But one must remember to have an open mind and respect other people’s traditions. This tradition dates back many centuries when a thin, flat bread called podplomyk was baked over an open flame and then shared with the family gathered around the fire on Christmas Eve. They are particularly interested in carp, which has protected status in Britain but is regarded as a Christmas delicacy in Poland. What do they eat at Christmas time in Germany? Christmas culinary traditions differ depending on the region, but in almost every Polish house you are bound to eat fried carp. It is a traditional Polish culinary treasure. The most common „Christmas” fish is carp- before Christmas, you can buy in many markets a live carp. Dishes served on the 24th are made only once a year and the recipes used to make them are often family secrets that are passed down from generation to generation. The most common way is carp soaked in egg and covered with crumbs. My family is not really into fish, so we have schnitzels instead of carp. Usually instead of meat it's a fish. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day (or St Stephen’s Day) are important days that are celebrated in many Polish homes. Polish people like to stick with tradition. Eat carp out of a muddy river bottom, and it’s going to taste like mud. Spending traditional Christmas in Poland means that at the beginning you pray and share oplatek – the Polish Christmas wafer (little flat bread) with every member of the family. In most of Polish homes there is carp served for Wigilia. Afterwards it is fried on a pan in hot oil. Well, it is done also in Slovakia. Nowadays, it is only a habit so most Polish people don't eat meat that day. We look at basic forms of preparation, some history, gift giving and sweets on Christmas Eve, the most important of the German Christmas holidays. As in Poland, carp is … These dishes are usually meatless, though this restriction does not exclude the preparation of fish, as carp is one of the most traditional items served. They don't eat any meat on Christmas Eve. These were days of abstinence (refraining from eating meat), prayer, psalms, and anticipation of the holy day. Christmas is one of the most important religious holidays in Poland, with Christmas Eve taking precedence over Christmas Day.But Christmas preparations begin four weeks before Dec. 24 with the start of Advent. "The monks kept ponds with carp in them to eat on Fridays when meat was forbidden. On Christmas Eve, known as Szent-este or Holy Evening, Hungarians eat halászlé, a spicy “fisherman’s stew” made with some combination of carp, catfish, and fogas (perch). Czechs celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December. Some time ago, there was a rule to fast on Christmas Eve. Houses and apartments are cleaned and adorned with decorations, including a Christmas tree. The Polish Christmas Eve dinner consists of 12 dishes, one for each of the 12 apostles. ive got a mate who is married to a croation girl and they eat carp,pike,zander,roach and perch.apparently all very nice.the two polish gardeners in work rave about roach and perch too "very sweet meat" they reckon.ill stick to my steak though! But cooking and eating the carp is just part of the fun. And the most exciting of all is the Christmas Eve meal. Christmas in the Czech Republic is celebrated on Christmas Eve, December 24. In Poland, many carp are still sold live in supermarkets and the fish are often kept in the family bathtub before ending up on the dinner table. In my parents’ house, the foods we usually have on our Christmas table are: Opłatek (Christmas wafer) Red Borscht with uszka (mushroom stuffed pasta pockets) <– these two count as two … King Henry VIII is believed to be the first king of England to feast on the bird, but Britons have Yorkshireman William Strickland to thank for the bird. Some Czechs prefer to gut the fish at home while others leave the dirty work to the fishermen selling their fresh catch. Let’s get into the specifics of what do polish people eat for Christmas. Jewish law prohibits the mixing of milk and meat in cooking and Chinese cuisine doesn’t feature dairy at all. Universal Polish Christmas foods are pierogi as well as some herring dishes, and for dessert, makowiec or noodles with poppy seed. Fried carp – fish is a highlight of Christmas Eve dinner. The key ingredient is paprika, which lends this soup its rich red color and signature kick. The sea was 20 miles away, much too far to get fresh fish," he says. Almost 90% of Polish people identify as Roman Catholics, so Christmas is an especially important time in Poland. In the Czech Republic, carp is the mainstay of a Christmas dinner. Literally translating to “Generous Day”, it’s a day for festive traditions – tree decorating, carols, presents, fairytales for the kids, and our favorite part: preparing and eating the traditional Czech Christmas food! For starters, remember that the taste of the carp – as with many species of fish – depends on what they have been eating. I for one am so excited to experience some Czech Christmas culture and tradition. Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat Please to put a penny in the old man's hat. The Christmas festivities in Poland begin on December 6, this day is known as St. Nicholas Day (Mikołajki in Polish), and unofficially it is the beginning of Christmas in Poland.During this day all good children in Poland receive small gifts (fruits, cookies and sweets), and bad children can receive a … Polish Christmas Wafer: A Flavorless Tradition That's Oh So Sweet : The Salt Before Christmas Eve dinner, some families share the oplatek along with good wishes for each other. Usually, there are more than 15 people at Wieczerza Wigilijna (Polish Christmas Dinner) so it takes some time until everybody wishes every single one of family member Merry Christmas. Most popular - carp, but other fishes are eaten too. Carp can be served fried, baked or in jelly form. Christmas preparations begin days before December 25. Poles keep live carps swimming in the bath for few days and kill it on the day of Christmas Eve. However, other popular ethnic cuisines like Italian and Mexican food do combine the ingredients quite a bit, limiting the types of dishes Jewish people can experience, Lee explained to the Atlantic. Why do we eat turkey at Christmas? German Christmas celebrations vary according to region, religion and taste: Germans have either goose or carp for Christmas dinner. But at least, we do not contribute into statistics of ambulance calls for stucked fish bone in neck ;). Often, there is a compote of dry fruits for a drink. Although it's a naturally fun time for people to celebrate and connect with family and friends, the religious significance of Christmas is also observed through … They eat their Christmas dinner and open presents on the 24th. Oh, my beloved Christmas dish- Mushroom soup. Legend has it that if animals eat oplatek on Christmas Eve, they will be able to speak in human voices at midnight, but only those who are pure of spirit will be able to hear them. Christmas Polish food is festive, very traditional and exceptionally good. Yet tens of millions of people across central and eastern Europe - who have their main festive meal on Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day - will this evening be sitting down to eat carp. "We've come full circle. In the Catholic Church the day preceding a major holy day(or feast day) is called a vigil day. Carp provides a main component of the Christmas Eve meal across Poland; carp fillet, carp in aspic and gefilte fish. Christmas carp is a holiday mainstay in many central European nations. The tradition of Mushroom soup doesn’t start with Christmas in Poland. Shopping for the carp, a few weeks before Christmas, from outdoor vendors selling the fish from tubs, is where the tradition begins. Legends and religion surround the choice. Every time I make this soup, it feels like it is Christmas at home and takes me back to my childhood memories. Eat carp that’s been eating clean vegetation, and it’s going to be mild and sweet. Carp in jelly – the fish is cooked with some … Wigilia—derived from the Latin term "vigil"—is the traditional as has been said,the polish have it for xmas dinner.but these carp in the supermarket do look rough!! Yes, I know when many of you hear/read carp you cringe. The numerous traditional Easter delicacies in Poland are surprising, sophisticated and inspired by spring. Traditionally, it swims in the family tub for a day or two, sometimes becoming a sort of pet before it ends up on the plate. In the old days, people fasted for Advent, homes were cleaned from top to bottom, grudges were forgotten and the birth of the Christ Child was eagerly anticipated. It goes back to fall, when is the time for mushrooms hunting in the forest for mushrooms.