We offer advanced CPR First Aid AED Training. Create an account below by entering your information. 101 - Internet Marketing for Home Inspectors - Andy Patel. Mandatory Fields marked with * Are you interested in becoming a CPR instructor? 100 Most Commonly Missed Electrical Defects. Enroll one student or several for $55./pp Adult CPR/First Aid class at Heartstarters Read more about U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Law Enforcement Academy; U.S. Courts – Probation and Pretrial Services Training Academy . Email us at customerservice@hsi.com or fill the form with your concerns. If you are new to this Learning Center. 实现你读书深造的愿望 一 、 海南文理中专bob综合体育平台 是经海口市bob综合体育平台 局批准、省bob综合体育平台 厅备案成立的一所全日制中等职业学校。 我校始终坚持“以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向”的办学理念,致力培养各行业专业技能型人才。 5 IDPH Safety hours certificate available on request. ASHI and MEDIC First Aid offer a broad range of CPR and First Aid Certification courses and training that is recognized nationwide. Give us a call at 1-800-447-3177 to get more information about any courses. ASHI has partnered up with OSHA to ensure compliant certification! The ASHI Online Learning Center is a portal of online learning opportunities. The FLETC is authorized to train private sector officials on a space-available and reimbursable basis. You are accessing a U.S. Government information system. 102 - Growing and Managing Your Business in 2019 and 2020 - Dan Huber and Chere Bossard The portal contains recordings of sessions that were originally held in-person. This information system is provided for U.S. Government authorized use only. ASHI's CPR and AED training course is designed specifically for laypeople, and is an excellent choice for CPR and defibrillator training in both community and workplace settings. This CPR and AED course conforms to the 2015 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC. This extremely flexible program will help prepare individuals to respond to sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and choking incidents. Warning! Private sector agencies requesting such training must have the endorsement of a federal law enforcement agency stating that the applicant’s training would be mutually beneficial to the agency and the applicant. The Maritime Law Enforcement Academy was established in 2004 at the FLETC-Charleston to provide Coast Guard personnel the necessary skills to conduct their jobs as federal law enforcement officers. This Web-based E-Learning course provides Part 1, the online portion of the Basic CPR/AED amd First Aid course, and includes a series of modules that cover all sequences required for …