Working off-campus? Starting in approximately 600 BCE, thinkers in these societies began to consider questions of how to organize societies, as part of their more broad considerations of how ethics and how to live the good life. Oct 4, 2020. The Invention of Modern Democracy (2016); and Anne Philips, The Politics of the Human (2015). This site uses cookies. New Podcast. To be held virtually, 31st March 2021. MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History Learning Outcomes. Political theory is, by its very … Our researchers are also major contributors to additional specialised seminars on Legal Histories beyond the State, International Relations and History, Contemporary Political Thought and Global Intellectual History. The Seeley Lectures are published by Cambridge University Press: the most recent of these are Josiah Ober, Further details about our work, including the seminars, the Seeley Lectures, the Quentin Skinner Lecture, and other activities, as well as  about the publications of our scholars, can be found at the website of the. The weekly Seminar in Political Thought and Intellectual History provides a forum for the research of leading scholars in all periods, from Cambridge and from across the world. This chapter explores the advantages of intellectual history in comparison with other approaches to political thought generally, and to British and American conservatism particularly, and it explains why, among all the conservatives writing during these inter‐war and post‐war decades, four British and four American historians have been chosen as central figures in the definition, representation, and … Abstract. The MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History offers students a rounded and flexible master's programme that provides them with an introduction to all three of the fields contained within its scope (History of Political Thought, Political Theory, Intellectual History), while allowing them to specialise in their own area of particular interest. The Faculty and University have particular strengths in Global Intellectual History, Historiography, the History of Art and Culture, the History of Political Thought, the History of Religion, the History of Scholarship and the History of Science. 31 March 2021. Volumes of the Cambridge History of Political Thought continue to be published, most recently The Cambridge History of Nineteenth-Century Political Thought. A University of London intercollegiate MA Programme in Intellectual History, with an emphasis on Political Thought. The Anthropological Turn: French Political Thought After 1968 Intellectual History of the Modern Age: Collins, Jacob: Fremdsprachige Bücher Recently these have included the ‘Political Thought, Time and History’ conference (2018), the ‘Global Carl Schmitt’ conference (2019), the DAAD-funded Reinhart Koselleck symposium (2019), and the AHRC-funded ‘History in the Humanities and Social Sciences’ network (2019–20). The Centre for the Study of the History of Political Thought at Queen Mary, University of London was established in 2007. Our researchers are, also major contributors to additional specialised seminars on. Totalitarianism is a concept for a form of government or political system that prohibits opposition parties, restricts individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control over public and private life. History of Political Thought and Intellectual History. The MA draws on the expertise of academic staff from the Colleges and Institutes of the University as a whole in the fields … Professor of Intellectual History Nicolas Guilhot studies conspiracies in political thought Posted on 15 January 2021 On 6 January 2021 a mob of violent pro-Trump rioters stormed the US Capitol, determined to ‘stop the steal’ and block congressional certification of Joe Biden’s electoral victory. The ‘Anti-Colonial Political Thought’ conference is scheduled for 1–2 July 2021. Through the links on this page you will find information on a wide range of activities in the History of Political Thought, Political Theory, and Intellectual History at the University of Cambridge and beyond. Topics: 17th/18th Century Philosophy; 19th Century Philosophy; 20th Century Philosophy; Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy R. G. Collingwood’s description of the difference between the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ of an event had profound implications for historians of political thought in the 1960s, when it played a role in inspiring the articulation of the approach to intellectual history that has come to be known as that of ‘the Cambridge School’. Continuing. The Skinner lectures are published in The Historical Journal. Political Thought and Intellectual History. This chapter examines the tense relationship between the history of political thought and intellectual history, arguing that a modern history of political thought first took shape as intellectual history in response to the 1848 revolutions in Europe, and that it did so in order to make claims about contemporary politics. The Political Thought and Intellectual History Graduate Conference. MASTER AND MORE: Alle Infos zum Masterstudium. The Political Thought and Intellectual History Seminar is the official research seminar of the Political Thought and Intellectual History Subject Group of the Faculty of History. History of Political Thought and Intellectual History - Queen Mary University of London in London, Großbritannien The best intellectual history of modern American political theory is by a political theorist: John Gunnell’s The Descent of Political Theory (1993). Visiting Scholars Scheme. This pioneering study of Bertrand Russell's social and political thought deals with the years 1896 to 1938, and is the first book to embark on a thorough investigation of the intellectual and cultural context out of which Russell's ideas emerged. 9:00-10:30 Education and Aristotelian Ethics. Categories. It then moves back to the nineteenth century, and then forward to contemporary debates about global intellectual history and the history of political thought, suggesting that the primacy of politics is ultimately what differentiates the history of political thought from a potentially more eclectic field of intellectual history. Members of the Department of Politics and International Studies add wide-ranging interests in political theory. Conference Schedule. , a podcast series that introduces intellectual historians from Cambridge and beyond to everyone with an interest in history and politics. The interests of our researchers engage with the multiple contexts, intellectual, political, and institutional in which past political, historical and philosophical texts were written. Ph.D. History of Political Thought and Intellectual History M.Phil. The prize is given annually for the best book published in intellectual history. Welcome to the Home Page of Political Thought in Cambridge. R. G. Collingwood’s description of the difference between the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ of an event had profound implications for historians of political thought in the 1960s, when it played a role in inspiring the articulation of the approach to intellectual history that has come to be known as that of ‘the Cambridge School’. The prize is given annually for the best book published in intellectual history. Political Thought in Canada: An Intellectual History: Fierlbeck, Katherine: Bücher Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen. The dissertation for the MA in the History of Political Thought and Intellectual History is worth 60 credits and should be a maximum of 12,000 words. The Faculty is strong in many different areas of research in political thought and intellectual history, but there are particular concentrations of expertise in the medieval and early modern periods, the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, and in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Journal of Intellectual History and Political Thought, an online peer-reviewed graduate journal, is pleased to announce that it is now accepting submissions for its third issue. Dr Isaac Nakhimovsky (Yale University) and Dr Katrina Forrester (Harvard University) were appointed for 2020 and 2021 respectively. It contains a wealth of rich, detailed arguments on theorists and traditions, set within their political and intellectual context. Current Debates in the History of Political Thought; Classic Rhetoric; Historiography and the development of Political Thought; Theories of the polis, the civitas, the modern state,constitutionalism, ideal state forms. The Political Thought and Intellectual History Graduate Conference To be held virtually, 31st March 2021 The pedagogical intentions of political thinkers throughout the ages have shaped the forms, languages and possibilities of political thought. Yiyang Zhuge (Boston College): A New Model of Citizenship: Descartes as the First Educator of Modernity. Please see the seminar schedule for further details. Nowadays the field stands fairly freely at the crossroads of, for example, art and literature, history, law and politics, theology and philosophy. In order to illustrate this, my discussion takes as a starting point some recent accounts of the Great War, during the years of its centennial, in order to show the ways in which political thought and intellectual history seem inextricably intertwined. The MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History is aimed at students who have an interest in both the theory and history of political thought (including those wider intellectual idioms which provide the context for its development). The Political Thought and Intellectual History Seminar is the official research seminar of the Political Thought and Intellectual History Subject Group of the Faculty of History. Our researchers remain at the forefront of teaching and scholarship in the field, continually taking the distinctive Cambridge approach to the history of political thought and intellectual history in new directions. The Seeley Lectures are published by Cambridge University Press: the most recent of these are Josiah Ober, Demopolis. European Intellectual History / History of Political Thought. In intellectual history and the history of political thought, the Cambridge School is a loose historiographical movement traditionally associated with the University of Cambridge, where many of those associated with the school held or continue to hold academic positions, including Quentin Skinner, J. G. A. Pocock, Peter Laslett, John Dunn and James Tully, as well as David Runciman and Raymond Geuss. Learn more. Course content. Collingwood said, “is the history of thought.” One traditional view of history, now discarded, is that it is virtually synonymous with the history of ideas—history is composed of human actions; human actions have to be explained by intentions; and intentions cannot be formed without ideas. Intellectual History, Jurisprudence, Historiography, History of Political Thought 31.3 million researchers use this site every month. Recent appointments have delivered new strengths in the period after 1800 (particularly the 20th century), matching its established strengths in earlier periods. Modules running in 2019/20 for MA History of Political Thought and Intellectual History (HPTIH) students. Mature students are encouraged to apply. The Quentin Skinner Lecturer in 2018 was Dr Avi Lifschitz (University of Oxford), and in 2019 Dr Emma Hunter (University of Edinburgh). The Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought continues to expand the range of new and classic works in the field. Comment: Dr Lisa Kattenberg (Cambridge) Research theme. Members of the Department of Politics and International Studies add wide-ranging interests in political theory. Much of our research is produced in collaboration with Cambridge University Press. Eventbrite - Cambridge Graduate Studies in Political Thought & Intellectual History presents 2021 Graduate Conference: Education and Educators in Political Thought - Wednesday, 31 March 2021 - Find event and ticket information. This was the first of a series of outstanding publications that have changed forever the way the history of political thought is taught and practised. The Centre is shared between History and Politics, and is co-directed by Professors Duncan Bell, Richard Bourke, Annabel Brett and Duncan Kelly. Political Thought in Canada is a thoughtful and engaging book on Canadian political thought, broadly understood. Nowadays the field stands fairly freely at the crossroads of, for example, art and literature, history, law and politics, theology and philosophy. Ads help cover our server costs. This MA is an intercollegiate University of London programme jointly administered and awarded by University College London and Queen Mary University of London. Researchers in political thought and intellectual history have also been involved in organising a range of conferences, symposia and workshops. There are frequent public lectures in the field, notably the biennial J. R. Seeley Lectures in Political Thought and the annual Quentin Skinner Lecture. The Centre for Political Thought is pleased to announce a new Visiting Scholars scheme. Oct 4, 2020 Collingwood said, “is the history of thought.” One traditional view of history, now discarded, is that it is virtually synonymous with the history of ideas—history is composed of human actions; human actions have to be explained by intentions; and intentions cannot be formed without ideas. If you have previously obtained access with your personal account, please log in. We actively encourage applications from students who have developed an interest in any aspect of the history of political thought, intellectual history, or the history of philosophy. We have a very lively research culture, with seminars involving leading international scholars just about every day of the week. Unlimited viewing of the article/chapter PDF and any associated supplements and figures. There are frequent public lectures in the field, notably the biennial J. R. Seeley Lectures in Political Thought and the annual Quentin Skinner Lecture. The History of Political Thought and Intellectual History Department at Queen Mary, University of London on Welcome to HistoryofPoliticalThought.Net! Overview of MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History course at Cambridge, i.e., University of Cambridge with upcoming application deadlines, average profile of … To be held via Zoom. It is an integral part of the History Faculty's PhD Programme in Political Thought and Intellectual History and the Inter-Faculty M.Phil. Further details about our work, including the seminars, the Seeley Lectures, the Quentin Skinner Lecture, and other activities, as well as  about the publications of our scholars, can be found at the website of the Cambridge Centre for Political Thought. It introduces students to the most important kinds of methodology practised in the field of intellectual history since the nineteenth century, and some of the most influential thinkers and themes in the history of political thought since antiquity. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, Our graduate students  organise an annual conference in the field, and also produce Interventions, a podcast series that introduces intellectual historians from Cambridge and beyond to everyone with an interest in history and politics. Quentin Skinner's classic study The Foundations of Modern Political Thought was first published by Cambridge in 1978. How Neo-Liberalism turned Classical Liberal principles against Workers’. History of Political Thought and Intellectual History. Months of entry. The Centre is shared between History and Politics, and is co-directed by Professors Duncan Bell, Richard Bourke, Annabel Brett and Duncan Kelly. Summary. Journal description. In recent decades Intellectual History has emerged as a field of enquiry that is of importance to a wide range of disciplines within the humanities and social sciences. Recent appointments have delivered new strengths in the period after 1800 (particularly the 20th century), matching its established strengths in earlier periods. Current Debates in the History of Political Thought; Classic Rhetoric; Historiography and the development of Political Thought; Theories of the polis, the civitas, the modern state,constitutionalism, ideal state forms. The Seeley Lecturer for 2019 was Professor Elizabeth Anderson (University of Michigan), on the subject of ‘The Great Reversal. European Intellectual History / History of Political Thought . By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our privacy policy. Democracy before Liberalism in Theory and Practice (2017); Richard Tuck, The Sleeping Sovereign. For the 2020/21 academic year, the seminar will be held online on Monday evening (5:00 pm - 6:45 pm). 11:00-12:30 Judgement, Virtue, and Education in Early Modern Intellectual History. Gandhi (1869-1948), Frantz Fanon (1925-1961). Oct 4, 2020. The Nicolai Rubinstein Lecture in the History of Political Thought and Intellectual History is an annual memorial lecture held in honour of the distinguished Renaissance scholar and former Queen Mary colleague, Nicolai Rubinstein. Specific interests of Cambridge scholars include the dialogue between the history of political thought and modern political philosophy, the connections between legal, moral and political thought, the interface between the histories of international law and political thought, global intellectual history, historiography, and the history of natural philosophy and the history of scholarship. Keedus has read broadly in the intellectual and political debates in Germany in the early twentieth century. Intellectual history “All history,” as R.G. The Faculty and University have particular strengths in Global Intellectual History, Historiography, the History of Art and Culture, the History of Political Thought, the History of Religion, the History of Scholarship and the History of Science. The weekly, Seminar in Political Thought and Intellectual History, provides a forum for the research of leading scholars in all periods, from Cambridge and from across the world. Summary This chapter examines the tense relationship between the history of political thought and intellectual history, arguing that a modern history of political thought first took shape as intellectual history in response to the 1848 revolutions in Europe, and that it did so in order to make claims about contemporary politics. This course provides an essential grounding in modern intellectual history and political thought. Yet contemporary political … The Faculty of History at Cambridge has long been distinguished for study of the history of political thought and the broad field of intellectual history. It contains a wealth of rich, detailed arguments on theorists and traditions, set within their political and intellectual context. Niall O'Flaherty has been awarded the István Hont Book Prize for 2019 Niall O’Flaherty receives the prize for Utilitarianism in the age of enlightenment: the moral and political thought of William Paley (CUP, 2019). History of Political Thought (HPT) is a quarterly journal which was launched in 1980 to fill a genuine academic need for a forum for work in this multi-disciplinary area. The interests of our researchers engage with the multiple contexts, intellectual, political, and institutional in which past political, historical and philosophical texts were written. Political Thought and Intellectual History, Senior Lecturer in Medieval British History, Faculty of History Director of Graduate Training, Professor of Political Thought and International Relations (POLIS), Postdoctoral Research Fellow for the Legacies of Enslavement Inquiry, Professor of the History of Political Thought, Professor of Political Thought and History, University Senior Lecturer in Political Theory, POLIS, Fellow and Director of Studies in Politics, Homerton College, Neil McKendrick Lecturer in History, Gonville and Caius College, Gurnee Hart Fellow and Senior College Lecturer in History, University Lecturer in 19th Century Mediterranean History, Fellow and Director of Studies in History and Politics at Homerton College, Teaching Associate, Department of Politics and International Studies, Fellow, Tutor and Director of Studies, Corpus Christi College, Research Fellow in History, Gonville and Caius College, Leverhulme Visiting Professor, February 2021 – February 2022, Fellow in History and Philosophy of Science, University Lecturer in the History of Modern Political Thought, Fellow, Director of Studies in History, and Perne Librarian, Peterhouse, Bailey Lecturer in History, Gonville and Caius College, Senior Lecturer in the History of Political Thought, Lecturer in the History of Political Thought, Fellow and Director of Studies in History, Downing College, Professor Emeritus of the History of Political Thought, Senior Lecturer in German Intellectual History, Fellow and Lecturer in History, Trinity College, University Lecturer in the History of International Political Thought, University Senior Lecturer in British Politics, Reader in the History of Modern European Knowledge, Mark Kaplanoff Research Fellow in History, Pembroke College, J. H. Plumb College Lecturer and Fellow in History, Christ's College, HK Link Early Career Research Fellow and College Lecturer in Politics, Corpus Christi College, PhD Candidate in Political Thought and Intellectual History, Co-Convenor of the Cambridge New Habsburg Studies Network, MPhil candidate in Economic and Social History, PhD candidate in Intellectual History and Political Thought, PhD candidate in Indian Intellectual History, PhD Candidate in Modern Middle Eastern History, PhD Candidate in History of Economic Thought, MPhil student in Economic and Social History, PhD candidate in Political Thought and Intellectual History, PhD candidate in Economic and Social History, PhD Candidate in the History of Political Thought, PHD Candidate in Political Thought and Intellectual History, PhD candidate in Early Modern Intellectual History, PhD candidate in the History of Political Thought, MPhil Student in Political Thought and Intellectual History, Co-convenor of the Cambridge New Habsburg Studies Network, PhD Student in Political Thought and Intellectual History, 1st in Subject; Times Education Supplement 2019, 1st in Subject & Overall; The Guardian 2020, 1st in the UK Complete University Guide 2021, The Faculty is strong in many different areas of research in political thought and intellectual history, but there are particular concentrations of expertise in the medieval and early modern periods, the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, and in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.