The inmate classification CI stands for controlled intake. Once an inmate file has been assembled and they have completed all group and individual testing, the inmate is assigned a counselor who determines an inmate’s initial custody classification. A collection of material about prison classification. Our Benton County Jail inmate custody reports often use abbreviations or codes that may be unfamiliar to you. Upon arrival to a prison Reception Center, the inmate must go through the reception and classification process. Effective offender classification is essential in corrections, not only to support daily management and administration, but also to keep the system responsive to changing offender demographics, sentencing statutes, and agency policy. After this, a decision will be made as to where the inmate will serve their sentence. Classification of inmates. An inmate shall be assigned to one (1) of six (6) levels of custody by the classification committee as outlined in . Inmate Security Designation and Custody Classification /s/ Approved: Kathleen Hawk Sawyer Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons . The inmate can be assigned to dormitory-style living units. A periodic classification review process is established and maintained. Controlled intake can describe two types of prisoners. Assigning Inmates to Prisons Prison classification is a method of assessing inmate risks that balance security requirements with program needs. Assigning Inmates to Prison. INMATE CLASSIFICATION FEBRUARY 25, 2010 801 - PAGE 4 1.3 Non-discretionary overrides - The following criteria requires the inmate to be classified no lower than the highest custody level associated with the criteria as applicable to the inmate. Prison classification is a method of assessing inmate risks that balance security requirements with program needs. Inmates Classification Review All inmates in the Pierce County Jail have the opportunity to request a review of their classification assignment within 10 days of the original primary classification decision. The tables below indicate the Arresting Agency Codes, Offense Codes, and Release Type Codes most frequently encountered in the reports. An inmate who has not yet been classified shall be considered a medium custody inmate. There are separate reception centers for females, male youth, and adult males. RECEPTION AND CLASSIFICATION PROCESS. Describes an inmate who is most suitable for housing at a medium- or maximum-security facility or unit. Jail - Deciphering Inmate Report Codes. This could take up to 120 days. Low-medium custody inmates may be housed at HCF-East Unit or NCF-Central Unit. T assigned based on the risk assessment of the inmate as outlined in the Classification Manual. Once all the inmate’s case factors are reviewed he/she will be assigned a classification score. Low-medium custody inmates may be allowed greater movement within the perimeter. This Change Notice (CN) implements the following changes to Program Statement 5100.08, Inmate Security Designation and Custody Classification, dated September 12, 2006, in light of the FIRST STEP Act. CPP 18.1. his level of custody shall be . What takes place when an inmate first arrives to the prison? After a person has been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment, one of the first things that will happen is the determination of their security classification. B. Newly admitted inmates are transported from county jails to one of 11 prison receiving centers where the risk assessment process begins. Newly admitted inmates are transported from county jails to one of several prison receiving centers where the risk assessment process begins.