is mumbling … Video … The present reflections have been built from experience with using this resource in research conducted by us and from the dialogue with studies carried out by other researchers. This article presents reflections and guidelines about the ever more frequent use of video recordings in qualitative research, discussing specificities of the production and analysis of audiovisual material associated to investigation procedures in social and human sciences. Since at the end of field work one can have dozens of hours of recording, the number of pages necessary to translate all this is very high, which makes the transcription process inefficient. However, such problems have been solved, since the current cameras have built-in memory devices, eliminating the use of tapes. Tese (Doutorado em Psicologia) - Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2007. An interview that has not been recorded causes great inconvenience to the research and the ones who participate in it and lend their time. This methodology has generally been adopted in the analysis of written materials, but it has produced good results when applied to audiovisual materials. It may be less than a minute (if the images there make sense for the one who analyses them) or it may be a few minutes (but it is important to remember that in the audiovisual language a few seconds of image can contain many elements to be analyzed). Video in Qualitative Research provides practical guidance for students and academics on how to use video in qualitative research, how to address the problems and issues that arise in undertaking video … Abused children, who live in situations of risk or who suffer teaching or punitive measures because of some infraction can not have their pictures released under any circumstances, even with parental consent. ), it is ideal that children's faces appear slightly blurry. Thus, certain aspects can only be recorded and analyzed through the use of video recording. recordings of … According to the authors, sound and moving images integrated may help unravel the complex network of production of meanings and senses expressed in words, gestures and relationships, understand the children's cultures and capture the essence of the narratives at stake. 2In most cases, it is necessary to use an external microphone, connected to the camera, to ensure good sound quality, since built-in microphones generally capture the entire sound environment, including external noise that hamper the proper record of the speeches. It is hoped that this will contribute to the debate on the necessary and close correlation between object and method in empirical studies. (2006), the capture of video images is a rich source of information, especially in research with children, "after all, how can one register so many intricacies, so many details, so many relationships and then look into them? It is therefore absolutely necessary to make short reminders within the program itself about each scene content, because when printing the report of partial analysis we will have only a given amount of time codes associated with categories and / or concepts and so forth. Researchers who routinely utilize recordings during analysis are more likely to derive valid interpretations of the data while also staying connected to the fundamental goal – the raison d’être – of qualitative research, i.e., to embrace the complicated realm of the lived experience to gain an in-depth understanding of people in relationship to the research … Q 9: Workshop 7.avi - 9:7 [Shop 7.AV] (32286 [236]) (Super) Codes: [rules of games - Family: Levels of development according to Piaget10] No memos, Comment: "I won because I like to play this game.". [ Links ], CARVALHO, A. M. Metodologia de pesquisa em ensino de física: uma proposta para estudar os processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Advances in communication technologies offer new opportunities for the conduct of qualitative research. Many researchers choose to transcribe the recordings, turning the … Such decision needs to be closely associated with the research object and objectives and it requires adequate foundation and justification. 1 Latin American Journal of Nursing. In this case, one must place it in a location that allows recording, as widely as possible, the activities or events. 2. ed. (2006) emphasize the reduction and the consequent impoverishment of the transcript in comparison to the recorded image. The camera was aimed at the children, but we could also record excerpts from what was being projected on the screen (the projections were made on an entire wall and / or a big screen). 2. ed. There are nowadays technological resources - such as those offered by ATLAS.ti - which allow a direct coding of the recorded material (in spite of some operational limitations) and make it possible to search in the videos themselves the best they can offer the research, without turning videos into another type of data (written data). For them, "video recording allows recording even fleeting and non-repeatable events, which are very likely to escape direct observation" (p. 423). According to Rosalia Duarte (2002), when transcribing interviews and listening to his/her own voice, the researcher can critically evaluate his/her performance and improve it gradually. Many qualitative studies collect audio or video data (e.g. In our case, we generally used the tripod during the screenings of audiovisual products, moments in which children tended to stay more focused and quiet, occupying a more restricted space inside the room where the research was conducted. It is important that all the video files are organized in one place - a single DVD or pen drive, for example, or a single folder on the computer or external hard drive - before being transferred to the program's database. In research with children, it is important to allow them to manipulate the equipment under supervision - shooting each other and watching then. One can not specify in advance the adequate time of a unit of analysis. Results This paper highlighted the benefits of using video techniques, such as multi-channel recording and video coding, and compared “unmanned” video recording with the traditional observation method in primary care research. If you encounter a problem downloading a file, please try again from a laptop or desktop. (Orgs.). In studies taken as reference for the production of this article, video recordings were very important to capture accurately the aspects that go beyond speech. In: REUNIÃO ANUAL DA ASSOCIAÇÃO NACIONAL DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO E PESQUISA EM EDUCAÇÃO, 29., 2006, Caxambu. 2006; SADALLA; LAROCCA, 2004; CARVALHO, 2004; PINHEIRO; KAKEHASHI, ANGELO, 2005, LEONARD et al. This is an accessible and practical guide to qualitative techniques for students and researchers across the social and health sciences. Their use is, above all, a theoretical and methodological decision made by the researcher. Thanks, [Maggie].” I’ve been meaning to write a detailed post on how to record … There are sayings that are not pronounced orally, sayings that are not captured by a recorder and that end up lost without a record..." (p. 6). how researchers may address the validity of video recording as a qualitative research tool. The use of video to record social life. 3. E-mail: The first step for the analysis of recorded material using a computer is to move the videos recorded on tape or on digital camera memory to the computer. In the literature, there is a debate regarding which of these recording … As a qualitative study, the video can capture the context of interactions, and allows us to make repeated revisions in order to create a code for the comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon. E-mail:, Received on 7 Sept 2010 Petrópolis: Vozes, 2008. p. 137-155. In: BAUER, M. W.; GASKELL, G. Throughout the analysis, the small fragments of video should be reorganized and codified, i.e., associated with categories, keywords, concepts or even a neutral code, such as letters or numbers, to enable the production of reports in which one can view the entire analysis. For her, the exaggerated care with children's names associated with the free, abusive and indiscriminate exhibition of their images in some research reports is paradoxical. It is difficult to define units of analysis a priori, so one needs to break gradually and carefully all the scenes shot and, at the same time, to organize, catalog and link them to categories. In qualitative research, for example, it is crucial for the researcher to ask whether, in light of his or her object and goals, it would be more appropriate to conduct systematic observations, to produce a handwritten or recorded field journal, to conduct interviews (structured or not), to photograph, to videotape and so on. 7 For example: the time code of a scene is 00:02:20 - 00:04:00. The first procedure in such analysis is the fragmentation of the videotaped images in units of analysis - the smallest image fragment that makes sense for the researcher. 1999; SILVA, 2007) indicate that the proper use of the moving image, coupled with the audio, allows capturing aspects that may go unnoticed when other resources are used. Add your first video recorder to a Qualtrics survey To start click on the Create New Project blue button on the right and select Survey. Even if the recording of research situations is performed by others, it is for the researcher to determine the situations that should be recorded on video, the duration of each recording, the angles from which it must be made, the type of framework that s/he considers appropriate and so on. This means that in a record of 60 minutes, it was recorded between 2 minutes and 20 seconds and 4 minutes from the start of the recording, and therefore it is 1 minute and 40 seconds long. Pesquisa qualitativa com texto, imagem e som. For these recordings of lessons or sequences of lessons to be transformed into data, however, key situations, related to the questions of investigators, had to be cut out of the videos and then analyzed. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Educação 2In most cases, it is necessary to use an external microphone, connected to the camera, to ensure good sound quality, since built-in microphones generally capture the entire sound environment, including external noise that hamper the proper record of the speeches. The researcher can choose to see, for example, the citations associated with a particular category, one at a time, but one can not view them all at once, taking an overall view. In the case of work in small groups, the camera should focus the same group throughout the work, so that the complete evolution of the activities and arguments could be seen. Copy and paste the following HTML into your website. Only by analyzing the material later, did we notice that the child had given the same information five weeks before, which probably had caused the emphasis on the repetition of the information. The authors quote Maria Isaura de Queiroz, for whom the researcher becomes again an intermediary when s/he transcribes the data that have already been cut out by him or her, and thus reduced, at the time of filming. In this context, the use of video recording allowed the micro genetic exam of the manipulation of artifacts by children and the interactions established among themselves and with the educators. Research organizations are deploying VALT to create a powerful, agile, and customizable video recording system for medical/behavioral research facilities, focus groups, product testing, user experience … Data collected through interviews can be recorded through field notes, transcripts, or tape recordings. Cadernos de Pesquisa, São Paulo, n. 116, p. 41-59, jul. According to Peter Loizos (2008), video recording is necessary "whenever any set of human actions is complex and difficult to be comprehensively described by one observer as it unfolds" (p. 149). The recording can be viewed or listened to repeatedly in case of doubt or during … Petrópolis: Vozes, 2008. p. 342-364. P8 corresponds to the recording of workshop 5 and P9 to workshop 7. Thus, several units of analysis are grouped under the same name (which is called encoding). Thus we span all categories of video work and touch on various research methods in our six-chapter report addressing the following: 1. When we analyze written texts and select fragments, organizing them into categories, when we print a report with the results of these procedures, we can see all the units of analysis selected, whether words, sentences or text fragments, which were associated with categories. 2. Video in Qualitative Research: Analysing Social Interaction in Everyday Life is a well-constructed and useful introduction for Undergraduate students who wish to undertake video based projects for the … Sign into your Profile to find your Reading Lists and Saved Searches. Andrea Garcez The focus of the procedures linked to the semantic dimension is "the relationship between the signals and their normal sense - the denotative and connotative meanings in a text" (p. 193). In this paper, we have sought to present results of the discussions that we have had within our research groups on the use of video recordings as a resource for the production of empirical data in qualitative research in order to contribute to the debate about the necessary articulation of the object / method in investigative procedures. The program allows such fragmentation: it opens a small window where the entire video is displayed, allowing the researcher to select the beginning and end of the scenes to be cut in the shape of citations. After choosing the name of your survey, click on Get Started and you will be sent to the survey's … A statement indicating where and how recordings will be stored, secured. During a workshop in which we screened a cartoon episode that addressed the issue of children's games and their rules, one of the children used the word cheat to describe something that can occur in a game. We proposed a list that can be followed step by step to conduct an effective video … In another workshop, a child said he did not usually watch the show screened that day. Of all observing and recording techniques, video-recording has been recommended as the best method for researching doctor–patient communication because it captures all modalities of the interaction between participants in a consultation.1 This ability to obtain a complete record of both clinicians' and patients' c… One of the criticisms made about empirical studies of a qualitative basis concerns the inappropriate use of research methodologies as a result of a less than careful match between the research object/problem and the data production procedures. The equipment should be shown to the subjects of the research a little before the official start of fieldwork, so that they become accustomed to the idea that they will be filmed. 2002. 11 In this case, decoupage is the fragmentation of the video into scenes to be taken as units of analysis. Zena Eisenberg is a professor of the Graduate Program in Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and the coordinator of the Research Group Human Development and Education. For the success of field work, it is essential to test the camera and check in advance the quality of images and sounds it captures. It is up to the researcher to choose the method best suited to the gathering of the data and to the theoretical assumptions guiding it, and to that purpose he/she must have knowledge of the various choices available. Crianças, mídias e diálogos. E-mail: This enables the researcher to view classified material as often as s/he deems necessary and reassess the adequacy of the categorizations that s/he produced. Recording is usually achieved through audio or video techniques, and this process has a great deal to offer the researcher. [ Links ], KRAMER, S. Autoria e autorização: questões éticas na pesquisa com crianças. These inferences are on the speakers, the message itself or the audience of the message "(WEBER, 1985 apud BAUER, 2008, p. 192). Literature / Research There have been several articles written, but there appears to be very little research into the efficacy of the various methods used by interviewers to capture information. This introduction to the equipment has many advantages: it partially satisfies the curiosity and fascination with novelty, it hinders less the progress of activities in class and it shows respect for children because it allows them to understand what is happening and what they are taking part in. Thank you. video offers a means of close documentation and observation and presents unprecedented analytical, collaborative, and archival possibilities. (Orgs.). Please log in from an authenticated institution or log into your member profile to access the email feature. This article presents ideas and recommendations about the use of video recording in qualitative research, discussing specifics of the production and analysis of audiovisual materials in research procedures. P8 corresponds to the recording of workshop 5 and P9 to workshop 7. In this case, the reports help, as long as the researcher has enriched them with comments and / or reference words. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, v.13 , n. 5, p. 717-722, set-out. Currently, it is easy to operate a camera like that. This can be done by connecting the camera directly to the computer or, in the case of mini-DV tapes, by making use of an editing deck4 and an image-editing program5. E-mail: The idea that the video captures elements of complexity is also present in studies outside the field of education, such as the article by Eliana Pinheiro, Teresa Kakehashi and Margareth Angelo (2005), published in Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem1. (2006) warn that one should not feel tempted to shoot everything and store a large volume of recordings that do not meet the needs of the researcher and may even become incomprehensible. With regard to research with children in groups, it is important to remember that they speak at the same time, interact, play, sit, get up, do not remain still and they communicate among themselves and with the researchers all the time. All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License, Av. In our case, we opted to use the ATLAS.ti program3 because it allows the integration of documents in different formats - text, image, graphic, audio and video - on the same operating environment. Ethical aspects of research on video recording. Andrea Garcez is a doctoral student of the Graduate Program in Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and a member of the Research Group on Education and Media. For children, the authorization of parents or guardians is necessary, and even then, it depends on the circumstances. Filming consultations is now an established method of recording general practice consultations, and video-recorded consultations have been used for a variety of primary care research purposes.