What did Israel Gelfand mean by “You have to be fast only to catch fleas,” in the context of mathematical research? Despite this, Thanos loved his people unconditionally.Due to overpopulation, the planet began to run out of resources. I don't know if these are his exact words, and he might have destroyed some of the other planets, but he has clear, defined motives to basically solve overpopulation (in an extreme way). It was plagued by overpopulation, however, which caused a drain on its resources and sent the Titan race hurtling towards a societal cataclysm. Thanos actually lays down some of his rationale within the confines of the movie. Explaining what happened to the ruined Titan, Thanos reveals that the planet's population faced dire circumstances, and he suggested they randomly kill half their number in order to spare the rest. I am backed up with the conversation between Gamora and Thanos about her home planet, which goes something along the lines of: Thanos: You were poor, always scraping for food with a growling belly each night. Read: Captain Marvel’s Bored Look Has Fans Concerned About The Upcoming MCU Movie, New Magic: The Gathering Esports Videos Announced, Magic: The Gathering Creator Richard Garfield Says He Did Not Expect MTG's Success, IOGEAR Fokus Mouse 2 Gaming Mouse - Review, Captain Marvel’s Bored Look Has Fans Concerned About The Upcoming MCU Movie. I think you might be misinterpreting the question. The question of what exactly happened to forge the unyielding will of Thanos has captured the attentions of many ... there were no prisons in which to keep Thanos, so he was exiled from the planet. Thanos is a cosmic-level super-villain originating from Marvel comics and a mutant member of the Titan Eternal subspecies with deviant traits, he is known as one of the most evil characters in the Marvel Universe and has displayed godlike abilities in numerous attempts to either conquer or destroy reality: his many evil deeds earning him the title of the "Mad Titan". This is what happened to them! Even with the Mad Titan gone, the riots continued, and the planet fell into a state of destruction. As @Gnemlock has said you appear to have misinterpreted the question, or at least the dialogue from that scene. The only effects we have seen from Thanos' actions affected the heroes we have come to love. What about the clothes? Beyond this we don't know. Nebula wou… Did Thanos exclude certain alien races from the snap? What happened to the planets Thanos already culled? What anyone does after they accomplish their lifelong goals and have the means to do so. Why is the Black Order so devoted to Thanos, even if they can also be randomly killed? What about the everyday people going about their lives? So are those civilisations immune to the effect of his actions or are they impacted a second time? All rights reserved. Though Thanos never specifies how he survived the destruction of his home planet Titan in Avengers: Infinity War, a reason does exist. © 2015-2021 Epicstream, LLC. Thanos’ motivation in Avengers: Infinity War was pretty clear – the Mad Titan was setting out to bring balance to the universe by eliminating half of its living population. Is it legal to go take my license plates off a car I sold, without realizing I should keep my plates? While it is meant to act as an iteration of the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the character, the story is not canon with the MCU. After convincing his fellows that their race would end if they didn’t kill half of the population, riots broke out all over the planet with many people taking their own lives to keep everyone else alive. Thanos would go on to share the news with the people of Titan and his plans to eliminate half the planet, which causes riots, suicides, and more disorder on the planet. March 2021 Topic Challenge: Cornelia Funke. only living things were dusted. Thanos convinced the … However, based on the events of the film we may have some idea of the result: We know that Thanos simply is trying to help everyone out by reducing the strain on the universe's finite resources. Don't forget to register your account and take the. Is Thanos' desire to destroy half of the Universe true to the comic books? The Titans saw his solution to be mad… They go to bed each night with a full stomach and their childhood is a happy one. Beyond this we don't know. We saw Wanda having a tough fight with Thanos and single-handedly killing him on the battlefield as well. In the novel Thanos: Titan Consumed, we finally receive the full origin of Thanos. Now that the Mad Titan has finally completed his quest to bring balance to the universe by turning half of its living inhabitants to dust, the only question left is whether the Avengers can bring the dead back to life. There is no evidence yet addressing what has happened. Born on the planet Titan in a place called the Eternal City, Thanos was the only son of A’Lars – The High Mentor of Titan and architect of the Eternal City. The very first time his mother laid her eyes on the baby, she was driven mad and tried to kill him.Despite his unusual appearance and introvert nature, Thanos was well accepte… After causing so much chaos, Thanos was exiled – but that didn’t really help at all. Your childhood was miserable. Who decides which half of the universe should be destroyed? Can I have a single server listen on more than 65535 ports by attaching an IPv4 address. Absent direct canon answer, this points to the fact that Drax's species was halved again. Given that interaction I think it would be safe to assume that the gauntlet as a whole would act similarly. Thanos: Titan Consumed is a 2018 young adult science fiction novel written by American author Barry Lyga.It tells the story of how notorious Marvel Comics villain Thanos became absorbed in a quest to bring balance to the universe. After being turned away by his father, Thanos shared his findings with the rest of the planet, which caused complete chaos. What happened to those killed by Thanos before the Snap? Pop's question is about something completely unrelated, and the possible dupe is about who decides with neither current answer related to this question. He wanted those characters to not be a threat so he could "consult" with Gamora and Quill. It seems inevitable that The Mandalorian will bring Din Djarin and Baby Yoda to Mandalore sooner or later – but what happened to the planet that forced all the Mandalorians off-world? After causing so much chaos, Thanos was exiled – but that didn’t really help at all. Why not 5.Bd2 in the French Defense: Exchange Variation? I agree with Dave Johnson. Surviving an axe through the chest by Thor, he's teleported to a new planet, which looks like a new version of Titan. Why does the amount of days in an year on average of the Gregorian calendar only have 4 decimal places (365.2425)? Thanos had unconditionally loved his people and desperately sought to save Titan when the planet became threatened by the imminent catastrophic collapse of overpopulation. ", or "organic vs inorganic stuff", etc). There is no evidence yet addressing what has happened. Why did the SpaceX Starship SN10 explode? How would people in Medieval times react to the clothes worn by a time traveler coming from the present day? There is no evidence yet addressing what has happened. Thanos offered a solution, to randomly kill off half of the planet's inhabitants so that the other half could truly live without having to fight each other. The Chitauri Leviathans are living beasts, so it makes sense, but the Outrider Dropships are clearly mechanical, as seen in Avengers: Infinity War.. We did not see this with the snap in Avengers: Infinity War, where. Was Xandar aware that Thanos was responsible for the extermination at Zen-Whoberi? Being assigned bad/unwanted tasks if I finish my sprint early. Thanos was one of the last sons of A'Lars, progenitor of the second colony of Eternals on Titan, and Sui-San, the last survivor of the original settlement of Eternals in this moon. Thanos has destroyed half the Asgardians, half of Gamora's people and half of many more civilisations already through the old fashioned method of having them shot. (Who/what gets disintegrated?). Hogwarts Legacy Developer Quits Following Controversy Over YouTube Channel, Pacific Rim: The Black Anime Recap and Review: The Scariest Monsters Aren't Kaiju, New Justice League Trailer and Poster Feature Superman, 25 Best MTG Tutors in Modern That Every Magic: The Gathering Player Should Know About, Magic: The Gathering - The Controversy Behind the Reserved List, 11 Marvel Characters Who Can Beat Superman, Watch: Hawk From Cobra Kai Plays Magic: The Gathering Commander, The Mandalorian's Honest Trailer Throws Major Shade at Sequel Trilogy and Gina Carano, Spider-Man 3's 'Bully Maguire' Replaces Luke Skywalker in Wacky The Mandalorian Finale Video. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. What type of tool or bit is a metal shaft with splines? Thanos snaps his fingers and half the population of the universe is destroyed. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! Since Vision was killed in the infinity wars, he did not appear in the endgame. rev 2021.3.5.38726, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. @ThePopMachine Your interpretation of the policy seems wrong (as I explained in my comments above). What happened to the Collector in Infinity War? My PI is publicly humiliating me: Why would a PI do this and what can I do to mitigate the damage from this? Thanos was born on Titan, and due to his severe deformities, was considered an anomaly by the Titan society and grew up as an outcast. While many saw Thanos’ mission as an act to end lives, the Mad Titan whole-heartedly believe that he was saving everyone else by clearing out the overpopulation. This is part of ALDO JONES'S AVENGERS ENDGAME Weird Trailer. Picking up shortly after the events of Thor: Ragnarok, the third Avengers story introduces Thanos and his children (the "Black Order" from Marvel Comics) after they've already boarded and taken over a starship carrying Asgardian survivors. While Nebula greatly despised her other adopted siblings, she formed a genuine bond with Gamora to the point that they began to truly consider each other as sisters. The predicted catastrophe then hit Titan, causing the mass extin… Marvel just recently released the young adult novel Thanos: Titan Consumed (via ComicBook.com), and in the book readers get to meet Thanos in the formative years and the years leading to point where he was driven away from his home. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. @ThePopMachine You seem to be asking something else ("how did Thanos distinguish people from their clothes? Will Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), Captain America (Chris Evans) and the rest of the A-Team be able to undo Thanos’ massacre? However, based on the events of the film we may have some idea of the result: Thanosproposed randomly killing half the planet's population as a way to preserve their finite resources, but his plan was rejected as too extreme, and he was cast out as a madman. The only effects we have seen from Thanos' actions affected the heroes we have come to love. I'm pretty sure that since he only destroyed half of each of the planet's populations, the other half is fine. Home to Titans, Titan was once a rich, lush world. I've just happened to come across some biomes, and I want to know how rare it is, One can assume the stones know the intent of the user, There is a good chance that a second attack would not occur. Is there a word that means "a force that formed the universe from an original chaos?". When the characters of “Infinity War” show up on Thanos’ home planet, Titan, they find it in utter ruins. Not sure about the others. Lastly, Wanda attended Stark's funeral with all the other Avengers and also mourned the death of Vision and Black widow. At the end of the film, Thanos is seen with a young Gamora in an orange dreamlike world after he snaps his fingers, “killing” half of the universe’s living beings. That is his plan and his motivation; to keep the rest of the universe from befalling a fate similar to his home planet... We also know that when engaging the Guardians on Knowhere Thanos was manipulating reality in real time. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. But the children now know nothing of hunger. Thanos was born to A'Lars, a member of the Titans, a race of powerful, god-like beings that evolved on the planet of Titan. The asker is asking if they were immune from the second round, when Thanos killed half of the population, Hello and welcome to SFF! site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Thanos spoke of this to Nebula at length while she had her cybernetics fitted.. Thanos smiles at a sunrise on Planet 0259-S. I wouldn't even say that his reasoning for his original culling was obvious. Turned away by his own father, the Titan decided to take his findings to the rest of the planet, inciting chaos in his home. Coming up with his own solution, Thanos suggested killing half of the population of the planet entirely at random, freeing the rest … Speaking of Drax... his planet had been culled, yet he was still effected by the snap... Good point... Maybe because technically he wasn't on a planet that had been culled before? What did Thanos do after he successfully wiped out half of all life in the entire universe at the end of Infinity War? This is asking whether the same people could be culled twice; if anything, a subquestion of "how did Thanos choose his victims?". As an infant, Thanos invaded Nebula's home planet, murdering her whole family yet taking her to train her as merciless warrior devoted to his service. The question isn't what happened after Thanos visited and wiped out half the population, pre Infinity War. Is it possible to wear-level a FAT32 file system? Avengers: Infinity War didn't waste any time with its opening sequence.In fact, it skips quite a lot.. At the end of Avengers: Endgame, when Tony Stark . … The story that Thanos gave in Infinity War was over simplified – this backstory actually causes so much heartbreak. All names, trademarks, and images are the property of their respective owners. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. It only takes a minute to sign up. I feel pretty safe in my assumption that Thanos was not thinking "I want there to be (this many) blocks of him exactly (this big) and (this many) strips of her (exactly this wide and long) falling to the floor. Even with the Mad Titan gone, the riots continued, and the planet fell into a state of destruction. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. (I think the characters were affected in that order respectively). Voted to leave open, since neither question is likely to answer this, which is specific to the planets Thanos already decimated (halfimated?). – enumaris Jan 9 at 23:55. What the character didn’t explain was the real reason why Titan turned into the dusty planet that fans got to see in Infinity War. After all, he continued (both before and after snap) to cull civilisations that 1) had already gone through a catastrophic event, 2) had no concern of overpopulation, especially thanks to 1, 3) couldn't even be considered part of a specific civilisation. Whether this was done intentionally by Thanos or how the stone understood his desire is unclear, but either way the stone acted based upon his desires in the situation. It was as told by Rocket after a few minutes’ run of the movie. If it did exactly as Thanos desired to the letter then the only reason those societies would be affected again is if he desired it to be so. The Mad Titan explains to the Avengers that his once lush and beautiful planet ended in tragedy, and some details that were ultimately left out of the film's final cut reveal how he managed to make it out alive. Thanos snaps his fingers and half the population of the universe is destroyed. Is there a word or phrase for an election candidate who wants to win an office to prevent its role being done at all? Throughout her childhood, Nebula trained to be a Galaxy-class killer under the tutelage of Ronan the Accuser. snaps the Infinity Gauntlet v2, all of Thanos's ships also get disintegrated. While there isn't a lot to know about this planet specifically from the movie, Thanos living as a farmer does have a comic book history. The Great Purge, referenced multiple times in the Dinsey+ show, is clearly the biggest reason the race is in hiding, but the woes of Mandalore began long before the Empire's genocide. Planet 0259-S was a planet owned by Thanos that he intended he and the Black Order would retire to after they'd brought balance to the universe. Watch the full video and subscribe to Aldo Jones’s YouTube Channel. Despite his hardliner actions Thanos is still acting... rationally... so I would not see those civilizations affected again. Here’s What Really Happened To Thanos’ Planet Titan. It then became his goal to do to the universe what he was not allowed to do on Titan and kill half of the population of every planet in the galaxy. Avengers Infinity War - Were any deaths caused by Thanos' snap calculated into the 50% or were they collateral damage? At one point, Thanos pulls out a heartbreaking personal story about how his planet turned into a wasteland because of increasing population and minimal resources. What are the consequences of mistakingly publishing existing research? I do not remember who but of Drax and Mantis he turned one into blocks and the other into strips, an homage to the comics as I understand it. Why did Thanos slaughter half of this population at the start of Avengers: Infinity War? Audience-specific texts for custom close reasons: Scientific Solutions or…. Thanos is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character was created by writer-artist Jim Starlin, and made his first appearance in The Invincible Iron Man #55 (cover dated February 1973). Recommend attachment for a drill/driver for drywall screws. Neither questions seem like, if answered, they would. Propose future topics for SFF topic challenges! Why does the Nova Corps list Gamora as the last of her species? It is revealed to be the home-planet of Thanos and was left in ruin due to overpopulation which Thanos tried to prevent by offering a solution to his people which was exterminating half the population. First sequence with no square differences. @ThePopMachine Why would it be obvious? Calculating the integral with an undefined function f(x), How to use the ground wire in 2 prong plugs. What kind of deadly ranged weapon can pixies use against human? His conquest leads him to taking control of … By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. But maybe if Gamora's planet had its population halved again, it would get. Welcome to SciFi! In short: Thanos did it. Learning that his planet would eventually perish because of its dwindling resources, Thanos decided to approach his father for help. Based on @enumaris's comment in the linked dupe question: Drax disappeared and iirc his species was previously culled (hence his hatred for Thanos)...so it would appear that at least his species got cut in half again. His mother Sui-San went crazy upon seeing him after birth and was removed from his life. After seeing what happened to his planet, Thanos concluded that eventually the universe would suffer the same fate, making him believe that his goal was to destroy half of the population of universe setting him on the path to conquest. If the gauntlet acts without specific direction from its wielder then it would take the subconscious desires into account when acting and again, I would not see those civilizations affected. He was born with purple, hide-like skin and a massive body due to his Deviant Syndrome. We don’t really find out what happened next, but Thanos’ planet is a burnt-out husk by the time we visit it in the film. Why am I receiving random input values in my arduino? After seeing what happened to Titan, Thanos understood that the same fate would fall to all planets, and eventually the universe, if he did not intervene. However, this is a nice attempt at a first answer and we'd be more than happy to keep you around! The name mentioned in the movie was THE GARDEN. Unless he did, the stone took some artistic license in its actions, but the desire was still adhered to. User Comiccow6 starts off by setting the scene and contemplating a couple of mysteries spawned by the planet’s desolate state. He retired.